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joe mulligan


This year, as we prepare to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6 and 9), it is imperative that the global peace movement show the links between that genocide and the slaughter of innocent civilians carried out by the U.S. military in its "conventional" war in Haditha, Fallujah and throughout Iraq.

Global Nonviolent Resistance Marks Third Anniversary (tags)

Marking the third anniversary of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, thousands of activists from all parts of the globe engaged in nonviolent demonstrations and direct action focusing on disrupting business as usual at some of the symbolic “Pillars of the War in Iraq” – US government installations, military bases, congressional offices, recruitment centers and war profiteers. Actions took place in cities around the world, including Atlanta, Belfast, Boston, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Madrid, Managua, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Rome, San Francisco, San Salvador and Washington, DC. These actions demonstrate increasing boldness to challenge the mechanisms of the war in Iraq through coordinated, global nonviolent resistance.

Nobel Laureates and Religious Leaders Call on World to Resist Iraq Occupation (tags)

As the third anniversary of the United States-led invasion of Iraq approaches, Nobel Peace and Literature Laureates are joined by religious leaders, writers, human rights activists, former government officials, peace activists and others in calling for ongoing campaigns of nonviolent civil resistance to end the U.S. led occupation of Iraq. On March 20, 2006, the first of five days of action throughout 2006, there will be nonviolent civil resistance actions at US and British diplomatic missions, military bases, recruitment offices and war profiteers in at least three continents.

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