fix articles 1680, quotthe Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : quotthe


Du graffiti underground contestataire (tags)

Ni dieu, ni maître, ni droite, ni droite...

Lurching Toward Armageddon (tags)


Crime Without Punishment (tags)


Ukraine in the Eye of the Storm (tags)


We're All Palestinians (tags)


Putin in St. Petersburg (tags)

Putin and Lavrov

More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia (tags)


Profile of a World Class Diplomat (tags)


Russia Bashing Continues (tags)


IMF Annual Meetings Focus on High Debt Burdens and Global Inequality (tags)

The annual International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings are focusing on the role of high debt burdens in both global economic recovery and increasing inequality. At the onset of the meetings, the G24 released an IMF statement noting that the IMF's failure to implement quota reform and the outcome of the US Supreme Court Argentina/NML Capital case impacts global inequality.

Containing Russia (tags)


Bernanke Stays the Course (tags)


Spies "R" Us (tags)

police state

Straight Talk on US/Israeli Relations (tags)


Retenes este fin de semana / Weekend checkpoints (26-28/jan/2012) (tags)

Veanse la lista de los retenes anunciado para este fin de semana, teniendo en cuenta que siempre se realizan mas de los que se anuncian. Sigamos en la lucha.

See below for the list of announced checkpoints, keeping in mind that they always do more than the ones that are announced. Let's keep in the struggle.

Retenes este fin de semana/Weekend checkpoint warning (18-19/feb/2011) (tags)

¡Maneje con cautela! Si nota su ciudad en esta lista, mande la información a sus contactos. Corran la voz porque el único apoyo que tenemos somos nosotros. ¡Que viva la resistencia!

Drive safely! If you see your city on this list, please send the information to your contacts. Spread the word because the only support we have is each other. Long live the resistance!

Lista de Retenes / Checkpoint list for 11-13/feb/2011 (tags)

El fin de semana pasado fue el Super Bowl y hubo muchísimos arrestos e incautaciones de automóviles de personas que no estaban ebrias, pero a las que el sistema no les permite manejar legalmente. Pero la represión no descansa, sea la excusa un día de festividades o no. Por eso aquí les tenemos una lista corta de los retenes para este fin de semana. Recuerden que como la represión del gobierno no descansa así también la resistencia nunca debe descansar; no olviden renunciar los retenes que vean o si escuchan por algún medio que va haber un retén hagan su aportación a esta lista.

Last weekend was Super Bowl weekend and there were many arrests and car confiscations of people that where not drunk, but people that the system won’t let drive legally. Nevertheless, repression does not stop, whether a it's holiday weekend or not. Therefore here is a short list of checkpoints for this weekend. Remember that just like repression does not rest, WE the resistance should also stay vigilant; don’t forget to denounce the checkpoints that you eye witness or if you hear about a checkpoint, share the information comrades!

Labor Day checkpoints / Retenes del Puente del Día de Trabajo (3-10/sep/2010) (tags)

Continúa sin interrupción el "Año del Retén." Sigue la lista de retenes anunciados por la prensa corporativa para este fin de semana y más adelante. Hay utilizar máxima precaución al salir manejando en estos fines de semana que comprenden días feriados como el Día del Trabajo. La policía muchas veces recibe financiamiento que proviene directamente de la gente más humilde que es negada el derecho de trasladarse en auto. Además, hay estafadores que prometen anunciar retenes pero resulta que cobran para bastante para el servicio. (Véase este artículo de una periodista del estado de Pennsylvania.) Siempre vale más contar con sus propios camaradas de sus comunidades.

The "Year of the Checkpoint" continues relentlessly. This weekend's list of media-announced checkpoints follows. Maximum precaution is recommended for those who drive, particularly on holiday weekends. Law enformcement agencies often receive monies that come directly from the poorest, who in many states are denied the right of automobility. Moreover, there are schemers who promise to alert immigrants and civil liberties defenders about checkpoints, who later reveal that they charge high rates for the service. (See this article by a Pennsylvania journalist.) It is always better to count on your own comrades from your communities.

Retenes este fin de semana / This weekend's checkpoints (22-26/jul/2010) (tags)

Hasta la fecha, se han anunciado los siguientes retenes policiales a través de la prensa corporativa. Mande esta lista a sus amigos, cópiala a tu sitio local de indymedia o craigslist, o el sitio que sea popular en su área, tome la información y envía mensajes de texto a sus amistades y a todos y todas de su iglesia. Pero seguro que habrá más de los mencionados. Si usted ve un retén, favor de comunicárselo a su organización comunitaria local o reportarlo a la red de Checkpoint response. Mande correo electrónico a con preguntas, comentarios, o para prestarse como voluntario/a. Si usted quiere reportar un retén anunciado en su prensa local o que haya visto en su comunidad, o si quiere recibir alertas por texto o correo eletrónico, favor de enviar un email a

These are the checkpoints that have been announced in the corporate press so far. Take this list and send it to your friends, post it on your local indymedia site, craigslist, or whatever site is popular in your area, post it to your facebook, take the information and send out text messages to all your friends and all the people in your church. There are sure to be more than the ones listed here. If you see one, please report it to your local community organization or to Checkpoint response. If you would like to report a checkpoint announced in your local press or that you've seen in your community, or if you would like to receive text or e-mail alerts, please email You can also e-mail with questions, comments, or to volunteer.


A review of Tzvetan Todorov's book.

Retenes / Checkpoints este weekend (18-19/jun/2010) (tags)

What is Checkpoint response? Checkpoint response is a network of volunteers who spread information about where and when checkpoints are to take place through e-mail, social networking, and text messages. When possible, we also warn the drivers in our communities through standing protests on the affected streets at a distance of a block from the checkpoint. If you would like to report a checkpoint announced in your local press or that you've seen in your community, or if you would like to receive text alerts, please email

¿Qué es Checkpoint response? Checkpoint response es una red de volutarios y voluntarias que se dedican a la difusión de información sobre dónde y cuándo se efectúan retenes policiales a través de correo electrónico, redes sociales, y mensajes de texto. Cuando nos sea posible, también avisamos a los conductores de nuestras comunidades con plantones en la calle afectada a la distancia de una cuadra del retén. Si usted quiere reportar un retén anunciado en su prensa local o que haya visto en su comunidad, o si quiere recibir alertas por texto, favor de enviar un email a

Retenes este fin de semana / Checkpoints this weekend (4-5/jun/2010) (tags)

Raza, una cosa que pueden hacer para enterarse de los retenes es leer a diario su periódico local, sobre todo si tiene la posibilidad de leer el diario publicado en inglés, ya que muchas veces las agencias del llamado "orden público" sólo avisan a ellos, y muchas veces ni siquiera les avisa a ellos. Otra táctica es buscar en los sitios de internet de sus departamentos locales de policía al igual que los sitios del alguacil de su condado. Muchas veces tienen una página dedicada a boletines de prensa, o a veces se anuncian en la parte de "asuntos públicos." Lamentablemente, éstos también suelen proporcionar información únicamente en inglés.

Fellow workers, one thing you can do to find out about the checkpoints is to read your local paper daily, especially if you can read the one published in English, since often law enforcement agencies only make advisories to English-language press, and often not even them. Another tactic is to check the websites of your local police departments and county sheriff. Often they will have a page just for press releases, or sometimes they are listed under "public affairs." Unfortunately, these sites also tend to provide information only in English.

Memorial Day weekend checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana del Día Memorial (28-31/may/2 (tags)

Memorial Day weekend checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana del Día Memorial (28-31/may/2010)

OJO: Ésta no es una lista comprensiva. Siempre hay más retenes que los que se anuncian. Es importante siempre tener mucho cuidado al salir manejando, especialmente las noches de fines de semana festivos. Si usted mira un retén, favor de hacer saber a su organización comunitaria y a los miembros de su comunidad. Si le sea posible, un plantón a una cuadra del retén es muy eficaz para avisar a los conductores sin licencia. Se recomienda que no salga a protestar o a avisar a solas sino en grupo, y que se equipen con cámaras para documentar cualquier abuso que ocurra. También es importante respetar las leyes que prohiben bloquear las aceras o pisar en la calle. Si tienen un organismo comunitario, muchas veces, se lo puede utilizar para exigir cambios de política a nivel municipal. Mientras tanto, ¡sigamos fuerte en resistencia!

CAUTION: This is not a comprehensive list. There are always more checkpoints than are announced. It is important to always take great care when driving, especially at night on holiday weekends. If you see a checkpoint, please alert your local community organization and the members of your community. If possible, a standing protest a block ahead of the checkpoint is very effective for alerting unlicensed drivers. It is not recommended to do this alone--a group is preferable, and equipment such as cameras is important to document any abuses that may occur. It is also important to respect the laws prohibiting blocking the sidewalk and standing in the street. If there is a community entity in your area, it can often be used to demand policy changes at the local level. Meanwhile, let's keep up the resistance!

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (21-24/may/2010) (tags)

Muchos retenes. Contáctanos a través del email

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (14-15/may/2010) (tags)

¡Que siga la resistencia! Boicot a Arizona!

Keep up the resistance! Boycott Arizona!

Cinco de Mayo checkpoints / Retenes del 5 de Mayo (5-9/may/2010) (tags)

A little bit early because the forces of repression are coming out early to stomp on Cinco de Mayo revelers. Look for updates later on this week.

Un poco temprano esta semana porque salen temprano también las fuerzas de la represión para pisotear los derechos de los festejantes del 5 de Mayo.

May Day Checkpoints / Retenes del Día de Trabajo (30/apr-1/may/2010) (tags)

Como siempre cuando hay mobilizaciones de obreros y obreras, las fuerzas represivas del estado salen a suprimirlas. Les urgimos mucha precaución en lo que salen manejando, y aunque es necesario manifestar nuestro descontento, lo hay que hacer con cautela, siempre echando un ojo a las agencias del llamado "orden público."

As always when there are workers' mobilizations, the repressive forces of the state come out to supress them. We urge you caution as you drive, and although it is necessary to manifest our discontent, we must do it very carefully and always with an eye on so-called "law enforcement" agencies.

Retenes este fin de semana / Checkpoints this weekend (21-24/apr/2010) (tags)

Los retenes siguen azotando a nuestra comunidad, canalizando los recursos del sector más pobre de la sociedad hasta el sector más poderoso--la policía y los dueños de empresas. Los voluntarios de Checkpoint response se disculpan por no haber reportado los retenes del miércoles y jueves con mayor anticipación, y pedimos otra vez que si hay personas que se pueden prestar para mejorar la calidad y puntualidad de esta labor que se comuniquen al correo electrónico

Checkpoints continue to plague our community, channeling the resources of the poorest members of society to the most powerful--the police and business owners. The volunteers of Checkpoint response apologize for not reporting the Wednesday and Thursday checkpoints earlier, and again ask that if there is anyone that can help improve the quality and timeliness of this work to please e-mail

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (15-17/apr/2010) (tags)

¡Póngase abusado raza!

Beware people!

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (8-11/apr/2010) (tags)

Si tienen dudas, quejas, o preguntas, favor de enviarlos al correo electrónico Please direct any questions or comments to

San Patrick's Day Weekend Checkpoints / Retenes del fin de semana de San Patricio (12-19/m (tags)

E-mail with questions, comments, or to volunteer.

Mande correo electrónico a con preguntas, comentarios, o para prestarse como voluntario/a.

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (6/mar2010) (tags)

Checkpoint response is looking for volunteers. Please contact if you have an hour a week to spare. Checkpoint response está buscando voluntarixs. Favor de comunicarse con si tiene una hora a la semana disponible para colaborar.

Checkpoints este fin de semana / Retenes this weekend (11-13/feb/2010) (tags)

Como siempre, Checkpoint response les trae anuncios de los retenes reportados por la prensa corporativa. ¡Pónganse truchos! Siempre hay más retenes de los que se anuncian, aunque por ley nos tienen que avisar. (Se sabe que a la autoridad no le importa la ley. ¡Sólo les importa joder!) Si ven un retén o cualquier abuso de parte de la policía, por favor, ¡avísenles a lxs de tu comunidad!

Like always, Checkpoint reponse brings you announcements of the checkpoints reported via the corporate press. Be wise! There are always more checkpoints than the ones that are announced, even though by law they are supposed to warn us. (We know that authority doesn't care about the law. All they care about is messing with us!) If you see a checkpoint or any other police abuse, please alert the members of your community!

VIDEO: How to Get Our Democracy Back (tags)

"At the center of our government lies a bankrupt institution: Congress."

Superbowl checkpoints / Retenes este fin de semana (4-7/feb/2010) (tags)

Como siempre cuando hay un gran evento o día festivo, agencias de orden público usan el pretexto para aumentar la aplicación de leyes racistas, clasistas, y antimigrantes. Habrá varios retenes, y muchas agencias reportan que van a monitorear con mayor vigilancia las vías públicas. Checkpoint response les avisa de los retenes previstos, no sólo en California, sino en el resto del país también, y les pedimos que tengan mucho cuidado.

As with other holidays and large events, law enforcement agencies use the pretext to heighten enforcement of classist, racist, and anti-immigrant laws. This weekend will see numerous checkpoints, as well as non-checkpoint traffic enforcement. Checkpoint response brings you this warning of the foreseeable checkpoints, and urges the utmost caution on the road.

Checkpoints this weekend (29-31/jan/2010) / Retenes este fin de semana (29-31/ene/2010) (tags)

Checkpoint response is pleased to announce that we now have an e-mail address! Please address inquiries, checkpoint-related announcements, and comments to

Checkpoint response se agrada en anunciar que ¡ya tenemos un correo electrónico! Favor de dirigir preguntas, anuncios relacionados con retenes, y comentarios a

We will also be doing our best to announce checkpoints in other parts of the country, so if you hear about one, please let us know through the e-mail.

También estaremos haciendo nuestro mejor para anunciar retenes proyectados para otras partes del país, así es que si te enteras de uno, favor de avisarnos por media de correo electrónico.

In addition to announcing this weekend's checkpoints (the ones we were able to find about, anyway), we will also be bringing you a few updates from the struggle against checkpoints.

En adición a los retenes planeados para este fin de semana (los de que hemos podido enterarnos, por supuesto), también estaremos actualizándoles sobre la lucha contra los retenes.

"The World Crisis and Beyond" - 177p. pdf file (tags)

Michael Brie and Rick Wolff also contributed at the conference.

Retenes para el año nuevo / New Year's checkpoints (tags)

Careful folks. Tengan mucho cuidado raza.

Retenes navideños / Holiday checkpoints (18-20/dec) (tags)

¡Póngase abusado raza! Va a haber MUCHOS retenes en estos días. Si usted no tiene licencia, mejor no maneje. Si tiene que manejar, es recomendable disponer de toda precaución posible.

There are a LOT of checkpoints coming up in the next few days. Please drive safely and take all necessary precautions. Don't forget to stand up for your rights!

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (3-4/dec/2009) (tags)

En esta lista sólo constan los retenes que se harán en el estado de California, y sólamente los que se han anunciado a través de los medios corporativos de comunicación. Si usted mira un retén que no ha sido incluído aquí, favor de agregarlo como comentario y avisar a tu organización comunitaria local.

Goldstone is a terrorist (tags)

And his report is a terrorist report that endangers peace

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (18-19/sep/09) (tags)

This is not a comprehensive list! It is limited to California only. And it does not include the checkpoints that are not announced in the media. That's why it's important that you let us know when you see one! Be careful, don't drink and drive, let the people in your communities who don't/can't have licenses know, and keep up the resistence!

¡Esta no es una lista exhaustiva! Se limita a California únicamente. Y no incluye los retenes que no se anuncian por los madios de comunicación. ¡Es por eso que es tan importante que nos avises en cuanto veas uno! Manejen con cuidado, no manejen en estado de embriaguez, avisen a lxs de su comunidad que no tienen o que no pueden tener licencia, y ¡sigan resistiendo!

Boom and bust capitalism won't be fixed (tags)

"The world has been informed that their main order of business will be to find some way of restraining bankers' pay – rather than concentrating on the infinitely more important question of how to ensure something this horrific never happens again..."

Obama Watch: August 11, 2009 (tags)

Six months of O'BS, the current president, is more than enough time to make the promised "change" and the only change is for the worse for the workingclass. There are now daily news reports of the horrors perpetrated by the Democrat O'BS.

Chancellor Merkel Visits the Debt President (tags)

"The Federal Reserve is buying securities it printed itself. The supply of money has increased 45 percent in the last 3 yedars. The dollar has already lost 40% of its value against the euro since 2000.."

Obama's G-20 Confession "I Take Responsibility" (tags)

"The economic crisis had begun in the US.. The US president is accepting responsibility for the beginning of one of the worst economic crises of the last century...One of the excesses of the American way of life -- the craving for huge profits -- has brought the world to the brink of disaster.."

The Crisis of Finance Market Capitalism as a Challenge for the Left (tags)

"The problems we face today cannot be solved with the minds that created them" (Albert Einstein).

Back to the main topic - those who only think of Palestine as ok (tags)

Back to fighting on indy and every other newsmedia too.- to those who only think of Palestine as being Right and Victim and needs to be rescued, let's get more info = to clarify if all claimed is so,- see what at least simplief disputable Wiki says about how it all began, tho the info is always being 'disputed' ................and each and many sides claiming and demanding to be RIGHT and claim the Whole and Only Truth......... yeah, so many versions of Holy Truths as there are colors in the rainbow...people who write love to claim exaggerations as 'reality' and their versions as "not to be questioned" even on Indymedia, NO FREE THINKERS ALLOWED HERE either !

Beyond Rubinomics (tags)

"The economic emergency, however, is not simply the consequence of mindless, ideological deregulation and investment bubbles gone bust. It is the result of a narrowly conceived economic model and the failure of Washington's social contract with America.."

A President Forgotten but Not Gone (tags)

"The man who emerges is a narcissist with no self-awareness whatsoever. The president famously couldn't name a single mistake of his presidency. He can, however, blame everyone else.."

"The Objective Situation, the Bush Regime, and the Bourgeois Elections" (tags)

Bob Avakian's "The Objective Situation, the Bush Regime, and the Bourgeois Elections" in Revolution, Issue #142, read and download at:

OIL IN TIBET and gold, uranium (tags)

The name of the game is always money, and when it comes to the CIA's war against China by promoting Tibet, that is certainly true. There is oil, uranium, gold and copper in Tibet. No wonder we have this latest hysterics over Tibet during the US oil war against Iraq and Afghanistan and perhaps Iran.

If I did it (tags)

this is what happened

8,000 families displaced in Sulu fighting; OIC steps in (tags)

More than 8,000 families ( 40,000 people)have fled their homes as Marines and Army troops hunted down renegade Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) commander Habier Malik and his men, who have killed 12 people in Sulu. For three days now, thousands of troops have been sent to Sulu to run after Malik’s band after he escaped when the military captured his sprawling hilltop encampment in Panamao, Sulu on Sunday. Reports said several MNLF commanders, along with an undetermined number of fighters from the towns of Pata, Daungdong and Capual in Sulu, are now fighting alongside Malik.

"The End of Suburbia" on (tags)

The end of cheap oil could be the beginning of community.

"The US and Israel Stand Alone" (tags)

"The administration has made a radical and unpressured departure from the basic policies of all previous administrations. Under all of its predecessors there was a committment to peace instead of preemptive war."

‘People’s court’ releases video docu on alleged GMA poll fraud (tags)

In a video documentary shown at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City, the Citizens’ Congress for Truth and Accountability (CCTA) said the evidence it has gathered could be used in the impeachment proceedings against Mrs. Arroyo should Congress allow it.

Americas Summit Marked a Change, Alarcon Affirms (tags)

Americas Summit Marked a Change, Alarcon Affirms

The Evolution of Man (tags)

"The Evolution of Mankind!"

The Crusade for God and Global Conquest (tags)

“America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof.”

George W. Bush, second inaugural speech

“You think you know...but you have no idea...just what Bush has in store world...our future!”

Opening lines of the RCP’s statement
"The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought from Here Forward!"

George W. Bush swaggered to the podium of his inauguration and said he would put before "every ruler and every nation" a choice over whether to embrace his vision of "freedom." (Kinda like how the Godfather makes you an "offer you can’t refuse.")

Open Letter to Alexander Cockburn (tags)

Throwing down the gauntlet...

Lebanese students vow to hold protests, despite ban ISF will try to stop demonstrations (tags)

Lebanese opposition groups asserted Thursday their intention to protest on Friday against what they call the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, despite an official ban by the Interior Ministry.

Standby :) (tags)

The immanent planned collapse ... US Silent As Euro Screams Higher

Bush Lawsuit thrown out by Bush Apponted Judge (tags)

A law suit brought forth by a formerly FBI employed whistle blower is thrown out of Federal Court by a Bush appointed Judge.


"I can see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country...corporations have been entroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money of the country will endeavor to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.

Jack Nicholson Interview (tags)

Extract from Playboy Interview

Bush - A Crazed Mattoid (tags)

Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.

"The Weather Underground" now at Los Feliz Theatres (tags)

"The Weather Underground," the acclaimed new documentary about the white 70s radicals who aspired to overthrow the U.S. gov't, is now at the Los Feliz Theatres. According to Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, "Weather" is "a powerful, timely film!"

"The Weather Underground" opens Friday at NuArt (tags)

On Friday, an award-winning new documentary about the radical splinter group of Students for a Democratic Society opens at NuArt.

Democrats Considered "Too Liberal" (tags)

If Democrats are considered "too liberal", what does that make those who consider Democrats to be right-wing fascist?

Ex-U.N. inspector says Bush Lied. (tags)

UNITED NATIONS-- Time has shown that the United Nations did a good job disarming Iraq while President Bush went to war based on "a lie," former U.N. arms inspector Scott Ritter said on Monday.

American Oil's next target: Africa (tags)

American oil corpse like ExxonMobil are moving aggresively into African nations. There is no end to the mess they seek to create for millions of people.

Sen Byrd: Gulf War illegal (tags)

"There is ample evidence that the horrific events of Sept. 11 have been carefully manipulated to switch public focus from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, who masterminded the Sept. 11th attacks, to Saddam Hussein who did not.

"the chick was in the way" (tags)

a poem

The Coalition of Disaster (tags)

Cairo - Washington and London "have lost the war politically" and their campaign in Iraq is "heading to a disaster", British Middle East expert and journalist Patrick Seale wrote in an article published on Friday.

Two L.A.P.D. Officers Shoot Driver (tags)

something must be done about this

Beyond the Battlefield: The Real Cost of War (tags)

Former Iraq U.N. Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter Will Update Los Angeles Audience on Dec. 7, 2002 -One Day Prior to Release of Weapons Report

us (govt) warns companies over israel boycott (tags)

what was that about living in the land of the free? Great govt there: tells you they defend freedom, while preventing it.

israeli antisemirism (tags)

innocent palestinians treated worse than criminals. Rare case of an isreali with a conscience

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