by Loki Freeman
Sunday, Jan. 19, 2003 at 9:34 PM
There was a protest today against war on Iraq at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda. One person put the head count at over 700 people.
Protestors of every age and ethnic group turned out to decry attacking Iraq.
There was a protest today against war on Iraq at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda. One person put the head count at over 700 people. Protestors of every age and ethnic group turned out to decry attacking Iraq. It was the largest rally in Orange County this writer has seen so far.
A variety of speakers called for no war an Iraq, and help for other issues including education, healthcare, and money for the poor. Signs and banners were held high as the crowd marched chanting slogans such as "No blood for oil", and "Schools not bombs." Many people banged on drums, buckets or other percusive instruments.
The march last about two hours, stopping in front of the library for 45 minutes. Police watched from across the street, talking with anarchist kids who also held signs. The protest was peaceful and well planned by a collective of individuals without hierarchal structure. Back at the park where it started from, a Food Not Bombs group fed the protestors. There wasn't enough food, as the turnout exceeded all expectations.