by brenda-n p. behan johnson
Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 11:16 PM
The following photos were taken at the Anti-War rally near the Oscars around 5:30pm, March 23, 2003.

_03-03-23__lapd__1.jpg, image/jpeg, 508x348
The LAPD, in a rather common display of their complete disregard for human life, continued the domestic war against democracy in the streets of Los Angeles. One protestor, a local Chicano man, speaking to the line of baton- and tear gas-wielding officers minutes before the official termination of the protest permit, summarized the tension best when he commented, "We came here with signs, posters, our voices, and our bodies. You're the ones with the fucking guns. You're the ones with the fucking batons. We didn't bring violence--you did."