by Tonia
Tuesday, Mar. 23, 2004 at 2:15 PM
Photos taken March 20 in Hollywood at the Peace March to end US occupation of Iraq

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Here are photos taken at the Hollywood Peace March 3/20/04. This was the biggest turn out I've seen since Feb 15th, 2003. I'd put total attendance at about ten or fifteen thousand. It looked to me, during the march, that thick crowd spanned at least three city blocks. The majority did not hang out for the rally. The police broke up the group claiming that Warner Brothers needed the space for their Scooby II promotion. The Topanga shuttle buses were ordered to move, thirty minutes before riders were supposed to return to the buses--making it very hectic. An annoying LAPD helicopter circled over the rally, making the speakers impossible to hear. We listened to KPFK 90.7 FM on the ride back, and heard the rally much more clearly than standing in front of the stage! Isn't that an infringement against free speech? I guess we all have to get wired with radios if we want to listen to our peace activist leaders.