by L.R.
Friday, Jan. 31, 2003 at 1:37 PM
A call to organizers and community members to remember that marching is good, but civil direct action is better
The energy is mounting. People are worried, distressed, and angry, and they should be. We have a rogue government in power that is completely ignoring the voice of it's people. Our own constitution calls for us to rise up and overthrow a government that does not represent us. We have been assembling in beautiful marches filled with diverse peoples...but we get almost no coverage, and when the march is done, we all go home and our elected official pour another martini and go to bed. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO DIRECT ACTION, CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE? We need to do more than march. We need to follow in the footsteps of generations past , sit our asses down and NOT BE MOVED. Yeah, it's a scary climate to get arrested in right now. But we aren't going to change anything by waving a little sign. Come on folks...let's get our act together. Form affinity groups. If we pass a freeway onramp, take the onramp. Sit down. If we all sit down, thousands of us, that's news. Link arms. Surround buildings. Tag. Bring back the banner drop. We must be willing to take risks in order to begin seeing change. The time is now. Turn off American Idol, and take to the streets.