by Carolina Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2002 at 12:32 PM

Activist DICK GREGORY told this weekend's Dalas conference on domestic assassinations, "We have the power".

"We don't realize the power we have," activist-comedian DICK GREGORY told the annual Coalition on Politicial Assassinations [COPA] meeting Sunday November 24 in Dallas, the 39th anniversary of the weekend of JFK's assassination and the subsequent murder of Lee Oswald.

Gregory, a civil rights and peace activist and assassination researcher and writer for four decades, told the rapt audience that his 1964 civil rights protests at the US Olympic trials in St. Louis inspired the raised fist protest by US African-American medal winners four years later at the 1968 Mexico City games. "This brought world wide attention to the struggle of our people. Its an example of what a group of people like you [the COPA conferees] can do. We just don't realize the powere we have".

"Another example of how a relative few change history is the victories of black atheletes at the 1936 Olympics in Hitler's Berlin. Before Jesse Owens and Ralph Metcalf won their gold medals, no one questioned Hitler's sanity. After that the world began to challenge his racist doctrine of Aryan superiority. That's the kind of power we have", Gregory added.

"What we [COPA] are doing is drawing the world's working people's attention to the fact that 1 % of the population is grabbing and eating 95% of the world's bisquits off the table, leaving the other 95% of us to fight amongst ourselves for the remaining 5 % of the bisquits. We're telling people, no more. We will not keep fighting ourselves; we're going after that one guy who's stealing all our bisquits."

Gregory read from FBI memos from the 1960's that stated Gregory was a danger to America and needed to be "neutralized", as an example of how terrified the establishment is of people's movements. He also read from CIA memo's warning that the civil rights movement and "a black messiah" [referring to Dr. Martin Luther King & Malcom X] were a danger to the CIA". "Its amazing that they said 'to the CIA, not to the US " , Gregory added, "but, I'm pleased to know that a black man like myself, born in poverty, could cause so much trauma to these folks with so much wealth and power just by speaking out."

As to current events, Gregory said, "Sept. 11 is just an American 'Reistag'" [reffering to the 1930's fire that destroyed the German parliament building, which Hitler blamed on Communists, but which most historians agree was covertly set by Nazi provocateurs].

"Recess is over, folks. If most Americans knew what was coming from our military in the next 6 - 18 months, they'd probably commit suicide. This, though, is just an extention of a long history of general warfare against the Indians with small pox, or blacks with the Tuskegee syphillis experiment. Everone is the victim. Your're only 'white' if your rich like Queen Elizabeth. On August 19, 1997 I predicted that Princess Dianna would probably be dead within a month [ She died on August 31] for being with an Arab prince. Now we got the Washington "Times" reporting that the FBI was paying [Oklahoma City bombing convict] Terry Nichol's mortgage, and in 1998 ABC news internet 'accidentally' posted the Tuesday election 'results' the previous Sunday. Henry Kissinger can't go to France because he's under indictment by the World Court, but only the 'Village Voice' has reported this."

"A lot of this is a price we pay for letting the JFK assassination go unpunished," Gregory told the COPA conferees. "Your continued work on this and the RFK and Dr. King's cases is my hope and inspiration. We have the power within in us to change the world."

During the 3 day conference, more evidence of coverup and disinformation regarding the deaths of JFK, RFK & MLK was discussed, and attendees viewed a viedeo of this year's Congressional Black Conference seminar on the FBI's Counterintelpro plots against Dr. King and other movement leaders.

The entire conference will be available soon on video tape from Ralph Cole's "Democracy U ".