by anonymous
Tuesday, Dec. 02, 2003 at 3:32 PM
How about "steal something day"?
What about "steal something day"?
What about "pick from the trash day"?
What about "trade clothing day"?
What about "make a free box day"?
What about "grow something day"?
There's more to life than (not) shopping (for one day).
Thirty years ago, stores were closed on Sunday, and closed rather early. Yes, it was inconvenient, but, people still got their Fritos.
What about "don't work late week"?
Where are the gains of increased productivity? People are more productive than ever, but we're working more than ever. It doesn't make sense.
Our overwork causes our overconsumption. We create the demand that makes it possible to operate sweatshops overseas. Our standard of living reaches the point of diminishing returns, when we cannot tolerate the suffering we cause in order to enjoy our nice things.
What about "vandalize IKEA day"?
What about "stop Wal Mart"?
What about "stop worshipping Target"?
These box stores don't just threaten grocery stores, they threaten all kinds of stores, by creating the kind of customer who won't tolerate a little extra expense to ensure that the person making the goods, and selling them, can live a life without too much suffering.