The Clearest Evidence Of Complicity In the 9/11 Attacks.

by Lloyd Hart Monday, Dec. 02, 2002 at 1:19 PM

They are going to kill us all anyway, so why not stand and fight now.

The Clearest Evidence Of Complicity In the 9/11 Attacks.

Lloyd Hart

The clearest evidence of complicity in a conspiracy is to be found in the means that are used to cover up the conspiracy itself. Just as when Arlen Specter came up with the magic bullet theory which was in 1987 tossed unanimously into the garbage can by the international symposium on forensic medicine, the Bush Regime is admitting it's complicity by appointing Henry Kissinger to co-chair the 9/11 commission.

When Arlen Specter did his dirty deed for the Warren Commission it was done to prevent any investigation by any official body into a wider conspiracy and close the book on what was so obviously a US military sponsored coup. Of course fascists are sloppy and no one to this day who wishes to be taken seriously can hold up the single gunman and magic bullet theories as a set of facts. Henry Kissinger did such a good job of proven stone face lying all through the Nixon and Ford Regimes that he is the obvious pick by fellow liars to continue his job of twisting and out right suppressing of the truth. And of course the corporate media is rolling right over because who wants a tax audit or for that matter SEC charges brought against your cash cow. And in fact people like Steve Case who sits atop the AOL/Time/Warner/Turner empire that might as well be the Bush Regime's official propaganda machine, is as right wing and as crazy as George Bush himself. And if any liberals attempt to hold up former Senator Mitchell as adding some kind of balance to the 9/11 commission I would like to remind people that Mitchell is the one Senate leader that allowed the Iran/Contra and S + L scandals to slip right through his fingers.

But the most glaring omission from all the media coverage in the US that proves across the board complicity from the White House, through Congress, through the Corporate Media, is the lack of focus on America's best ever terrorist hunter John O'Neill who resigned from the FBI in protest in the summer of 2001 because the Bush regime would not allow the investigation of the Taliban, Osama bin Laden and the Al Queda to go forward while Bush and his sleazy oil pals were negotiating a pipeline deal with the Taliban. This great American hero died attempting to save the lives of former fellow FBI agent's and WTC workers in tower two of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001, is the clearest evidence to date that Bush was involved in the 9/11 Attacks. John O'Neill's story is so compelling and so powerful it screams to be told, but what do we get, a sloppier coverup than the one perpetrated by the Warren Commission.

The Magic Bullet theory in the 9/11 mess is the idea provoked by the first failure in thirty years of the Air Guard's ability to defend US air space, that the Air guard failed their only purpose in life because they were all out drinking the night before and couldn't get out of bed in time to follow orders. The only way the Air Defense System could have failed is if every Air Guard and Air force Pilot stationed in the US were drunk and stoned to the point that they could not hear the alert system screaming so loud it could wake common sense from its grave deep inside the Warren Commission report.

The Single Gunman theory within the 9/11 conspiracy is that Osama bin laden planned all by his little lonesome the penetration of US air space using US air liners as weapons. The fact is the reason this had never been attempted in the past is because all terrorist researchers of holes in the US Air Defense System would have discovered that once you turn a scheduled flight off course from the filed flight plan without air traffic control permission the US Air Defense System goes into automatic response, scrambling F-16s to wing tip to wing tip interception of said violators of US air space to await further orders. Any commercial airline pilot knows this and so does the Bush Regime. In fact, on Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 6:43 p.m. the US Air Defense System worked perfectly when famous golfer Paine Stewart's lear jet got F-16s within ten minutes of going off course. So what the hell happened on September 11th. 2001 is the smoking question. Four Air liners went off course at more or less the same time packed full of important people and all the Air Guard Pilots in the US were drunk and stoned?

An even more interesting twist to the tale is the rolling over of the Icons of the enlightened left. Everyone from the Nation to Z magazine have attacked the journalists attempting to investigate this Hitler style scam. Granted that some of the journalists have agendas attached to easy to crumble theories that this is all about containment of Russia as the writer Israel proposed. But just like the book Forbidden Truth by Brisard and Dasque the facts are good, the conclusions they draw are a bit of a stretch.

Being a Canadian living in the US I don't suffer from the uniquely American political fatalism. Like my fellow Canadians that took the brunt of the German counter attack on D-Day so that the British and American forces could flank effectively, which the Americans failed at miserably allowing the Germans to retreat, I don't fear death like Americans do. Or for that matter worry about losing my station in life. I am more concerned about the health and welfare of the whole of this planet. But obviously Americans are cowards on both sides of the political fence. These so called leaders on the left in America think that runaway to fight another day will work this time but in fact this policy has merely just encouraged the Fascists. We on the left in America must stop this strategy of fighting the battles that we think we can win as Albert and Sholom at Z magazine proposed when they attacked the journalists Ruppert and Israel on their 9/11 work this last summer. We must take on the very heart of the present fascist gamble which is to sew the fear in the hearts of the spoiled American with 9/11 style attacks to reap the goal of global US primacy through unbridled US Military Fascism.

I have spent my entire life financially and politically supporting the entire left wing from liberals to anarchists and will continue to do so, but for fuck sakes what evidence will it take to get all of us to unite on the facts surrounding 9/11. Black males are sent to their deaths in the American justice system by juries that have no factual material what so ever to draw a conviction. We have the facts jack but no courage. Remember the mantra of the ANC, "If they kill me I will be one more body on the pile that will eventually bury them!" They are going to kill us all anyway, so why not stand and fight now.