by Mahatma Gandhi
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003 at 4:23 PM
Seventeen supporters of the strikers entered a Pavilions supermarket, filled their cart to the brim, had their groceries bagged, and walked away without their groceries and without paying for them.

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Saturday afternoon from 4 PM to 6 PM, seventeen supporters of the strikers entered the Pavilions supermarket at Santa Monica Blvd and San Vincente and started “shopping.” In protest, they filled their carts to the brim with groceries. They got them bagged, and walk away without them and without paying for them.
The goal of the action was to put chaos in the store, and chaos there was. The clerks had to void all the 17 carts full of groceries, and they have to reshelf everything items back on the shelves. It take 12 minutes to check out a cart full of groceries. To void all the items in the same cart, it takes also 12 minutes. To reshelf the groceries, it takes one hour and a half, totalling 1 hour and 54 minutes of wasting time for the supermarket.
We need to “shop” more often at Vons Albertsons, and Pavilions. Make the supermarkets suffer, since they don’t care about the suffering of the strikers and their family.