fix articles 83149, aspartame Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : aspartame


Donald Rumsfeld: Profiteer From Tamiflu, Lariam, Aspartame (tags)

Donald Rumsfeld is a good example of the corrupt relationship between the military (he was both the oldest and youngest Secretary of Defense) and the international drug cartels.

Waiter, Kindly Remove this Neurotoxic Drug From Our Table (tags)

Aspartame Awareness Weekend: Flyer to distribute to restaurants

Campaign to ban synthetic sweetener aspartame gaining global ground (tags)

Mission Possible Intl and Phoenix Environmental Institute team up to get aspartame banned globally. Aspartame Awareness Weekend.

Epilepsy Study Incriminates Aspartame in Medications (tags)

Aspartame is a seizure triggering drug which interacts with virtually all anti-seizure medication. Now the manufacturers are adding aspartame to anti-seizure medication. No wonder maybe 150 have died.

George Carlin Dead: Diet Coke with Aspartame and Cardiac Death (tags)

Another celebrity bites the dust - Diet Coke with aspartame and cardiac death. How many more will die because FDA has refused to ban it even though they originally revoked the petition for approval.

Aspartame Press Conference, Hawaii State Capital, May 1, 2008 (tags)

For all press and professionals in Honolulua, Bill Deagle, M.D. has come 6000 miles from Nova Scotia to discuss the aspartame issue at the Hawaii State Capital.

Ban Aspartame war continues in Hawaii (tags)

Physician Representative who deferred original house bill to ban aspartame now writes a resolution and includes CCC, front group.

Heath Ledger: Was his death due to psycho drug in Diet Coke and Interaction? (tags)

Aspartame is a psycho drug that Heath Ledger consumed in Diet Coke which interacts with drugs. It also causes sudden death.


How corporations destroy consumer protection legislation to product their product from liability suits, questions, and legislative action

another Reporter takes Bribes (tags)

Another well known Columnist caught taking Bribes from the big Corporations. Who is your congressman taking campaign contributions (bribes) from? Does your congressman's spouse or relative have a sweetheart deal?

Aspartame Awareness Weekend (tags)

This weekend everyone's participation is asked to send out the Report to Schools to all schools, pediatricians and OB-GYN to save the children from this excitoneuerotoxic carcinogenic drug.

GMO Disease Epidemics: (3) Aspartame artificial sweetener (tags)

Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 3rd in a series, dealing with a horrific artificial sweetener (by Monsanto) that infests 6,000 food products.

Aspartame Battle Progresses in New Mexico and in the United Kingdom (tags)

Aspartame Battle Moves from New Mexico Boards to As Yet Undelivered Attorney General's Opinion; Member of UK Parliament ment, Roger Williams, calls for UK Ban of Aspartame as Neurotoxic, Carcinogenic, and Neurodegenerative Artificial Sweetener

Hail to the Psychopath (tags)

The psychopathology of Bush

The Sweet Taste of Death (tags)

Aspartame is also the reason for the epidemic of obesity as its a neurotoxic drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. (See protest of National Soft Drink Association on It is also makes the liver so toxic as it embalms you (Trocho Study, l998), that its hard to even lose weight.

EU Calls For Investigation Of Aspartame And Stevia (tags)

Pretty poison. The taste that kills. Aspartame is neither safe nor a diet "sweetener". "It is not a diet product but a drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight."


Soft drink manufacturers are running scared and are in full Public Denial mode. Aspartame the poison used to sweeten many diet drinks and foods is accumulating a record of deadly side effects and people are beginning to become aware of it. Here's a current article and a couple of links to more detail.

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