by CZLA member
Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2002 at 6:09 PM
The following report was written by a member of the Comite Zapatista de Los Angeles (CZLA) who was in San Salvador Atenco. The piece was originally titled "Insurrection in San Salvador Atenco, Mobolize!" The original spanish version follows the english.
As many of you you know to the town of San Salvador Atenco is freeing one of the most noble fights in defense of its historically communitarian land that the government wants to snatch from them with the purpose of constructing an airport there needed for the plans of expansion of big capital. The situation right now is hot, everything started when a manifestation of "ejidatarios" (communal land owners) headed the town of Acolman where an act was being prepared with governor Montiel. This manifestation was intercepted by a numerous group of police forces that surrounded and attacked the demonstrators. The ejidatarios defended themselves but were surpassed in numbers by the police, who then detained more than 30 (ejidatarios), (the police) viewed next to the prisoners, (the tv )imagenes show tens of wounded (ejidatarios).
The people of San Salvador Atenco quickly reacted by blocking all the bordering highways and capturing some public civil employees. The ejidatarios that fight to maintain their communal lands also managed to capture cocá-cola trucks which they threatened to set on fire. In the city compañeros of the CGH are now blocking the Insurgentes Avenue. The Public Security secretary (official) is threatening (Atenco) with military entry (occipation) into the heroic town of San Salvador Atenco. At the moment the popular organizations are beginning to coordinate support actions.
It is being asked to all the people, those still aspiring to live in a world without exploitation, to conduct solidarity actions.
The massive means of communication are as usual confusing to the public opinion and preparing the scene for the repression. It is also being asked that everyone spreads (the news about) what is now happening in San Salvador Atenco to all your contacts.
como muchos de ustedes saben el pueblo de san salvador
atenco esta librando una de las mas nobles luchas por
la defensa de sus historicas tierras comunitarias que
el gobierno les quiere arrebatar bajo con el proposito
de contruir ahi un aereopuerto necesario para los
planes de expansion del gran capital.
La situacion ahora esta al rojo vivo, todo empezo
cuando una manifestacion de ejidatarios se dirigia a
el poblado de acolman en donde se preparaba un acto
con el gobernador Montiel, dicha manifestacion fue
interceptada por un numeroso grupo de fuerzas
policiales quienes rodearon y agredieron a los
manifestantes, los ejidatarios se defendieron pero
superados en numero la policia logro detener a mas de
treinta, ensagnandose con los detenidos, las imagenes
muestran decenas de heridos, los pobladores de san
sanvador atenco reaccionaron rapidamente bloqueando
todas las carreteras aledagnas y capturando a algunos
funcionarios publicos, los ejidatarios que luchan por
mantener sus tierras comunitarias tambien lograron
capturar trailers de coca'cola que amenazan con
en la ciudad compagneros del CGH estan ahora
bloqueando la avenida insurgentes.
el secretario de seguridad publica esta amenazando con
una incursion militar en el heroico pueblo de san
salvador atenco.
en estos momentos las organizaciones populares
empiezan a coordinar acciones de apoyo.
se pide a todas las personas que aun aspiran a vivr un
mundo sin explotacion a realizar acciones de
los medios masivos de comunicacion estan como de
costumbre confundiendo a la opinion publica y
preparando el escenario para la represion.
se pide tambien difundir a todos sus contactos lo que
esta ocurriendo ahora en san salvador atenco.