Maria Suarez Vigil at Schwartzenneger's

by John Kawakami Monday, Mar. 08, 2004 at 10:01 PM

Video of Aztec dancers protesting the continued detention of Suarez.

QuickTime movie at 5.7 mebibytes

Suarez is a victim of a frame up, imprisoned over 20 years, and then released only to be put back into prison at an immigrant detention center. People went to the Governer's mansion to demand that she be let free. The shocking story of her abuse, conviction, and current status is at the linked site.

This video was taken at the protest vigil. The dancers were almost not allowed to dance, by a police officer who whined that if they drummed, the neighbors would call, and they'd send a squad car up. (Why not call ahead of time and tell the station to ignore the calls for a minute?) The drummer offered to beat the edge of the drum, rather than the drum head.