by R. Grant
Sunday, Jan. 05, 2003 at 5:38 PM
The Rally at Lemert Park

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Lemert park has long been a center of black culture in Los Angeles. Home to numerous cultural havens, galleries, jazz lounges, dance halls and theaters Lemert park is in danger of losing its unique atmosphere and Los Angeles is in danger of losing another historic neighborhood.
The merchants whose shops make up the commercial area adjacent to Lemert park are being run out of their shops by Russell Associates, a Sherman Oaks based development company. Russell Associates has increased the rents of local merchants, doubling the amount the merchants had to pay in rent. This will force many of the merchants who were operating businesses with narrow profit margins to close up shop.
The community will not stand for such unilateral treatment of this cultural gem. On Saturday January 4th 2003 there was a large vibrant gathering to discuss the crisis facing Lemert park. Speakers came to tell the people of the community just what has been going on with the shops and the new increase in rents. Russell Associates has refused to meet with anyone regarding the matter so the community has to take matters into their own hands. Actions discussed ranged from why the previous owner didn’t allow the shop owners a chance to buy up the land to how the black community has failed to properly support the business that have been established in the Lemert Park area.