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eli pariser

Why Won't MoveOn Move Forward? (tags)

What may seem like clever politics, therefore, produces horrible policy. When politicians and advocacy groups like MoveOn play anti-war games of political theater while effectively collaborating with the war's continuation, they merely add one more deception to the layers of lies in which this war has been wrapped. Like Bush and his supporters, they are sacrificing human lives simply for the sake of perpetuating an illusion.

After defeating pro-war incumbent Lieberman, Lamont reassures Wall Street (tags)

The victory of multi-millionaire cable executive Ned Lamont in the Connecticut Democratic primary August 8 has produced paroxysms of uncritical celebration in liberal publications like the Nation and from groups like, which campaigned heavily for Lamont and against incumbent senator Joseph Lieberman.

benefit for MOVEON.ORG (tags)

benefit for at the salvation theater with art, music & poetry

MoveOn Finally Targets Cheney/Halliburton (tags)

F-ing Finally!

Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS (tags)

Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS

Liberalize The Media (tags)

"The media is kind of weird these days on politics," former Vice President Al Gore is quoted as saying in the June 30, 2003 issue of Time Magazine. "There are some major institutional voices that are, truthfully speaking, part and parcel of the Republican Party." "Fox News Network, The Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh -- there's a bunch of them," Gore continued, "and some of them are financed by wealthy ultra-conservative billionaires who make political deals with Republican administrations and the rest of the media."

How the Reformists attempt to liquidate the anti-war movement (tags)

Recent New York Times article outlines a well-organized, massive and concerted effort by the reformist wing of the antiwar movement to derail the antiwar movement and turn activists into election fodder for the Democratic Party.

The Peace Movement is Being Hijacked by the Liberals? (tags)

It's very easy after all hard work has been done for those that have without any democracy involved to take the reins of the peace movement and steer it nose first into the ground.

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