by builder123
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 9:03 PM
Less We Forget---
“We are gathering to send a message to the world’s peace movement that we are with you and we also honor those artist brave enough to speak out against this immoral war.”
- June Kuwatani, event organizer, Neighbors for Peace and Justice

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above photo
The Super Broke Brass and Tin and Strings Marching Band kick things off
Hollywood CA March 23, 2003
Press Release:
As the world tunes into the 75th Annual Academy Awards, several thousand attended an AWARDS NIGHT FOR PEACE RALLY. The rally honors those in the entertainment industry who speak-out for peace. The line up on stage included: The Radical Cheerleaders, Rev. David Farley, David Clennon and many others.
----and then----
A Good Ole Anti War Rally feels the pain of war.