People in Black Vigil in Ojai

by PEOPLE in Black Tuesday, Mar. 04, 2003 at 9:49 PM

Attached is a photo of our People in Black vigil in Ojai, CA. We are from a small town, and typically about 10-15 people stand with us weekly.

People in Black Vigi...
ojaipib.jpg, image/jpeg, 519x389

We began about a year ago November. (2001). A small group of us were feeling frustrated about how our gov't was responding to the 9/11 attacks, feeling that violence would only beget more violence, and we wanted to make a statement. Many of our male partners felt as we did, so we decided to call our group PEOPLE in Black rather than Women in Black. One of our members' (Israeli American) sister was standing with the Jerusalem Women in Black at the time, so we have felt a very strong connection to our sistersin the Middle East.

Our standing on the street, silently mourning the victims of violence and war right after the 9/11 attack caused a lot of dialogue (that's putting it kindly) in the local paper. In addition, our connections with peace
makers in other communities has spawned Ventu (CA) in Black, Thousand Oaks (CA) in Black and now, another group in Camarillo, CA.

We continue to meet each Friday from 4:30-5:15.
