Grassroots people of color, ANTI-WAR network in OC! every Thursday @ 7:00 PM!

by Friday, Jan. 31, 2003 at 8:06 PM


Millions around the world will participate in mass protests to demand peace and justice in the upcoming weeks. In particular, the people of the world will call for an end to the escalating war against Iraq. Because the Bush administration in hell-bent on driving the world into state of war, it is vital that communities in the US come out strong against war.

An international actions grow we demand that communities of color play leadership roles within the anti-war movement. We have the opportunity to show the world that people of color in the United States do not support the war. Especially here in Orange County, it's so important that we come together as a united front, and show that yes even here in conservative, white orange county there are plenty of people that seek the truth and will say no to war!

This is a call for people of color communities to mobilize in Orange County against war, and for peace and justice. We call on people of color community groups representing multiple sectors-- youth, labor, housing, environmental justice, gender and sexual rights, international solidarity, political prisoners and the prison industrial complex, immigrant rights, racial justice, and the religious community (to name

but a few) to come together in unity and say NO MORE WAR!! We cannot allow this devastation to happen. We cannot allow the working class and other people of color to be exploited, and slaughtered this way. We cannot allow our children to be targeted and used to join the military to risk their own lives, only to take the lives of others. We cannot just sit quietly during this time of depression, job loss, health and education cuts, and allow the US government and the Bush administration to spend 0 billion abroad to wage an illegal war, while millions in this country lose their jobs, go without health care, and only receive a mediocre education. Enough is enough!



Phone: 949-436-1188 / 714-303-0004



WHEN: Every Thursday night at 7:00 PM

WHERE: 215 West 1st, Room #205, Tustin CA 714-505-9975

This coming month is Black History Month, this past month we celebrated MLK Day, and this February 21, is also when Malcom X was assassinated. In memory of these two amazing people of color who lead such a strong resistance towards the system that we live in today, We would like honor them by our voices, our courage, and our strong resistance towards war, racial profiling, illegal detentions/deportation, and health/education cuts.

It is a time for the nation to remember the injustices

that Dr. King fought. A time to remember his fight for

the freedom, equality, and dignity of all races and

peoples. A time to remember the message of change.

Why Stopping the War on Iraq is Critical:

Stopping Bush's war on Iraq is important for many reasons--to stop Bush from murdering innocent people of color, to defeat the dangerous policy of "pre-emptive" wars, to make it harder for Israel to follow through on its threats to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people, etc.. For our movement, it's also important because if we can impose a defeat on Bush on this front, it will help us defeat Bush on all fronts in the "War on Terrorism." With Bush politically weakened, it will be far easier to end The detentions and deportations, to roll back the PATRIOT Act, to shift money away from the military and into public services, to make it much harder for Bush to unilaterally overthrow other governments across the Third World.

"Somehow this madness must cease. We must stop now. I

speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering

poor of Vietnam.I speak for those whose land is being

laid waste, whose homes are being destroyed, whose

culture is being subverted. I speak for the poor in

America who are paying the double price of smashed

hopes at home and death and corruption in Vietnam. I

speak as a citizen of the world, for the world as it

stands aghast at the path we have taken. I speak as an American to the

leaders of my own nation. The great initiative in this war is ours. The

initiative to stop

it must be ours."

-Martin Luther King, Jr., The Trumpet of Conscience,



Phone: 949-436-1188 / 714-303-0004



WHEN: Every Thursday night at 7:00 PM

WHERE: 215 West 1st, Room #205, Tustin CA 714-505-9975

Original: Grassroots people of color, ANTI-WAR network in OC! every Thursday @ 7:00 PM!