fix articles 61554, cape cod Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : cape cod

cape cod

Ukraine's attack on NordStream 2 (tags)

The CIA learned last June through a European spy agency that a six-member team of Ukrainian special forces intended to sabotage the natural gas project between Russia and Germany. Three months before saboteurs bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, the Biden administration learned from a close ally that the Ukrainian military had planned a covert attack.

Earthquakes and Nukes (tags)

Most of us associate earthquakes with California. But what happens when there's a shaker on the East Coast?

New England nuke plant closes after 46 years (tags)

After 46 years the Pilgrim nuclear plant on Cape Cod in Massachusetts shut down at the end of May.

Nuke Plant Closures Increase (tags)

Two US nuke plants closed in 2018, and more will shut down in coming years.

Nuke Shutdown News - (tags)

While nukes are fadinf away, the answer is blosing in the wins.

Cape Cod: From Colonial Plunder To Atomic Revenge (tags)

You could say it all began at Cod on the east coast, with the Pilgrims, emphasis on grim.

Nuke Shutdown News 3/17 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those working to create a nuclear free world. Here's our March 2017 report:

Nuclear Shudown News Aufust 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future. Here is our August 2016 edition:

Nuclear Shutdown News May 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US nuclear power industry at home and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are fighting to create a nuclear free future. Here is our May issue:

Nuclear Shutdown News, November 2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US and global nuclear industry. In addition, it highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here's our November report.

Nuclear Shutdown News February 2015 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the continuing decline of the US nuclear industry, and the people working for better energy alternatives.


What will be the next nuclear plants to shut down? Nixon knows.

BTL:Horticulturist: Disappearance of Honey Bees, a Warning Sign of Ecological Collapse (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Code Pink Betrayed by Anti-War's "Leadership" (tags)

While Cindy Sheehan led Code Pink's protests against the U.S. led war in Iraq outside of Bush's Crawford , TX ranch, she was the most popular activist with the anti-war's pro-Democrat establishment, yet Code Pink's current protests against Obama's continued military occupations in both Iraq and Afghanistan are ignored and scorned by the establishment neoliberals who claim to lead the peace movement. Most likely we can expect this neoliberal establishment element to support additional U.S. troops sent to Afghanistan, our current alpine quagmire..

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders (tags)

There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty

Scene Set for the Clash of Civilizations (tags)

Islamic nations goaded into position to be attacked again. Will terror provocations be used to invoke police state? What price will be exacted for centuries of ignoring how war pretexts are fabricated? Late-breaking and long-term developments in Iran, Palestine and the United States seem to point to a present risk of catastrophic nuclear war.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/18/05) (tags)

Video: Israel's 'Separation Wall' is Barbaric.

Women's Exhibit: Convergence (tags)

Silverlake, CA, - Studio Gallery Presents a Women’s Art Showcase: “Convergence Of”: exhibition opening on Saturday, April 23, 2005. There will be an opening night reception on Saturday the 23rd from 4pm-10pm. It will be free of charge and open to the public.

FEMA camps for enemies of the state (tags)

This is where they plan to store people for liquidation if they don't go along with the program, the only way to dislodge them from power is using their own tactics, otherwise this will be the fate many will endure...

Collateral Damage (tags)

Let's talk about "Collateral Damage". Where did this term come from? How did collateral damage become the description for civilian deaths in what have been illegal wars perpetrated by America?

40 lies of Bush the Bastard (tags)

Look at what I found @ Portland IMC.

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders (tags)

Read it and weep.

Barbs aside, 9/11 questions aren't going away (tags)

I fully expected to be labelled a "conspiracy theorist" after interviewing Vision TV's Barrie Zwicker and writing about his challenges to the official version of what happened at the World Trade Center. But I was surprised by the nature of the ensuing attacks. The Post, and the dozen or so readers who were similarly enraged by my column, didn't come up with a single argument or documented fact. It was all quivering jowls, wild insults and expostulations.

Iraqis Seize Hyannisport (tags)

President Saddam Hussein has said that he expects Operation Restore Freedom should be over shortly, as the Americans reject the tyranny they have lived under for the past fifty years in order to once again have a voice in their own government.

Call for anti-war Chalking Action! (tags)

Sidewalk Chalk and a message!


Two More Pacifica Board Resignations -- Acosta & Van Putten Quit! (tags)

Pacifica Board Chair David Acosta (Houston) and reactionary Board member Karolyn Van Putten (Berkeley) -- both the subjects of pickets last week -- submitted their resignations from the Board Wednesday night.

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