by Tamara
Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 1:06 PM
Photos of police at oscars, including brutal arrest of an innocent man leaving the scene
manonground.jpg, image/jpeg, 1206x891
Hollywood was seiged upon last night by countless numbers of LAPD officers. The streets from Franklin to Santa Monica Blvd were filled with cops on bicycles, on foot, on platforms, on motorcycles, in cars, and pouring from personel carriers. Peaceful protesters were penned in, and then pursued with billy clubs as they attempted to disperse. A man peacefully leaving the was assaulted by officers, forced to the ground, and cuffed. I am posting the one good photograph I took of his arrest here. Last night was a terrifying look at what martial law might look like. Officers seemed to be targeting organziers and people of color. (No suprise there) We must continue to be vigilant in our struggle for the peoples of the world, and for the protection of our own precious rights.