fix articles 25770, industries Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : industries


Aliyev Named Most Corrupt ‘Person of the Year’ (tags)

Azeri Leader Wins Dubious Distinction from the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project

Philippines: PLM Rejects Neoliberal Policies of the Government (tags)

PLM Campaigns for a Welfare State System

Government Shutdown: Blame Koch Bros of 74260 Desert Rose Ln, 740 Park Av (tags)

Two men from Kansas who took control of the state governments of Ohio and Wisconsin now plan to shut down the US government, through their bought and paid-for US Representatives in Congress, who also represent states other than Kansas. The idea is to overthrow the US government. To do these things, they are using Congressmen elected by Koch's suckers in the Tea Party. Those voters are little people, wannabes fooled by the Tea Party into voting against their own self-interest in favor of the billionaires.

When All Else Fails – Give Them False Hope (tags)

For years and years two wealthy businessmen have worked hard to get policies instituted regarding limiting the scope of the American government. Their business was and still is what Forbes ranks the second largest company in the nation. The policies they have been working on seem to coincide with their business interests. It is a business they inherited in 1967 and worked hard to expand beyond anything their father imagined.

Health Bill Ignores Industrial Health Harms (tags)

Health care bill, now in hands of the Senate, ignores every industrial threat and harm to health. It finds that people's behavior is the biggest threat. Could this be because all Senators are economically-linked to health-harming industries, AND their insurers and investors? Sworn and public-paid Congress members wouldn't go AWOL on their solemn oaths and duties to the people, would they? If it were not for people, there would be no Health Crisis.

Part 2- World Capitalist Crisis (tags)

We expect more of the use of cheap labour in the less developed countries like China and India in order to produce cheap raw materials and semi-manufactured consumer products for the imperialist countries and thereby maximize imperialist profits. In fact the US capitalist are hell bent on transferring high paying industries to the third world and even already cheap service industries like call centers and car assemblies and other production lines in a vain attempt to cut jobs, paying insurances and other workers benefits that the people are demanding in the face of the capitalist made crisis.

Socialists: Re-Thinking Electric Cars and Automobile Industry (tags)

Today, it has become necessary to re-think the future of three industries to reduce U.S. dependency on oil; the automobile industry, the petroleum industry and the ethanol industry. The future direction of these three industries will definitely determine the quality of life for working class people for the next 300 years. The world will face certain economic and environmental disasters, including severe food shortages worldwide, if world governments fail to exercise proper controls over the automobile, petroleum and ethanol industries.

El Monte Iron Foundry Pollutes Community (tags)

A WWII Era Iron Foundry spews Ton of Particulates and Toxic Gases Just Upwind of the Rio Vista School and Headstart Program

Help a government bureaucrat - buy goods made with slave labor (tags)

Buy goods made with slave labor and help government bureaucrats in Maryland live lives of luxury. Remember the inmates are paid 10 to 20 cents an hour but the State of Maryland is charging you market prices which allows them to make a fantastic profit! Ain't slave labor great!

YOU paid for this. (tags)

Bat Mitzvahs and Bulletproof Vests--American Aravice

Venezuelan trade union leaders discuss way forward for the revolution (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Richard Berman (tags)

Richard Berman claims to help the average consumer. In fact, he works for corporate America.

BS ALERT (tags)

The Center For Consumer Freedom have several websites (,, etc..) and runs commercials to inform and protect us from "the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, militant activists, meddling bureaucrats, and violent radicals" but are in fact a fake front for corporate America and FOX news that want us to buy their products (oh and die from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and liver failure.)

TRIAL BY FIRE: The SHAC 7 and the Future of Democracy (tags)

It remains to be seen if activists involved in other causes will truly understand the indictment of the SHAC 7 in its broadest social and historical context, thereby showing solidarity with the myriad of SHACtivists and other direct action militants on the front lines of protest, making sure that their voices are anything but a whisper. Meanwhile, the animal liberation cause continues to grow throughout the world, establishing itself as both an heir of the great human liberation movements and a transcendent force that carries the fight for rights, justice, and equality toward its logical fulfillment. The struggle for “civilization” continues.

Building Bridges Radio-The Fight for Labor Rights From Iraq to the U.S. (tags)

Building Bridges Radio presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

Solidarity with Striking and Locked-Out Grocery Workers- For a Class Union (tags)

Solidarity with Striking and Locked-Out Grocery Workers- For a Class Union February 2004

Report from the Beverly Center Forever XXI demo (tags)


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