by Marcus
Friday, Feb. 20, 2004 at 5:17 PM
In Santa Monica, California, today Thursday, February 19th, six women and four men got arrested in an organized civil disobedience action in support of the grocery striking workers. Other similar actions were taking place at the same time at different locations in Los Angeles.
Public figures showed up to support the strikers. The former mayor of Santa Monica was among the people arrested. Also the actress Jamie Lee Curtis joined the march from 3rd Street Promenade to the Vons on Lincoln and Broadway where the civil disobedience action took place.

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In Santa Monica, California, today Thursday, February 19th, six women and four men got arrested in an organized civil disobedience action in support of the grocery striking workers. Other similar actions were taking place at the same time at different locations in Los Angeles.
Public figures showed up to support the strikers. The former mayor of Santa Monica was among the people arrested. Also the actress Jamie Lee Curtis joined the march from 3rd Street Promenade to the Vons on Lincoln and Broadway where the civil disobedience action took place.
SMPD prevented People from interfering with the arrests. Union leaders had asked their members not to follow the police or the people arrested. That is a strong departure from the actions that took place during the civil right movement era or the populist movement during the 1930's. In those times nobody would get left behind. Everybody would follow the Police to the police station and picket there until the people were released from jail.
What kind of union would ask its members to leave their best fighters behind? A CORRUPTED UNION WOULD!
In the picture, the four women moments before they were arrested by the SMPD.