Urgent: Battered Women Deportation Hrngs Tues & Wed

by repost Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004 at 9:15 AM

Please take the time to send a few emails, stick up for people who need support in their struggles. Please also consider printing flyer to post in your area.

download PDF (210.7 kibibytes)

Rosario Munoz and Maria Suarez, who have been incarcerated in California for 15 and 22 years, respectively, have been approved for parole by Gov. Schwarzenegger after Gov. Davis reversed several parole board decisions for each to be released.??Both are now facing deportation to Mexico, away from their support networks here in the US. Rosario was imprisoned in 1987 for accidentally killing her husband's lover, after 14 years of being abused by her husband. Maria was imprisoned in 1981 for involvement in the murder of a man who bought her for 0 at the age of 16 and abused her for 5 years. Rosario's INS hearing is on January 27 and Maria's is on January 28. See their support pages at http://www.freerosariomunoz.org and http://www.womaninprison.org

Info from The Southern-California Press-Enterprise, 12.14.03/ freebatteredwomen.org

To support Rosario Munoz, please write a letter to Judge D.D. Sitgrave asking her to allow Rosario to be paroled in the U.S. You can mail email (? freerosariomunoz@att.net) them to her support campaign to be placed in her file.

To support Maria Suarez send an email to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (? governor@governor.ca.gov) and ask that he consider giving Maria Suarez an unconditional pardon.

Please also cut and paste a version of your email to CA Senator Feinstein urger her intervention via


Likewise to Senator Boxer via


Here are some good links:

freebatteredwomen.org (California Coalition for Women Prisoners)

http://www.freerosariomunoz.org (Rosario Munoz)

http://www.womaninprison.org (Maria Suarez)

Original: Urgent: Battered Women Deportation Hrngs Tues & Wed