by Uploaded by builder123
Monday, May. 05, 2003 at 5:53 PM
May 1, 2003
MIWON – multi –ethnic immigrant workers organizing network (Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Garment Workers Center (GWC), Korean Immigrant Workers Center (KIWA), Pilipino Workers’ Center (PWC)
A war on terrorism has become a war against immigrants.
The Bush Administration’s drive for war has led to a domestic policy that criminalize immigrants and non- citizens; requiring the special registration of males from several Middle Eastern countries with the Immigration Service. Many have been arrested and deported.
Now Immigrants are the subject of “National Security” with the moving of the Immigration and Naturalization Service from the Department of Justice to the Department of Homeland Security. This fundamental change furthers marginalize immigrants and contribute to the rising fear and distrust of immigrant communities.
The Bush Administration’s push for war in Iraq serves its intentions of stealing the Iraqi petroleum and to mask and distract public attention from the sagging economy. The Severe cuts on public services, the growing military industrial complex and policies that use the language of security to erode civil liabilities of all people.
Immigrants have historically been targeted as scapegoats during times of political and economic upheaval.
Mass raid, detentions, deportation of innocent people and the increased militarization of the U.S. – Mexico border are destroying silently the lives and families of immigrant communities, even though these practices have yet to produce evidence of any “terrorist” activities in our communities.
Immigrant workers keep contributing to the wealth and economy of this country, enduring deplorable working conditions while having very little or no protection from government agencies in enforcing labor laws.
Immigrant workers face higher levels of exploitation because many lack legal documentation and are subject to threats and harassment to be incarcerated and deported thereby creating a fearful working and living environment.
Therefore let it be resolved
That MIWON and its member organization endorse and agree to uphold the following Points of Unity and Call for the May 1st. Immigrant Workers March for Peace and Immigrants Rights: