by October 22nd Coalition / Heidi Werntz Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003 at 12:47 PM

On Wednesday, April 16th, friends and family members of Gonzalo Martinez, the family attorney, representatives from the ACLU, October 22nd and anti-police brutality activists comprised a delegation to District Attorney Steve Cooley's offices to demand indictments of the Downey police responsible for shooting Gonzalo Martinez on the night of February 15, 2002.

norma.jpg, image/jpeg, 576x395

Friday, April 18, 2003

On Wednesday, April 16th, friends and family members of Gonzalo Martinez, the family attorney, representatives from the ACLU, October 22nd and anti-police brutality activists comprised a delegation to District Attorney Steve Cooley's offices to demand indictments of the Downey police responsible for
shooting Gonzalo Martinez on the night of February 15, 2002. The event drew several radio, newspaper and TV outlets. In the Thursday, April 17th California section of the LA Times, there is a news article about the event and short update on the status of the case.

As we prepared for our delegation to go to Cooley's office, protesters in front of the Criminal Courts Building held banners and placards demanding
justice for Gonzalo. One large banner featured a frame by frame photo account of the shooting of Gonzalo, which includes clear-cut evidence that
his hands were in the air when he was shot. Activists came to the event from Long Beach, Pasadena, Downey, and LA to show their support.

As many October 22nd Coalition activists are aware, Gonzalo Martinez was cut down in a hail of automatic machine gun fire by Downey police. The shooting
was videotaped by a media "stringer" and the tape of this murder has been shown internationally, in Latin America and in Europe, as well as in the U.S.
The videotape shows Gonzalo in his car, surrounded by many Downey police. After several minutes Gonzalo gets out of his car, facing the police with
both of his hands in the air. Unarmed, clearly no threat to anyone, his hands in the air -- it's at that point the Downey police open fire with their automatic assault weapons. 34 shots are fired and Gonzalo is hit numerous times. After being shot, clearly fighting for his life, rather that call for medical help, the Downey Police leave him there to die, surrounded by Downey
cops and barking police canines.

Since Gonzalo's murder by police, the family and friends of Gonzalo Martinez along with many others have been holding protests to shine a spotlight on
this egregious killing. Gonzalo's parents have traveled to Argentina, with the Stolen Lives book, to expose what happened to their son and to build support. They attended the national meeting of October 22nd to talk about their case and hook up with other family members. For months they have spoken out at Downey City Council meetings. Anti-police brutality activists have come from all over Southern California into Downey to hold protests of several hundred people to make sure this case is not "pushed under the rug" like so many others. The ACLU has worked with the family as well, fighting for their right to protest.

Nevertheless the Downey police and city government have not indicted the cops who shot Gonzalo. Instead, they proposed "officer of the year" awards to those responsible. Norma, Gonzalo's mother, told them you will do this "over my dead body." They backed down from delivering these awards to the killer cops, however not one cop has been charged.

The LA District Attorney's office says they are investigating the case. They told our delegation the results of the investigation will be complete in a
few weeks. This police murder must not be swept under the rug! We are calling on everyone to call, email or write District Attorney Steve Cooley
and urge him to bring these killer cops to justice.

The Downey police officers who shot Gonzalo Martinez are:

Brian Baker
Ronald Gee
William Kautz

These officers were supervised by:

Sgt. Dan Murray

Contact LA District Attorney Steve Cooley at:

Telephone: (213) 974-3512
Fax: (213) 974-1484
Email: lada@co.la.ca.us
(cc to nobrutality@cs.com)

Los Angeles Office
October 22nd Coalition
(213) 413-4755