fix articles 2242, stores Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : stores


Masking Up at the Supermarket (tags)

A brief tally of people wearing masks, at stores in Rosemead and Pico Rivera.

LA Solidarity Protest Rally For Japanese American Apparel Workers Who Face Loss (tags)

American Apparel Workers Union Japan

Venezuela's 3 Cent A Gallon Gas & Hugo Chavez' Death (tags)

It was Venezuela's 3 cent a gallon gas which attracted the destabilization of that country by the CIA

Hindus seek withdrawal of “ampm” posters linking cheeseburger with “Holy Cow” (tags)

This is about the gas station convenience store, AM-PM Mini Market which is at most local Arco stations.

Evidence on the corruption of law & society by fbi (tags)

See additional evidence in support of my paper entitled “Corruption of Law & Society".

Canned Food Drives are Inefficient (tags)

The solution is to make all food free and easy to acquire.

The Culture of Sameness Lament (tags)

Cities all over the U.S. are losing their historic soul.

Local Black Friday Protests at Walmart (tags)

A roundup of Black Friday protests at Walmart for the Walmart Strikers and a 25K wage.

The Food Stamp Solution (tags)

Let's all get on food stamps.

Workers Stand Up to Walmart (tags)

When a torrent hits an obstacle that refuses to give, it either flows around or over the obstruction. When workers’ needs for a living wage, fair treatment, and a voice are damned up by an oppressive employer, it is only a matter of time before they find a way of asserting their strength.

Grocery Worker Situation Updates (tags)

UFCW site has all the information.

Supermarket Strike is Looming (tags)

The UFCW announced that they cancelled their contract, and are giving 72 hours notice that they may strike.

Striking for Health Care (tags)

The supermarket workers in So Cal have gone over three months without agreeing on a new contract. The fight is mostly over health care benefits; if they lose, all workers in retail will see benefits decline.

PIRATiPad (tags)

Steve Jobs are fucked!

Wage-Stealing Boss Sent to Slammer (tags)

A dirty rat boss who cheated workers out of 1.5 million dollars is going to be sent to prison. This is a NYC story, but has national implications.

The Eighth Annual AntiMall (tags)

Many of us would like to give up holiday shopping altogether. However, the annual AntiMall is an opportunity for holiday shoppers to at least have their money go to artivists (artists + community activists) and causes such as Afghan Women's Mission—rather than big box stores and other corporate behemoths.

New Yuppie Location to buy Crash and burn software (tags)

YES!!! Microsoft store to debut in East Valley

List of all Wal Mart Stores (tags)

A complete list of all Wal Mart stores, with addresses and phone numbers.

Deshelve Israeli products this week! (tags)

JOIN US AND TAKE ACTION!! The main places locally to buy Israeli products are the Arab markets. They should know better! We are here to support you to ask these stores not to carry Israeli products. If they will not deshelve Israeli products, and voluntarily cleanse their shelves of products that support occupation and apartheid, we are here to provide resources for you to create disencentives for stores to stock Israeli products

Baldwin Park and its Agents of Gentrification, Mayor Lozano and Lover Sergio Corona (tags)

Baldinwin Park and its Agents of Gentrification. Mayor Lozano and his "Lover" Sergio Corona on the edge gentrifying and taking 125 Acres of Land for their sponsor, Bisno Developer.


STAPLES STATIONARY STORES ARE FEELING THE HEAT! Delivery Truck in Garden Grove, CA Attacked by Animal Liberation Front for Supplying Animal Testing Company

Demise of Wonder Bread in So. California May Be Exaggerated (tags)

Sources say Interstate Brands will truck product in from Henderson, Nevada as it did when it closed its Boise bakery; purported "exit" is for purposes of labor law to screw union bakery workers and drivers.

Interstate Bakeries Withdrawal a Blow to Low and Middle Income Residents (tags)

Closing of Outlet Stores Means Higher Prices

National boycott action targets Irish stores selling Israeli goods (tags)

Shops and supermarkets across Ireland were picketed on Saturday as the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) commemorated the anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres with a National Boycott Israel Day.

Using the force of government to put your competitors out of business. (tags)

The City Council will be asked to approve a restriction that would "effectively kill" popular country stores in many east Mesa mobile-home and RV parks, says a manager of the weekly marketplaces.

Riots erupt during the European Social Forum march in Athens (tags)

Anarchist rioters used dozens of Molotov cocktails as well as crowbars and flag poles to attack banks, stores, police cars, and police and government buildings.

Protest at Wal Mart in response to Repression, death and brutality of Flower vendors near (tags)

For Immediate Release: WAL MART STORES TIED TO ATTACKS ON PEASANTS (May 7th action) (tags)

Movilization against Walmart in Los Angeles to support compañeros brutally repressed near Mexico City


From East Los Angeles to Historic Olvera Street and Chinatown Stores Shut Their Doors to commerce.

Shopping in Eden (tags)

A New Yorker goes to the first Trader Joe's in the city and feels oddly safe.

Pitzer College Student Senate Boycotts Wal-Mart Stores (tags)

Student Senate of Pitzer College has passed a resolution denying any students from be refunded by Senate for expenditures at Wal-Mart. Students have also passed a resolution through Pitzer's College Council encouraging students, staff, faculty and alumni to personally engage in the boycott and avoid all Wal-Mart Stores.

Clash of Cultures: Wal-Mart in Flagstaff (tags)

"A scandal occurred at the flashpoint of the campaign. Wal-Mart placed an advertisement that showed the 1933 book burning at the Berlin opera plaza. Whoever prohibits Wal-Mart prohibits freedom of thought. Wal-Mart apologized for its bad taste.."

Action Alert! Pressure Safeway to Post Warnings on Mercury-contaminated Seafood (tags)

This week, with the placement of a full page ad in the New York Times, an environmental organization launched a new campaign aimed at national grocer retailer Safeway for its failure to warn customers nation-wide about mercury-contaminated seafood. We need people mobilized at Safeway stores across the nation! Take action at your local Safeway, and make your voices heard.

Wal-Mart Conference at UCLA June 4 (tags)

Environmental and labor leaders to address the Wal-Mart threat at free UCLA conference on June 4.

The Wal-Mart Museum of Art (tags)

"There is no better example of how politics is intertwined with art than the spectacle of an art museum being founded by a rapacious corporation well known for exporting US jobs overseas and profiting from foreign sweat shop labor."


Shop-dropping [A] consists in pirating the commercial system by putting free items on store shelves, without authorisation. This way, like the Babybrul Foundation (France – Europe), you can drop free home-made CDs in big record stores, free photocopied booklets in “new books” sections, copied DVDs or videotapes in blockbuster departments, and so on.

Does Wal-Mart Destroy Communities? (tags)

In a recent poll on the CNN website, viewers were asked the "poll" question of whether or not they believed that Wal-Mart stores were "good" for the "community." Perhaps it is not surprising that a large majority answered "no."

Misleaders’ Strategy Undermines Grocery Strike (tags)

"The strategy of relying on token informational pickets in in northern California, rather than extending the strike, is part of a loosing strategy by the UFCW bureaucrats that is defeating the strike. With a defeat in southern California it will be easy to extract concessions here. Victory will only come through real solidarity, with a militant rank and file class struggle leadership in the union that challenges the career bureaucrats for the continued life of the union!" --Steve Argue

Step it Up (tags)

As the grocery strike goes into its second month, it's time to go beyond the conservative strategies of the AFL-CIO

‘Shut down Safeway’s profits’ (tags)

Workers hold the line for health care LOS ANGELES – “Empty Safeway’s stores and cash drawers” by taking action to cut them off from the source of their money – consumers and communities, United Food and Commercial Workers President Doug Dority told a massive rally and march here Dec. 16.

A Good Mark for Target (tags)

Target refuses to support the war and the people who wage war as part of their national policy.

Buy Nothing Day (tags)

How about "steal something day"?

Wal-Mart 'Eats' More US Manufacturers (tags)

In case you haven't already figured it out the whole point of Wal-Mart is to help depress the wages, and ability to survive, of the average Working Person. The reason is simple: Slaves don't need as much and if they have Jobs and incomes independent of the elites they are harder to order about like Sheep. Welcome to the Totalitarian States of America.

Cannon Fodder (tags)

The Bush administration has cut veteran's benefits and forced wounded soldiers to pay for hospital meals. They have kept returning sick and wounded soldiers in horrible conditions on US military bases and made them wait months for doctor's appointments. Now, they plan to close schools and commissaries on military bases and privatize the remaining commissaries. Oh well, that is more money for Halliburton, Bechtel and all other corporations which profit immensely from war.

Strike Concern = WASTED FOOD!!! (tags)

So much food is being thrown out for no good reason!

Wal-Mart's benefits come under fire (tags)

Sally Lieber, D-San Jose, points to Wal-Mart employee hand-outs about social services like Medicaid, food stamps and temporary assistance as proof that the retailer uses state and federal tax dollars to supplement "poverty" level wages and benefits.

Support Grocery Workers Strike! (tags)

When you support the striking workers, don't go to anti-union stores to do it!



Grocery Stores In Poor, Black Areas Of LA Offer Fewer Healthy Foods (tags)

Study Reveals Lack Of Availability of Fresh Foods

Boycott Eckerd Pharmacies and CVS Pharmacies (tags)


Unionized Whole Foods Market Workers Struggle to Make their Voices Heard (tags)

Whole Foods continues lying and misinforming their workers about unionizing while the only unionized workers in the company try to get the real story to their co-workers.

Whole Food's Vote to Unionize Upsets Libertarian Founder (tags)

Whole Foods union problems erupted in 1990, when they took over a failed co-op in Berkeley, CA. Founder John Mackey believed that union demands sunk the co-op, so he refused to hire its employees -- an unpopular move in leftist Berkeley.


Boycotting is not the only solution, but it's one of many tactics. How do we boycott our own country's goods? By changing our spending patterns. It's something that everyone can do.

An Invention to Save Your Ass! for 40 cents. (tags)

address: on a bike in the whitehouse basement 'peddling ass' says President B Clinton& GWB to former some. Link for GHB and ketamine test as coaster for 40 cents at 7-11 stores.

Action Alert! Burlington Coat Factory - Cloaked in Oppression (tags)

This winter, help stop dictatorship in Burma: Burlington Coat Factory is helping support Burma's military regime by retailing huge quantities of "Made in Burma" products. Please take a minute to tell this company to end support for forced labor and stop the retail of products from Burma! Write Burlington Coat Factory at

Boycott Bloomingdales! (tags)

Bloomingdales is a retailer of garments from Burma – a Southeast Asian country ruled by a brutal military dictatorship. But Bloomingdales should know better: the garment industry in Burma is closely tied to a modern form of slave labor.

Tis The Season To Fight For Justice--For Garment Workers at Forever 21! (tags)

Join Mobilization for the Human Family in this Season of Conscience Demonstration in Support of the Boycott of "Forever 21" Stores And to Support Los Angeles Garment Workers in Their Fight for Justice from retailer Forever 21! Saturday, December 15


New fashion trend sweeps Paris.

AP piece boo-hooing about costs of GM food recall (tags)

are you shedding a tear for Kraft, Inc.? i'm not.

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