by mymicz
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 at 6:01 PM
homelessness and activism
I work here on Olympic and Broadway where the last march was held. Because this area is generally a hovel, the police are much nicer to protesters in the area. This next rally, when we amass in greater numbers than ever downtown, I ask that all the activists try to do three things at once. Since we are all geniuses in our own way I think it's possible.
1. Protest of course, march and design beautiful signs, and try to make whatever holds them up a non threatenting thing. I suggest recycled styrofoam cut into strips and tied into a stick.
2. Use your voice, LA has been rather quiet on the protest front. With the exception of the cheerleaders, we need to bolster our chanting and music, it helps distract the cops and makes them think we are really just a parade.
3. Most Important !!! We are traveling from all over Los Angeles to the hub of the homeless district. In fact, the Los Angeles Mission is just a crosswalk from our march. In an effort to show how we really mean business, let us plan, think, and make an effort to rejuvinate the community we will march in. We cannot depend on profiteers to make the changes we need in the city. I am calling on engineers, restaurant workers, painters, and healthcare workers to be the government. We need to join together and take action on behalf of the hurting souls downtown. While we are marching, we can be bringing food, educating people, forming energy taskforces of our own to create jobs, solar power and homes for these people. One thing about democracy that is still true is that these people have votes, and they are leaning with us. If we can join hands with all the struggling people, surely we can pull each other to the top of the mountain. And don't forget to deduct anything you do from your war taxes in April.