Sherman Austin Benefit Show this Friday Aug 29!

by Chantel g. Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003 at 9:37 PM
. . .


**Leave your drama, BS and negative energy at home, cuz it's not wanted at the show!**


When: FRIDAY AUGUST 29, 2003
Time: 5:00 PM
Where: Che Caf� in San Diego
(Extra Donations Welcome)

Guest Speaker: ZACK DE LA ROCHA FROM RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE ! Sherman's mom! Sherman Austin along with friends and family!

TABLING: San Diego -California Coalition for Women Prisoners & NION

More info: contact Chantel or Lupe at
OR voicemail 949-436-1188

On September 3rd of 2003 Sherman Austin of must turn himself in at the MDC Federal Jail in Downtown LA. He will serve a sentence of 1 year, 3 years strict probation with restricted computer use as well as other harsh restrictions for having an "illegal link" on his site. He was also fined $2,100 retribution taxes. The brotha needs help paying off the fine, so on August 29th we'll be having a going away benefit show for him to raise funds. We'll also throw more shows for Sherman until his fines and legal expenses are paid off and any money raised over the amount needed will go to other political prisoners. We'd like anyone that wants to support Sherman and other political prisoners to attend this event or/and pass out info about his case and upcoming events for him.
Hardcore, Hip Hop, Punk, and Spoken word performances will highlight a night of ideals, ideas, music, and mayhem. Sherman Austin and his friends will share their thoughts with the crowd, with special guest Zack De La Rocha from Rage Against The Machine. The night will be a celebration - Zack, Sherman, and his friends, will reflect on their experiences with oppression, so come to relax, party, and show your solidarity with every falsely accused victim of the state. Remember, this isn't just about fantastic music, fantastic people, it's about making the world a better place. It's about resistance and fighting for the world we deserve to live in. It's about doing whatever is necessary to resist this system no matter how repressive it might be. The more we are under attack, the more we will continue to intensify our struggle, and the more we will fight until the machine is put to rest. An injury to one is an injury to all. They may have been able to lock Sherman up, but hundreds, thousands, millions more are ready to take his place and continue fighting even stronger.

When: FRIDAY AUGUST 29, 2003
Time: 5:00 PM
Where: Che Caf� in San Diego
PRICE: $8.00
(Extra Donations Welcome)

~> Death to W
~> Yellow Republic
~> Fight Club
~> Saber Tooth Tiger
~> One World Solution
~> Cuauhtemoc
~> JG of Over The Counter Intelligence from Florida
~> Mona Ibrahim Spoken Word
~> Freedom Smugglers
~> Far East Movement

For more info about benefit show and Sherman Austin�s case, or to help out with legal support please be sure to contact Chantel or Lupe at OR Voicemail at 949-436-1188
To learn more about Sherman Austin and his case please check out
the Che Cafe website is
Directions are Get on Interstate 5.
Go towards La Jolla (north of San Diego, south of everywhere else)
Exit La Jolla Village Drive. Go west on La Jolla Village Drive.
Go past Villa La Jolla Drive (where the gas station is) Immediately after Villa La Jolla Drive is an Off-Ramp on to Gilman Drive. (on the right) Take this off-ramp.
Turn right at the stop sign at the end of the ramp. (you will now be going north on Gilman Drive) Make a left at the first stop sign on to Scholar's Drive. (when you make this turn, there will be an Information booth on your right)
The Ch� Caf� is the mural-covered building on your left about 200 feet ahead.

If you would like to contribute to Sherman Austin�s defense fund, please send contributions to his mom:
Ms. Martin
12115 Magnolia Blvd. #155
North Hollywood, CA 91607


Show en Beneficio de Sherman Austin!!!
Cuando: Viernes 29 de Agosto
Hora: Las 5 de la tarde
Donde: Che Caf� de San Diego
Cuanto: $8 dolares (mas es bienvenido)
Invitado especial: Zack de la Rocha (Rage Against The Machine)
Informacion: Contacten a Chantel o' Lupe a, o',
Voicemail 1(949) 436-11-88
El 3 de Septiembe de 2003, Sherman Austin de, tendra que entregarse a la prision federal de Los Angeles. El servira un ano en prision, y al salir servira tres anos de probicion, en ese tiempo tendra limitado el uso de las coputadoras y otras fuertes limitaciones, todo por tener un "link ilegal" en su sitio de internet. Tambien fue multado $2,100 en taxes de repesalia. El amigo necesita ayuda para pagar so multa, asi es que el 29 se Agosto vamos a tener un show de despedida y de beneficio para recaudar fondos para el. Tambien vamos a tener mas eventos para Sherman, asta que todas sus multas y servicios legales sean pagados. El dinero salga sobrando sera usado para ayudar a otros prisioneros politicos. Quisieramos que todos los que quisieran ayudar a Sherman o a otros prisioneros politicos atendan o pasen informacion de este evento y el caso.
Abra presentaciones de hardcore, hip hop, punk, y palabra ablada, todo en una noche de ideales, ideas, y musica. Sherman y sus amigos conpartiran pensamientos con la audiencia, con su invitado especial Zack de la Rocha de Rage Against The Machine. Esa noche sera una celebracion- Zack, Sherman, y sus amigos, contaran de sus experiencias con la opprecion. Vengan a relajarse, divertirse, y a demostrar su apoyo a todos los que an sido falsamente accusados por el estado. Recuerden que no es solamente de musica fantastica y de gente fantastica, si no de tartar de aser el mundo major. Es de resistir para vivir en el mundo que merecemos. Es de resistir este sistema, sin importar lo represivo que sea. Un golpe a uno es un golpe a todos. Talves pudieron enserrar a Sherman, pero cientos, miles, y millones mas, estan listos para tomar su lugar y continuar luchando mas fuerte.

~> Death to W
~> Yellow Republic
~> Fight Club
~> Saber Tooth Tiger
~> One World Solution
~> Cuauhtemoc
~> JG of Over The Counter Intelligence from Florida
~> Mona Ibrahim Spoken Word
~> Freedom Smugglers
~> Far East Movement
Direcciones: (norte a sur)
Tomen la autopista 5 asta llegar a La Jolla Village Drive (donde esta la gasolineria)
Immediatamente despues de La Jolla Village Drive esta una salida asia Gilman Drive ( en la derecha) tomen esa salida.
Den vuelta a la derecha al fin de esa salida, donde esta el cartelon de alto (estaran en la calle Gilman Drive llendo al norte)
Agan una vuelta a la izquierda en el primer cartelon de alto, llendo asia Scholar's Drive. (cuando agan esa vuelta va a ver un sitio de informacion en la derecha)
Como unos 200 pasos para arriba abra un edificio cubierto con murales, en la izquierda, ese es el Che Caf�.

Para hacer donaciones
Ms. Martin
12115 Magnolia Blvd. #155
North Hollywood, CA 91607