by Marcus
Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2004 at 6:03 PM
Would Martin Luther King like the parade dedicated to his memory? Last Monday I saw hundreds of Junior and High School students dressed in military uniforms. I saw the Coca Cola float. The same company that hires killers to murder union reps in Columbia.

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In the previous years the activists carrying Martin Luther King message of justice and peace were always cast off to the end of the parade, all together. But now they are scattered all over the parade in small groups, in oblivion. I don’t know which one is worst.
What about putting the activists who carry Martin Luther King message about social justice and peace at the beginning of the parade? What about putting the activists who demand reparation for the hundred years of slavery at the very beginning of the parade? After all the beginning of most fortunes in America were almost all based on the free labor of slaves?