The city prosecuter hand-in-hand with the Long Beach Police have gotten us evicted. Today, April 3rd, we received an eviction notice from our leasing company (Crestwave) that our lease will be terminated on May 3rd. The notice came 3 days after we received a letter from the Long Beach Prosecuters office alledging that we were in violation of several city codes. These so-called "violations" were not stated in the letter, however the letter also mentioned numerious loud noise complaints. The last time we had a show at the REACH Center was on December 28th, 2002 (4 months ago). Police officers came to this show in response to a noise complaint, stating the noise needed to be turned down, and then the police left. There was no confrontation. The situation was dealt with peacefully and respectively. The noise was turned down, the last two bands were canceled, and the show ended at approximately 8pm, 2 hours early. Since then there hasn't been a show, and police haven't come to the shop in response to any noise complaints.
On January 1st, 2003 the Long Beach CopWatch (a subsidiary of RACUN Community Defense Program) opened its third command post in Long Beach at the REACH Center (aka the Revolutionary Empowerment and Community Help Center and Long Beach Infoshoppe) located at 684 Redondo Ave. Coincidently the Long Beach Police contacted the REACH Center's leasing company, Crestwave, on the 2nd and threatened to take legal action against them if the REACH Center was not shut down. Crestwave management were told by police that when they came to the benefit show held at the REACH center on December 28th, 2002 on a noise complaint that someone tried to assualt them. An eye witness explained that police officers came to the show in response to a noise complaint, stating the noise needed to be turned down, and then the police left. There was no confrontation. This was an obvious attempt to presure the leasing company to terminate our lease.
On Saturday, April 26 there will be an "EVERYTHING MUST GO CLOSING SALE" along with a dance party.
If you would like to help the REACH Center relocate, please let us know! You can contact us at 562-434-6934 , or email us a . We are also accepting donations to help pay off our outstanding bills.
Revolutionary Empowerment and Community Help (REACH) Center
684 Redondo, Long Beach, CA 90814