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president albert gore


Bushfraud, the un-elected president of the United States, is about to defy the American people, about to defy his own Joint Chiefs of Staff, about to defy the Congress of the United States all in the name of taking 20,000 more troops into Iraq to continue to wage his war based on a lie. Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu, who is not even an official member of the Israeli government,is blackmailing Bushfraud vis a vis using Bush's homosexual sex and financial fraud, election fraud, criminal fraud, telling Bush either you do this in Iraq and Iran or else.

EXPLOSIVE: Bush's Domestic Assassination Teams Fingered (tags)

International Intelligence Expert Tom Heneghan outs the names of assassination teams and the treasonous conspiracy of FBI Directors Louis Freeh and Robert Mueller in the training of Mohamed Atta.


Item: Yesterday on CNN and Fox News, V.P. Dick Cheney gave a tacit endorsement to Hillary Clinton for President in Nov 2008. This comes a week after Clinton visited major air bases in Canada aka British Intelligence MI-6 cells linked directly to Permindex, the British company that plotted and executed the murder of President JFK. Reference: True Colors, JFK Jr., and the attempted assassination of then V.P. Albert Gore Jr. in 1998 linked to the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate....

Rahm Emanuel heads North American Mossad + PROMIS + laundered profits to Israel/Russian (tags)

Rosen is also tied to Ted Olson, Coca Cola copyright controversy and a scandal now developing which will link Rosen to Rahm Emanuel and the Mossad in the sale of and transfer of PROMIS Software involving the alleged Russian spy Robert Hanson and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and laundered profits to both Israel and the Russian Federation...

Intelligence Briefing on Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate (tags)

Latest Intelligence Briefing on the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate ...

Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate: Barack Obama (tags)

Extortion-friendly John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal, reports that Senator Barack Obama will run in 2008 but Hillary Clinton will not. Don't be fooled folks, Obama is a stooge and firewall for the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate....

EXPLOSIVE: Tampa Bay News has Conspiratorial Emails in 2000 Election Fraud Coup d'État (tags)

Tampa Bay News now in possession of Douglas Alexander (former U.K. E-Commerce Minister) election emails. Emails deal with direct communications between Alexander, Karen Hughes (chief aide to Bush) Mel Sembler aka Bay Point Schools and Democratic traitor Al Rodgers of Fort Lauderdale, Florida along with current Florida A.G. Charlie (gay-in-the-closet) Crist.

Back Breaking News Exposes Chris Matthews of MSNBC (tags)

He condones Congressman Foley’s sexual activity with a Page of 21 years old because he was of age at the time. Matthews ignores the solicitation of the Page by the pedophile Foley before the Page turned 21 years old. Then it gets worse. Matthews compares the activities of homosexual-in-the-closet Foley to what Matthews considers scandalous which is President John F. Kennedy’s marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy when she was 22 years old and he was 34 years old. Is he insane or what?

SUPER HOT BREAKING INTEL: CIA Rendition Gate is Now 9-11 TreasonGate (tags)

Mahar Arar, framed Canadian computer programmer who was put on a terror watchlist by Canadian and U.S. Government officials and sent to Syria on a CIA rendition flight (where he was tortured) had actually infiltrated the noted Wildcard-Lt. Vreeland-Dept. of Naval Intelligence, Toronto Ontario Canada cell-nest.

BREAKING: Bush Torture Rendition Program Now Proven a Gestapo Program (tags)

Maher Arar Canadian Computer Consultant that was falsely arrested in the United States and accused of being a 9-11 Terrorist actually had done private contractual work for the Canadian Government and computer simulation activity vis a vis hijacked aircraft being used as terrorist weapons.

Political Terrorist Alert (tags)

Chris Mathews, Hillary Clinton's bitch, says Hillary will run for President in 2008 aka wreck the Democratic Party once and for all. Former Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe to operate as her bagman. McAuliffe linked to Carlos Lehder noted drug lord along with James Baker III and the Mickey Mouse Eisner gang in the bribery of Florida election officials in the overthrow of the duly elected President Albert Gore's election in the year 2000 (plus 700,000 votes nationwide).

Nader Letter to Debate Commission Seeks Apology & More (tags)

Nader sent the following letter to the Co-Chairmen of Commission on Presidential Debates last week, concerning the outrageous way he was treated at the first Presidential debate.

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