The Forbidden Truth motivation for america's current war against Iraq

by The Seer of Forbidden Truth Friday, Apr. 04, 2003 at 10:08 AM

For the past few weeks, the most evil, insane, and diseased society of humans on planet earth, has once again chosen to initiate and undertake a totally unprovoked orgy of genocide against another society of human beings.

Copyright 2003 The Seer of Forbidden Truth, All Rights Reserved

The True motivation for amerikkka's current war against iraq: For the past few weeks, the most evil, insane, and diseased society of humans on planet earth, has once again chosen to initiate and undertake a totally unprovoked orgy of genocide against another society of human beings. I am speaking of course, of amerikkka's currently active and ongoing war against Iraq. It is appropriate at this time, that I re-emphasize, in crystal-clear terms, the reasons and motivations for the cycle of genocidal murder and maiming of demonized fellow human beings that the amerikkkan government and it's citizen-slaves pathologically undertake and engage in, on an ongoing basis, throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Let this be clear: You creatures, collectively, seek to both sacrifice your own children, and massacre demonized children as well as adults, in order to make yourselves feel better. It's as simple as that. You creatures feel better when you are directly able to revel in genocide. Your homicidal rage is soothed, and your suicidal guilt is assuaged. You want your children to die on your behalf, in your place, and you choose to deliberately endanger and sacrifice their lives. You also want your children to kill on your behalf, and you terroristically compel them, via brainwashing, lies, torture, and coercion, to agree to kill and to die on your behalf. This is because you creatures have achieved an ultimate, unparalleled level of pathological disease and cowardice. You are both suicidal and homicidal, on a mass scale. What do I mean by "mass scale"? I mean that 98%+ of all adult human beings who are citizens of amerikkka, are filled with an immense amount of either homicidal rage, or suicidal self-loathing, and in most cases both. At the same time, all of these hundreds of millions of citizen-slaves are also totally unable and unwilling to consciously admit and face up to this Forbidden Truth. As a result, the collective homicidal and suicidal rage of the adult amerikkkan population must be released in a covert, disguised manner. The Insane War Ritual provides an absolutely perfect "cover", for this orgasmic release of rage and loathing to occur, on a mass, genocidal scale, and even better, the ritual has been designed to allow adult citizen-slaves to not only achieve the release without having to face up to any Truth, but also without directly endangering themselves in any way. Genocide and mass murder, as long as they are legitimized to you via the creation of an illusion of moral structure and necessity by your limitlessly perverse rulers via lies and propoganda, make you feel happy and hopeful. Your stock market goes up, immediately after the war is launched, immediately after the genocide and mass murder begins. The governmental leadership becomes even more popular, supported, beloved. "Thank goodness, my president is finally sacrificing my children and committing mass murder on my behalf." As always, your society instructs you to use your worthless, subhuman child-slaves in whatever manner you need, to comfort and cathartically satiate yourselves. And so you do, without ever having to face up to the horrific and Forbidden Truth, unless of course you happen to be one of the tiny handful of humans who are able to locate and choose to savor, the Truths that I reveal within this online Manifesto.

Your military consists of your tortured children, your brainwashed, abused, immature, desperately tortured children. You choose to place them into the military, to instruct and order them to kill on your behalf, to express the lifetime of homicidal rage that you lack the courage to face up to, admit to, embrace within your own daily life. But it goes much further. You derive just as much cathartic pleasure when they die on your behalf, as you do when they kill on your behalf. Why? Because you creatures are pathologically suicidal, to an even greater degree than you are pathologically homicidal. When your children die while engaged in the Insane War Ritual, you feel tremendous joy, on a subconscious level. All of your own suppressed suicidal urges are both relieved and validated, and so is the invalid misdirection of rage upon an externalized, demonized foreign group of fellow humans, that constitutes the core governmental/societal design structure of the war ritual. It is all so obvious and undeniable, and yet you broken and desperate fools, unable to even begin to recognize what Truth is, consider this Truth to be a ridiculous, preposterous lie. Well, it's the Truth. Face up to it. Recognize the joy that you derive from the slaughter of your own children, and a demonized group of "enemy" children. Recognize that you have been given a very specific moral instruction, to embrace this dual form of child genocide, by your limitlessly, hopelessly perverse governmental and cultural leadership.

How incredibly pathetic it is that you can't see and accept the Truth: That it is insane for you to fight for your "way of life", meaning your existing governmental and societal structure, much less for you to allow your government to force your helpless children to fight for your way of life. Your way of life is pathetic, invalid, diseased, deranged. You are the tortured victim-creations of your very own governmental and societal structure, not some foreign group that has had no direct power or control of any kind over your life. It is incredible to any sane and Superior thinker, that you would align yourself with your own greatest victimizer. But this is the nature of humanity, and a primary reason why the species is unworthy of existence. If you creatures possessed the tiniest iota of sanity, and yet were still bogged down within your pathological homicidal and suicidal drives, you would align yourself with the so-called "enemy". You would say, "Okay, the society that is guilty of my torment, my victimization, the lifetime of perverse injustice that I have been subjected to, is engaged in a war with another society, and is trying to get me to channel my justified rage against this other society, but since this other society has not caused me any type of significant, direct, personal harm, while "my" society has caused me a tremendous amount of personal harm, I will instead, properly take this opportunity to try to help the "other" society to destroy "my" society." But no, you can't do it. You are hopelessly bogged down in lies, myths, automatic rejection of all Truth. You cling to the deranged illusion that there is a moral, justified basis for the genocide that your government undertakes within the war ritual. You celebrate the brainwashing definitions of "freedom", "democracy", "justice", words that are given to you, defined for you, and used to create an illusion of moral justification for child genocide, by your greatest enemy, the only real enemy that you have, and this enemy is your very own government.

So go ahead, continue to patriotically support your government. Continue to soak up the 24 hour a day "news" coverage that your media outlets provide to you, which is in fact pure governmental propoganda. Pretend to be sad when you hear about amerikkkan child-slaves who are trying to commit murder on your behalf, instead dying on your behalf. Pretend that you don't want Iraqi children to die, much less amerikkkan children to die, even though in Truth there is nothing that you want more, nothing that you are more desperate to covertly revel in. Wrap yourselves up in the ridiculous and nonexistent cloaks of morality, patriotism, liberation, justice, the propoganda words that your government uses to help you to justify embracing your orgy of child genocide, as you destroy your children in pathological tribute to your own childhood destruction. Rejoice in your house of cards. How is it possible to build a house that has so many layers of lies, without the house collapsing, and the Truth being exposed? It's because the Truth is too horrible for you to consider, and your cowardice allows you to reject the very consideration, which makes actually recognizing the Truth, impossible. You cannot ever come to embrace something that you will not even consider.

The Truth stands, it will always stand. The immense river of child blood and child sacrifice that the illegitimate society of amerikkka was founded, built, and sustained upon, will continue to flow, and you creatures will continue to bathe in it, until that joyous day when the river overflows, and the entire human species will drown. What a glorious day this will be, a day of Truth-based "justice", when amerikkkan society, and the human species, Truly reaps what it has sown.

To access thousands of additional Forbidden Truths on every aspect of humanity, visit the Manifesto of Forbidden Truth web site:

Copyright 2003 The Seer of Forbidden Truth, All Rights Reserved