STOP THE TRIPLE FENCE - Coastal Commission Hearing Wed. Feb 18th

by lotus Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004 at 11:55 AM

The California Coastal Commission is meeting on Wedensday, February 18th at 12 noon at the Lodge at Torrey Pines in La Jolla to decide whether or not to allow the construction of the Triple Border Fence on the US/Mexico Border. You can attend the hearing and show your opposition!

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The California Coastal Commission is meeting on February 18th at 12 noon at the Lodge at Torrey Pines in La Jolla.

The California Coastal Commission is scheduled to hear the proposal by the Department of Homeland Security to build a Triple Fence along the border of the United States and Mexico this month. Put simply, the proposed fence project is not consistent with the California Coastal Act and should not be approved by the California Coastal Commission because of the devastating and permanent environmental impacts that it will have on the sensitive border region.

It is important that Commissioners see that San Diegans oppose the Triple Fence project because it will permanently damage sensitive environmental areas, jeopardize the habitats of rare plant and animal species, and exacerbate human rights issues along the border of the United States and Mexico. We are organizing to turn out large numbers of coastal activists and concerned citizens to speak out in opposition to the fence. Come out and show your concern!

You can get directions to the lodge here:


As today's corporate media coverage states, "the California Coastal Commission, which, under the federal Coastal Zone Management Act, can temporarily delay the project by withholding its consent"

"But there's more here to protect than the untrained eye can see, including some of the state's rarest plants and the 2,500-acre Tijuana River estuary, Southern California's largest and most ecologically diverse wetland."


The ORGANIC Collective Statement on the triple border fence

We believe that people who wish to enter this country through legal or extralegal means are still human and deserve the same human rights as anyone else in this country. They do not deserve to be shot at, hunted down, driven into the desert, or harassed and intimidated by border patrol agents.

The Triple Border Fence embodies the most racist and violent face of so called "Free Trade" which allows capital to flow freely across borders, but not the people who create the capital. In addition, it embodies the full spirit of militarism for the sake of economic gain.

Borders between nation-states are arbitrary and only divide families and friends while allowing corporations to exploit workers for more profit.

The construction of the border fence will hurt the human rights of people wishing to enter this country, will cause massive ecological destruction, and will continue the racist policies embodied in the border patrol today.

Our recent public forum was the beginning of our campaign to stop the construction of the last 3.5 miles of the triple border fence. It was the first in a series, and was an attempt to build a broad base of support and participation within our communities for more action, including direct action, to stop the construction of the fence.

contact us at , or

Opposing Repression Globally and Nurturing Independent Communitites