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Join us to meet Dr. Nancy Watkins to discuss public education in Orange County. As reported on NPR “In Orange County this winter, Orange Unified School District has been torn by debates over what kids learn in classrooms and how much control parents have, echoing national conversations about critical race theory, book banning, LGBTQ topics, and sexual education.” So, this is a local story! And the nonpartisan Orange County Board of Education is central to this issue. Dr. Watkins is running for a seat on the Board in the area covered by Orange Unified.
Nancy has been an educator for over 30 years as a California public high school teacher and as a site and district administrator. She is the Director of the Educational Doctoral Program and faculty at Cal State Fullerton and has a Doctoral degree in educational leadership and policy. She is a published author on educational research and commentary and a Fulbright Scholar who studied transitional democracies.