Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, Important read!

Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, Important read!

by Franklin Benjiman Wednesday, Jul. 09, 2003 at 1:22 PM

Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, the constitution could be law again!

Subject: Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality [doveofo] Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality
July 8, 2003

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
In the Fall of 1999, I began writing internet reports about the
status of the prosperity programs funding activities. Since that time, I have tracked the many twists and turns of activities moving the prosperity programs forward. In June 2000, I learned from U.S. Navy
Intelligence contacts about the secret law which had been passed and was abolishing the IRS, providing debt forgiveness, establishing the new U.S. Treasury Bank system and new currency backed by precious metals, restoring Constitutional Law, and requiring the resignations of federal
officials of the Executive Branch and Congressional Branch, among other things.
In October 2000 and November 2000, other intelligence contacts provided me with the acronym of the secret law, NESARA, and the fact that Clinton had finally signed it.
In 1999, I wrote a Report about once week but increased to writing
daily Reports over a year ago. I’ve written well over 1,000 Dove Reports
since I began in the Fall of 1999. Many of these Reports are in my
“private” [doveofo] database on from which I posted Reports beginning August 2000 to mid-August 2002. In August 2002, it became necessary to move the Dove Reports away from where my ability to post Reports was being sabotaged daily. Last August the generous people at offered to host the Dove Reports
and for the first time the Dove Reports were accessible in a “public” website.
I’m recapping this history to demonstrate that if you are new to the
Dove Reports, then there are many activities which have happened in the
past and have been covered in past Dove Reports. Sometimes people who
have not read all the Dove Reports write to ask questions about things I’ve
covered in past Reports. Occasionally I review certain past events as a way
to give new readers of the Dove Reports a better understanding of the
many complexities involved in the prosperity programs and NESARA.
One of the past events is the Bush gang’s attacks on Americans on September 11, 2001. If you have not read about Operation Northwoods developed by the U.S. Military then do yourself a favor and get
educated. Here’s what had to say on November 7, 2001 about Operation Northwoods: “. Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, HIJACKING PLANES, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even ORCHESTRATING VIOLENT TERRORISM in U.S. cities. . America’s top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, . “casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.” Details of the plans are described in Body of Secrets (Doubleday), a new book by investigative reporter James Bamford .
“These were Joint Chiefs of Staff documents. The reason these were held secret for so long is the Joint Chiefs never wanted to give these up because they were so embarrassing,” Bamford told”
You see, the concept of the U.S. government harming its own citizens
is a concept that some top politicians and some high military officers have entertained for decades.
In August 2001, two years ago, there was red hot activity by White
Knights moving NESARA fast forward into announcement position. It was hoped that the announcement would occur before the end of August.
Unfortunately, Colin Powell, retired General Schwarzkopf, and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor were all double-agents on the White Knight Decision Team and secretly worked with the Bush gang to delay NESARA’s announcement. As part of a strategy to delay NESARA until the Bush gang had their 9/11 attacks ready, Colin Powell convinced the White Knight Decision Team to require the members of Congress to pass NESARA, again, in early September 2001
I remember like it was yesterday how we tracked the daily actions
moving NESARA forward in August 2001 and we tracked how “red manuals”
holding the NESARA law were delivered to top officials of the federal government during the last business days of August 2001. We thought that was the last step before announcement, but then we heard that the White
Knights had decided NESARA had to be passed again when Congress came back
from summer vacation after Labor Day. We tracked the daily run-around and excuses that heads of Congress used to delay Congress voting on
NESARA and finally, on Sunday, September 9, 2001, all members of the U.S. Senate and House met in closed joint session and passed NESARA again.
We were told that there would be no announcement on Monday but that Tuesday, September 11, 2001 would be the date. Then the morning of September 11th, the Bush gang’s attacks were launched and the first
attack on and explosions in the World Trade Center destroyed a very
important banking computer center on Floors One and Two as part of stopping the download of computer information to banks all over the U.S. for initializing the new U.S. Treasury Bank system.
The plane that went down in Pennsylvania on 9/11 hit the exact target it was supposed to hit. This target was underground in that exact spot and was necessary to implementing the new Treasury Bank System. In case you don’t remember, the very first televised pictures of the 9/11
Pennsylvania plane crash site showed that the plane had gone down in the middle of a big white circle which had been marked on the ground the same way lines are marked on a football field. FBI agents who had been hiding in
the woods next to the crash site came running out the woods just minutes
after the crash and kept people from seeing into the crash crater, per
reports from people who live nearby and were forced to sign agreements they
would not talk, but some did.
The 9/11 explosions at the Pentagon were also meant to take out a
vital part of the NESARA announcement process. The explosions took out the newly renovated U.S. Naval Communications Center which was going to coordinate all communications supporting the announcement and other
NESARA support activities. I and others received reports from people who
were told BEFOREHAND not to go to work in the Pentagon on 9/11 and not to
go to the World Trade Center on 9/11. The Pentagon’s three very
sophisticated land and air defense systems were SWITCHED OFF on 9/11 by order from high level Pentagon officials.
Yes, the 9/11 attacks were an INSIDE JOB by the unelected Bush gang government. All those people who died on 9/11 died only because the
Bush gang has always intended to implement their part of the Illuminati’s
world domination plan. The Bush-Rockefeller gang are big OIL and big
banking. They needed a way to manipulate Americans into supporting the Bush
gang using our military to take over Afghanistan and Iraq for their own personal OIL profits and stopping the NESARA reformations. (The BBC carried a news report proving U.S. military officers said in July
2001 that they would be attacking Afghanistan in October 2001; this was
said two months before 9/11.) The 9/11 attacks stopped NESARA being
announced and also stopped the mass deliveries of funding notifications to prosperity programs’ members.
In September 2001, the RULES for funding the prosperity programs were treating the two sources of our prosperity money differently. As you
may note in past Dove Reports, I have discussed two pots of money we are receiving: one pot is the prosperity program funds and the other pot
is the “legal fine/grievance” money. Let me explain for you new to the
Dove Reports what the “legal fine/grievance” money is.
In the Summer and Fall of 1999, the first big transfers of money for
the big O Program came from an offshore bank to Chase Manhattan.
Remember, Rockefeller and Bush Senior were Trustees of the big O Program until last year and in 1999 Rockefeller used his power to require that the
program funds all be transferred into Chase Manhattan Bank in New York.
There were all kinds of excuses for delaying doing the mass deliveries to our prosperity program members in the Fall of 1999 including waiting for Clinton to sign the Bank Reformation Act, called BRA for short.
Clinton did finally sign it and then over the weekend he was bribed by
Rockefeller to wait another 7-10 days. Thus ensued the cover story that Congress had never sent the law over to the White House to be signed and a week of stalling as the clowns in D.C. pointed the finger at each other and
just could not manage to get the law reprinted and signed for another
seven days!
Meanwhile, Rockefeller had good reason to pay people to “stall”. Rockefeller had our money in his Chase Manhattan Bank and he ILLEGALLY used our prosperity program funds to make billions for himself using certain revenue generation processes that only big banks, big corporations, and nations generally use. However, for once there was justice; Rockefeller was caught and convicted of ILLEGALLY using our money. The Court ordered that Rockefeller could not keep the money he had illegally made on our prosperity funds and he was ordered to pay each of us $6,000,000 in LEGAL FINE money. This was the beginning of the “Fine Money”.
Then it was decided that obviously Chase Manhattan Bank was not a
safe place for our prosperity program funds. It was decided that we would
be funded out of banks near our delivery locations in the U.S. and new contracts with banking corporations all over the U.S. were negotiated
to enable us to have our funding appointments at banks near our homes.
Bank of America was designated the “trigger bank” for funding the
prosperity programs and dozens of other banking corporations contractually
agreed to do the funding duties. However, corrupt banking officials in several banking corporations found ways to stall in cooperating with NESARA
and our funding preparations. Because of their stalling, these banks
were also court ordered to pay LEGAL FINES amounting to a sum of trillions
of dollars. This is why we in some of the prosperity programs are
receiving “Legal Fine Money” which most people call “fine money” or “grievance money”.
In September 2001, the RULES for doing our mass prosperity deliveries were DIFFERENT because at that time, it had been decided that the White Knights could do our mass deliveries and “fund” us our millions in “legal fine money”. There had already been enough transfers of our prosperity programs money from the offshore banks to the U.S. banks to
financially back the new U.S. Treasury Bank System. As soon as NESARA was
announced, it was planned that we would receive our mass prosperity deliveries and then go to our bank appointments and activate our accounts.
At that time, (in September 2001) we would have had access to our FINE money but would have had to wait until the Christmas funding window to have access to our prosperity programs funds. The “activation” of our accounts, even if
only to enable us to use our fine money, was part of finalizing our
prosperity program funds being officially able to “back” the U.S. Treasury Bank System.
This is WHY the NESARA announcement was possible in September 2001.
However, in November 2001, the RULES CHANGED. In November 2001, the Trustees of the biggest prosperity programs found a new way to stall us. These corrupt Trustees, including Bush Senior and Rockefeller, decided that our fine money could not be funded separately from our prosperity programs money. This meant that we could not have the NESARA announcement unless the prosperity programs were in one of the two funding windows each year.
These details above are just a tiny sample of the complexities
involved in moving NESARA and the prosperity programs forward. The World Court has been through years of overseeing these Illuminati/dark agenda
delaying tactics and this is why the World Court decided this last month to
order the prosperity programs funding window to be re-opened indefinitely
until after NESARA is announced. To subscribe to the Dove Reports, please send an email to: with the Subject: “SUBSCRIBE” and I will manually add you to the Dove e-group.
If you miss receiving the DAILY Dove Report, you may read it at the following website: (also has Dove
Voice Reports and Dove radio interviews). Every day I hear from at least a dozen people who are not receiving the Dove Reports due to some kind
of blocking on the Internet. If this happens to you, you can always
read the reports at .
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There is so much more going on in the world than most people even
begin to comprehend. Americans have been purposely “dumbed down” by
educational systems and the controlled media which is owned by the Illuminati.
People in other countries have also been deceived by their government
officials and other authorities. Yet there is proof over and over again that our world is NOT what the talking heads on television and corrupt
government officials would have us believe. Only rarely do we get a glimpse of the real world as we see in the report on Operation Northwoods. What we will see in the days following NESARA is that much we have been programmed to dis-believe is “real” and much we have been programmed to believe is false. Mark my words for I will remind you of this when the “rest of the story” is being presented via live television worldwide.
The waiting for NESARA has been challenging for all of us. I know of some White Knights whose lives have been totally taken over by their
duties related to NESARA. One White Knight was not able to visit his wife
and children for many months at a time. Another has been on duty
commanding a White Knight military group guarding vast amounts of our precious metals and funds backing the new U.S. Treasury Bank System without being allowed more than one vague email a month to his dear ones. We all know people who have passed on or have become ill or lost their homes/jobs etc., while waiting for NESARA. It’s been challenging BUT in the long run the wait will be worth it.
The World Court Judges have had to work nights, days, and weekends
for years to deal with the issues related to NESARA and the prosperity programs and still carry on their other “publicly” scheduled court
cases. The Ascended Masters have patiently stood by and provided only
support activities to the White Knights the last few years and hoped the
White Knights would be able to get NESARA announced on their own. The
divine doctrine of free will requires that Earth Humans be given plenty of opportunity to work things out themselves. If Earth Humans cannot
work things out and the situation has serious time-related or other
issues, then Divine Intervention is allowed. This is at long last where we are now. The Ascended Masters have been working a very detailed Divine Intervention plan the last several months.
They have been moving things into position so that when NESARA is announced, everything connected with NESARA and our prosperity programs will go smoothly, safely, and lawfully.
LAWFUL carrying out of the NESARA announcement and implementation activities is of extreme importance. IF it happened that NESARA were announced and things were not done “lawfully”, then the forgiveness
of mortgage and other debts could be delayed FOR YEARS while challenges
were fought out in World Court. And, our prosperity funds could also be delayed more years if things are not done “lawfully”. Avoiding any
more delays is why doing things lawfully is so important.
The World Court Judges want the announcement and implementations of
NESARA to go smoothly and free of any valid legal challenges. For this
reason, the World Court has gone to great lengths to ensure things are done lawfully in all ways. The Ascended Masters have also worked extensively with the World Court and White Knights to ensure all is done lawfully so that when NESARA is announced, we receive our NESARA benefits without any interruptions or delays. The World Court and the Ascended Masters have also worked with the White Knights to ensure that when our prosperity programs mass deliveries and funding occur, there will be zero valid challenges and delays.
I have not been allowed to tell you much of what has been happening
in the last two months. What I can tell you is that each week there have
been important strides forward that will enable NESARA to be announced and implemented safely, smoothly, and fully without any valid legal
challenges to delay us receiving our NESARA benefits.
Although I certainly would have liked to see NESARA announced on July 4th, the Illuminati really shot themselves in the foot when they bribed
the two Federal Reserve managers to cause problems that delayed NESARA. In
truth, that Illuminati/dark agenda trouble-making has ended up strengthening
the power to get NESARA announced and so a few days delay will turn out
to be worth it!
Today, Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine told me of several
meetings He has attended. He had a meeting with dark agenda top officials of the Bush gang in D.C. today, a meeting with Illuminati bankers and
politicians in Manhattan, and another meeting with Illuminati corporate heads and politicians in California. Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germaine
left each of the meetings after a short time because none of the Illuminati had anything useful to say. The Illuminati have run out of time even though they don’t seem to realize it.
There is one thing all of us can do to help when NESARA is announced. We can call talk shows and write letters to the editor of our newspapers and speak out LOUD and CLEAR telling people that WE SUPPORT NESARA and what great benefits NESARA gives us all. Studies have shown that the average person only absorbs about 30% of any “NEW” information they are given the first time they hear/see it. This means that many people will not immediately understand all the benefits of NESARA and will be confused about various aspects of NESARA. All of us who have been supporting NESARA can do everyone a favor by SPEAKING OUT after the announcement. We can also hold everyone involved in our prayers, meditations, and energy focuses supporting NESARA’s immediate announcement. I’m going to write my letter to the editor tonight and I hope some of you will work on your own letters supporting NESARA. Or if you like calling talk shows, make a list of talk show listener comment phone numbers and then get on the phone and call in as soon as you see the NESARA announcement process.
It’s coming, so let’s get ready to support NESARA! NESARA Yes!
Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

The term “White Knights” is borrowed from the Wall Street Journal and the world of big business hostile takeovers when a vulnerable company is “rescued from a hostile takeover by a White Knight” corporation or wealthy person. Certainly, these people fighting to bring Americans and the world the benefits of NESARA and to rescue our people from government and banking fraud deserve to be called “White Knights”. World Court is the International Court of Justice in the city called The Hague, in the