by 1Planet1People
Friday, Jan. 16, 2004 at 11:54 PM
On Tuesday, January 13th 2004, the people of Santa Ana, the Orange County Green Party, the Not In Our Name LA Project, Our Lady of Lourdes, OC Peace Coalition, and various other human rights and anti-war groups gathered at fourth and main to march to the Federal Building and demand an end to the war in Iraq.

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1/13/04 – Santa Ana say’s No to the Iraqi War!
On Tuesday, January 13th 2004, the people of Santa Ana, the Orange County Green Party, the Not In Our Name LA Project, Our Lady of Lourdes, OC Peace Coalition, and various other human rights and anti-war groups gathered at fourth and main to march to the Federal Building and demand an end to the war in Iraq. The greatest part of the demonstration was the people of Santa Ana. In the three hours we were out there, the greatest part of the demonstration were the few thousand honks of support and solidarity workers fists. As many people of Santa Ana come from countries that have struggled against militarism and totalitarian governments for generations, it is clear that they do not want a warmonger in office. We demand that Bush pull our American troops out of Iraq and give reparations to the people of Iraq for the terrorism that our government has waged on the people of Iraq. As every premise leading to this war has been disproved, it became clear long before O’Neil blew the whistle that the issue of war with Iraq is mutually exclusive to the war on Terror. The only benefits to this war have been corporate profits in our no new job economic boom. The US has killed more Iraqis than Saddam and the people of Iraq are worse off today then when he was in power (more Iraqis have been killed by this war and the US sanctions than by Saddam). Now that the damage is done, all we can do is offer reparations for our terrorism and give the people of Iraq autonomy. An apology would also be nice.