Urgent call for support and people with the capabilities to document what's happening
The strike has already begun, they've shut down the harbor and at least one freeway. It's completely wildcat though, so we have no way of telling exactly where they'll be or when it will end. From what we hear, there are between 1,000-2,000 police and about 2,000 truckers (expecting about 3,000 more). There's simi-meetings and convergences going on in Banning Park, which is close to PCH and the 710. The cops are kind of overwhelmed right now, which explains why they're not being more aggressive. However, we've been told that there's concern for the safety of truckers who aren't in large groups.
There's an urgent call for support and solidarity at the harbor, especially people who can document and circulate information about what's going on. Please try and make it up at some point today or tomorrow- they need our support! Banning Park is a great place to start but you can just talk to any truckers you see down there and they should be able to point you in the right direction.
Banning Park in Long Beach. Go south on the Harbor freeway, and exit going east on PCH The Park is on the right.
Original: Update on truckeros strike