fix articles 245039, polluted Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : polluted


Santa Monica Critical Mass bike ride & 1st Anniversary party (tags)

Critical Mass is a vision of a joyful, bike-friendly world replacing our polluted, congested roads. We are a protest for better cycling facilities and against car culture. We are a reclamation of our public space. We are a just merry ride through neighborhoods of Santa Monica and Venice with friends. Critical Mass is all this and more, rolled into one convenient monthly ride right after work.

Random Thoughts (tags)

Protecting California's Clean Water (tags)

According to a 2000 report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency two thirds of California lakes tested so polluted they cannot support aquatic life.

The Psalm of Adolf (tags)

The Bush is my shepherd, I so desperately want. He forceth me to vomit in toxic landfills He baptizeth me with polluted waters. He desecrateth my legacy.

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