fix articles 15650, france Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : france


Paraphysique du disruptif mortifère (tags)

Tout métier maçonnant le capital...

L'uniformisation tue toute diversité (tags)

Tout, toujours, nous retombe sur le râble...

Hybristophilie déviée et non genrée (tags)

Toute empathie y est en défaite...

Infobésité et faux évergétisme (tags)

Car le capital est ubiquitaire, tout le nourrit et tout le sert...

Anarchie ou barbarie (tags)

Le capital a besoin du pire...

De la stochasticité des déterminismes indéterminés (tags)

L'indéterminé est lui-même déterminé, lois sociales ou physiques...

Entropie ou l'anarchie inversée (tags)

Apprentissage du conditionnement...

Biorégionalisme, bioeuropéanisme, biomondialisme (tags)

Fascisme brun, fascisme rouge, fascisme libéral, fascisme tout court, c'est le capital qui rend aveugle et sourd...

Paraphysique du totalitarisme banalisé (tags)

Sous-vie en mimétisme généralisé...

Paraphysique de l'interactivité (tags)

Les cellules du capital sont les êtres humains...

Tyrannie de l'import/export (tags)

L'économie politique de tous les massacres...

Réactualisation de la fossilisation (tags)

Tout va contre l'intuition et donc contre la raison...

Curriculum vitae paraphysique (tags)

Trente trois ans de décroissance, environ...

Paraphysique du capital (tags)

Tous unis contre le capital, cela serait mieux...

Anamnèse de la photosynthèse (tags)

Hypertoxique est le monde marchandisé...

Paraphysique du je-m'en-foutisme (tags)

Des arts et du spectacle en alibi d'afféterie...

Tout se perpétuant sans fin (tags)

Inutile ou servant à quelque chose, TOUT, nous le subissons...

Exuvie psychologique (tags)

Il n'y a que de l'inhumanité et aucune humanité...

Patrice Faubert (tags)

Car il n'y a que de l'inhumanité et pas d'humanité...

Stéréotypie paraphysique (tags)

Tout est ravagé par les corruptions...

Dadaïsme, lettrisme, paraphysique (tags)

Car TOUT est en prison...

Le capital est le totalitarisme (tags)

Tout peut y changer de nom...

Collectage et recyclage du capital (tags)

Du faux gagné, du vrai perdu...

Paraphysique de l'esclavage (tags)

La plupart des gens suivent le mouvement...

La censure des censures (tags)

Tout ce qui n'est pas conforme à une conformité...

Le suicide du monde (tags)

La richesse peut se partager, la misère ne peut se répartir...

Partout, toujours, la guerre mondiale (tags)

Classes sociales différentes, dans un même temps d'effondrement...

Programmatisme étudiant l'exonymie (tags)

Chaque temps produit de l'humain pour un profit jamais vain...

Cartellisation glyphosatée du monde (tags)

Le vrai du faux, le faux du vrai...

Cartellisation glyphosatée du monde (tags)

Le vrai du faux, le faux du vrai...

Cartellisation glyphosatée du monde (tags)

Faux du vrai, vrai du faux...

Paraphysique des aberrations en syntonie (tags)

Les fonctions du langage...

Monde WC, air vicié, et basta (tags)

Et au fond, le 49.3 est tout gouvernement...

Paraphysique du gangstérisme spectacularisé (tags)

Clientélisme, népotisme, médecinisme...

Les convictions de l'intérêt (tags)

La mémoire n'est pas intelligente...

Panoplies ubiquitaires des guerres (tags)

F-22 Raptor, 143 millions de dollars, pièce...

Paraphysique du suicide (tags)

L'agressivité est de la sublimation...

Les gènes de l'environnement (tags)

L'apprentissage des gènes, les gènes de l'apprentissage...

Fake news, deepfakes, du cellulaire steak (tags)

D'autres étiquettes pour une même oppression...

Gouvernementalité des continuités (tags)

L'administration du renseignement...

Paraphysique du néant (tags)

Car absolument tout est surfait...

Production de la pollution (tags)

De la noblesse comme de la roture...

Paraphysique d'excitotoxicity processus stalking (tags)

Tout va, tout vient, tout nous déambule...

L'idéologie gauchiste (tags)

Chaque bourgeoisie avec ses muselières...

Paraphysique du viol (tags)

Les viols du corps, les viols de l'esprit...

Du Gyps fulvus et du plancton (tags)

Esclavage visible et esclavage invisible...

NATO: The founding lie (tags)

In the run-up to the founding of NATO, those responsible in the USA knew: The Soviet Union posed no military threat. The weakened power could not sustain an attack on Western Europe even if it wanted to: The Soviet Union's economy is largely destroyed and technologically obsolete.

Murmuration califale (tags)

De la hiérarchie et du disciplinaire...

Les engrammes du fascisme réhydraté (tags)

Nazification et fascisation du monde...

Le gène, à l'environnement, prête serment (tags)

Il n'y a aucune liberté de la presse...

L'effet confinement (tags)

Et la caravane du capital qui passe...

L'abjection en réappropriation (tags)

S'adapter, se réadapter, à l'abjection...

Paraphysique de l'environnementome (tags)

Comme tout est du capital...

Un village français, de nos jours (tags)

Pétain, reviens, tu as oublié tes chiens...

Aphantasie planétaire (tags)

Toute une puanteur invisibilisée...

L'éco-anxiété eschatologique (tags)

Il y a 590 partis politiques en France, au minimum...

Le viol de la pensée, la pensée du viol (tags)

Passé, présent, futur, des déterminants...

The Virtues of a 28-hour Week: Work less, pollute less (tags)

The number of workers is growing faster than the amount of work available. We live in a society where work is poorly distributed. Three days off for every four days worked could be liberating. The goal would be increased well-being, gaining time and losing a kind of consumption not really synonymous with pleasure.

Report Uncovers 3,200 Paedophiles in Catholic Church (tags)

The release of a landmark report investigating how French Catholic priests sexually abused an estimated 10,000 victims over the last 70 years during a climate of cover-ups and secrecy is expected to mark a major turning point in the history of Catholicism in France, and threatens to send an already shrinking community of believers into a renewed crisis of faith.

Hors-champ littéraire (tags)

Ni cela me flatte, ni cela m'atteint...

De l'exposome humanophobe (tags)

L'autre de tous les autres...

De l'interconnexion globalisée et mondialisée (tags)

Un seul exemple pour tous les exemples...

Du rififi dans le rififi (tags)

Mondialisation du rififi...

Du rififi dns le rififi (tags)

Mondialisation du rififi...

Schibboleth en salmigondis (tags)

La production de l'élimination...

De la chimère connectée (tags)

De l'illusion informatisée...

Paraphysique de l'économisme terroriste (tags)

Le monde de l'économie...

Aucun complot, stratégie gouvernante (tags)

Stratégie dominante...

Assimilation, intégration, personnalisation (tags)

La nature colonisée...

Propagande formelle, propagande informelle (tags)

Tout le monde est personne...

Abolir la mentalité des armes (tags)

Tout gouvernement est pourri...

L'idée de suicide, le suicide de l'idée (tags)

Le mal de vivre est profond...

Conscientisation anesthésiée (tags)

Tout est violence là où règne le fric...

Guerre de profit, profit de guerre (tags)

Place à toutes les forfaitures...

Copie d'original, original de copie (tags)

Tout est interconnecté...

Paraphysique de l'irrémissible amnésie (tags)

De tout cela, qui se souvient ? ...

De l'alacrité pour l'abîme (tags)

Tout un syncrétisme de la démesure...

Abolir l'économie (tags)

Abolir l'économie d'aliénation ou disparaître...

Le virus de l'environnementome (tags)

Le virus de la propagande...

Sauve-qui-peut du gâchis (tags)

Un pied dans la merde, partout...

L'empathie amputée (tags)

Toute une commune culture...

Selling off. The Price of Privatization in France (tags)

Liberalization and privatization have ultimately only confused consumers, but have whetted the appetite of the industry bosses and their puppets even more. The takeover of the state by the private sector is no longer about the realization of an ideological project.

Psychose virale étatisée (tags)

L'instrumentalisation de la maladie...

Du mégacène énergivore (tags)

Il faut vite, très vite, une autre source...

L'impermanence capitalisée (tags)

De ce monde où le pire est toujours possible...

Au tout toxique (tags)

Qu'est-ce qu'on attend ?

Putanisme patriarcal, putanisme social (tags)

Toute une fausse conscience crétine...

Paraphysique de l'atomisation du monde (tags)

Au tout globalement, au tout polluant...

Paraphysique de biodynamie généralisée (tags)

Il faut donc abolir l'économie...

Janotisme éducationnel insane (tags)

Car nos cerveaux sont les cerveaux du capital...

Les gènes de l'environnement (tags)

L'esclavage de l'intérêt...

Niche environnementale, niche fondamentale (tags)

Nos expériences comme seules licences...

Paraphysique de l'extinction induite (tags)

Minorité agissante, majorité obéissante...

Stéréotypie des idéologies dominantes (tags)

Reproduction massive des comportements...

Scriptura continua de fausse conscience (tags)

Tout besoin névrotique est malsain...

La position d'esprit (tags)

Position d'esprit, esprit de position...

Enfants du smartphone, enfants de l'iPhone, enfants tablettes, enfants carpettes (tags)

Un marché mondial de la dope...

Psychosomatique de radioactivité (tags)

Le monde de la fausseté...

Le gène, à l'environnement, prête serment (tags)

Pour le capital, toute forme de vie, ne vaut rien...

Paraphysique de l'environnementome (tags)

L'industrialisation de la vie...

Paraphysique du fricotage (tags)

Comme une abstention révolutionnaire, comme une insurrection...

Paraphysique de virologie informationnelle (tags)

Virus de la communication...

La Bourse ou l'économie prostituée (tags)

La tyrannie mondiale en exultation...

Paraphysique du cyberespace (tags)

Un monde sans aucune vraie rencontre...

Paraphysique de vicariance gravimétricienne (tags)

Quand tout est divisé...

Monde ségrégé, monde occupé (tags)

De plus en plus d'uniformité...

Logomachie extinctive (tags)

Le commerce de la merde...

Paraphysique de l'aidance (tags)

De la connexion interconnectée...

Paraphysique de sismographie politicarde (tags)

La normalité de l'inhumanité...

Les cadres de la contre-révolution, banalités de base (tags)

C'est pour quand, la vie ?...

Paraphysique du chômage (tags)

Vide de plein, plein de vide, le capital...

Paraphysique du capharnaüm étatiste (tags)

Le monde de la dictature...

Des corporatismes mussolinistes (tags)

Du conditionnement culturel psychogéographique...

Paraphysique de l'économicisme terroriste (tags)

Du terrorisme de l'économie...

Aperception de chosification réification (tags)

Le capital de l'immonde...

Paraphysique de la grève générale insurrectionnelle (tags)

Même et surtout de la fausse contestation...

Stratification sociale genrée (tags)

Bourgeoise ou populaire, l'armée nous fiche en l'air...

Assimilation, intégration, personnalisation (tags)

L'ADN est international et non national...

Paraphysique de manipulation mentale et sociale (tags)

Tout est manipulé...

Du sectarisme, des sectes, des clans (tags)

De toute une supercherie assermentée...

Conscientisation anesthésiée (tags)

La non-violence comme anormalité, la violence comme normalité...

Profit de guerre, guerre de profit (tags)

L'Union sacrée des erreurs...

Paraphysique du prodrome oukase (tags)

La propagande de la réaction...

COP 21, 25, 32, de l'écocide organisé (tags)

Toute l'organisation du monde est démente...

Une machine c'est crétin (tags)

Tout est devenu de la guerre...

Autoréplication, l'Histoire en rétroaction (tags)

De l'éternel retour...

Stress, réaction organique à l'agression (tags)

Le capital du stress...

Plus d'hôpitaux, à bas les aéros (tags)

Du capital, tous les liants...

Proximospective de l'univocité réifiée (tags)

Du racisme puis du culturalisme...

Business de l'inhumanitaire (tags)

De l'humanitaire de la technologie sécuritaire...

Cybermonde, cyberguerre, cyberespace, cyberterrorisme (tags)

L'enfer du rythme économique...

Nous sommes le système (tags)

Le système est totalement antipathique...

Paraphysique miscellanées de l'aggiornamento (tags)

Les appellations ne sont pas les mêmes, mais c'est toujours le même phénomène...

Paraphysique de l'algolagnie (tags)

Car TOUT se transforme en capital...

Le capital ou l'épouvante permanente (tags)

Organisation des diverses bourgeoisies...

Paraphysique des perturbateurs attentionnels (tags)

Il n'y a finalement que de faux alliés...

Paraphysique de homo sapiens numericus (tags)

Il faudrait tout changer, chiche ?

Schutzstaffel le monde nazifié (tags)

Comme une impuissance généralisée...

Le capitalisme est le crime organisé (tags)

De l'organisation criminelle du capitalisme...

Xyloglossie attitudinale (tags)

Au tout guerre, au tout dément...

Biodiversité ou la nature privatisée (tags)

Les mentalités du capital, le capital des mentalités..

Habeas corpus du spectaculaire intégré (tags)

De l'intérieur, entraver la contestation...

Sauve-qui-peut du gâchis (tags)

Fin du salariat, fin du patronat, fin du prolétariat...

L'empathie amputée (tags)

Tout un crétinisme à grande vitesse au pouvoir...

L'impermanence capitalisée (tags)

De ce monde où le pire est toujours possible...

Irénisme d'antinomie (tags)

Le capitalisme est une sorte d'irénisme...

Paraphysique du fait divers (tags)

La romance du capital...

Paraphysique de l'aplanissement diversifié (tags)

Uniformisation de la diversité, diversité de l'uniformisation...

Infobésité et faux évergétisme (tags)

Des informations capitalistes qui tuent l'information...

Anarchie ou barbarie (tags)

Le capitalisme est un crime contre l'humanité...

Slavery as a Human Right (tags)

Slavery lives in modern forms like debt slavery. Capitalist society stands in opposition to human rights and does not only realize human rights. Capitalism cannot realize essential demands from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Putanisme patriarcal, putanisme social (tags)

Tout est prostitué au capital...

Paraphysique de l'interactivité (tags)

Le capital a de multiples visages...

Curriculum vitae paraphysique (tags)

Record de chômage rémunéré en France...

State Indebtedness as a Power Strategy (tags)

Contracting debts exploded under neoliberalism since the 1980s - unlike the state debts in the Keynesian era from the 1950s to the 1970s - and produced s structural debt bondage for the overwhelming majority.

Facing a Possible State of Emergency (tags)

The danger of authoritarian "solutions" grows when the constitutional state is dismantled, undermined or suspended. Basic western values were betrayed in the so-called "war on terror." All persons have the same inalienable human rights irrespective of nationality, origin or religion.

Exuvie psychologique (tags)

Pour une révolution mentale...

Stéréotypie paraphysique (tags)

Tout est devenu une propriété privée...

Paraphysique de biodynamie généralisée (tags)

De la peste émotionnelle...

Allied Efforts in WW2@ Shortened Length of Time Nazi Party Terrorized Western Theater (tags)

we do not have all the details but gliders from England were on way to lift supplies such as handguns and small quantities of explosives into France and the Netherlands. germany had little armed resistance as the Nazi Party was well established and ruthless to the hilt.

Dadaïsme, lettrisme, paraphysique (tags)

Toute guerre est ennemie de l'humanité...

Janotisme éducationnel insane (tags)

De l'éducation aberrée...

Les gènes de l'environnement (tags)

L'environnement des gènes...

A Sort Story about Iran, The Ayatollah Khomeni and Iran during the Shah (tags)

The Ayatollah Khomeni was exiled to Paris France long before the 1979 revolution which ended the monarchy and paved the way for a long list of fundamentalists from Qom and other cities. One tactic of the fundamentalists was to recored cassette tapes in France, then distribute them in Persian speaking areas from masjids or mosques.

La censure des censures (tags)

L'inconscient de la censure...

Stéréotypie des idéologies dominantes (tags)

La terreur du capital...

Enfants du smartphone, enfants de l'iPhone, enfants tablettes, enfants carpettes (tags)

Enfants écrans...

Psychosomatique de radioactivité (tags)

La souffrance s'exportant, personne ne peut y échapper...

Paraphysique du fricotage (tags)

Des mémoires artificielles...

Planète Terre (tags)

Puème paraphysique...

Scriptura continua de fausse conscience (tags)

La fausse conscience de la conscience...

Paraphysique de virologie politicienne (tags)

De la terreur politicienne...

Paraphysique du cyberespace (tags)

Brûler tous les papiers...

Paraphysique du suicide (tags)

Suicide de la société, société du suicide...

Logomachie extinctive (tags)

Sixième extinction massive d'espèces...

Paraphysique de l'aidance (tags)

De l'inhumanité administrée...

Paraphysique du néant (tags)

Tous les faits du monde sont de la guerre...

Paraphysique de sismographie politicarde (tags)

Les électrochocs du capital...

Les cadres de la contre-révolution, banalités de base (tags)

Contre-révolution de la révolution...

Wikileaks Publication of Email To Hilllary Clinton About Libyan Gold and Oil (tags)

Wikileaks published an email sent by Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton in which he indicated 143 tons of gold (as well as oil and opposition to a socialist government known for Qaddafi's charity) as reasons to bomb Libya.

Hillary’s email revelation: France and US killed Qaddafi for his gold and oil (tags)

poster's note: Hillary's emails show 143 tons of gold held by Libya as well as oil were 2 of the factors along with others in the bombing of Libya

Paraphysique du chômage (tags)

Le chômage de l'étude, l'étude du chômage...

From the Constitutional State to the Security State (tags)

The state of emergency is that arrangement by which totalitarian powers were established in Europe...These three characteristics of the security state-maintaining a generalized state of anxiety, depolitization of citizens and renunciation on any legal certainty-should make us think.

Aperception de chosification réification (tags)

15000 stimuli de marchandise, chaque jour et par être humain...

Paraphysique de grève générale insurrectionnelle (tags)

Manifestation, grève générale, insurrection...

Stratification sociale genrée (tags)

Rose pour les filles, bleu pour les garçons...

Paraphysique de biocénose (tags)

Production du poison, poison de production...

Paraphysique de manipulation mentale et sociale (tags)

Manipulation mentale, manipulation sociale...

Du sectarisme, des sectes, des clans (tags)

Sectarisme de l'immobilisme, immobilisme du sectarisme...

L'idéologie gauchiste (tags)

L'idéologie de la bureaucratisation, la bureaucratisation de l'idéologie...

Paraphysique des Kouachi/Coulibaly (tags)

Du terrorisme et de la gouvernance...

Paraphysique du viol (tags)

Tous les jours, le capital nous violente...

Paraphysique du viol (tags)

Tous les jours, le capital nous violente...

Bombing Strengthens the Islamic State (tags)

The attempts to stop Islamic terror through military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq have brought about the opposite. These attempts destabilized societies in those countries, promoted terror and triggered great streams of refugees. So the policy of the West bears a joint responsibility.

Les médias de masse du capital (tags)

Pesanteur du capital, capital de pesanteur...

Paraphysique de l'effet spectateur (tags)

Spectateur de la vie, la vie du spectateur...

Paraphysique du prodrome oukaze (tags)

Le fascisme produit du fascisme...

COP21, 25, 32, de l'écocide organisé (tags)

L'espèce humaine doit changer de mentalité ou disparaître...

The Shortwave Report 11/27/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.

No to Racism and War! (tags)

We must give good and equal chances to youth for education and training instead of hate campaigns and general suspicion. The "war on terror" has taken the lives of more than a million persons and destroyed whole societies. Whoever wants to fight IS must battle against the imperialist wars.

A War the West Cannot Win (tags)

Andrew J. Bacevich is a professor emeritus at Boston University. His new book “America’s War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History’’ will appear in April 2016.

Following Paris Terror Attacks, Only Three Things are Guaranteed (tags)

The immediate response to the terror attacks in France was one of blatant militarism. As Anti-Media reported earlier today, the French government has deployed 10,000 troops to patrol the streets of France.

Autoréplication, l'Histoire en rétroaction (tags)

Le passé, le présent, le futur, sont une seule entité...

Stress, réaction organique à l'agression (tags)

Stress, l'attente en tension...

France honors local men for WWII service (tags)

Two local men – U.S. Army veterans, Robert Tronge, 87, of Hillman, MI and James Sloan, 89, of Daytona Beach, recently received the French Legion of Honor medal for their military service from the Consulate General of France in Miami and The Alliance Francaise of Greater Orlando.

Proximospective de l'univocité réifiée (tags)

Une balle, une rafale, contre le capital...

France Bombs Syria (tags)



Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and all of the US nuclear industry, and spotlights those who are working for a nuke free future.

Nous sommes le système (tags)

Système de l'inhumanité, l'inhumanité du système...

Irresponsibly Freezing Russian Assets (tags)


Paraphysique miscellanées de l'aggiornamento (tags)

Mise à jour du capital...

Paraphysique de l'algolagnie (tags)

Le sadomasochisme du capital...

Know The Brand Names of Water Thief Nestle's (tags)

27 years ago Nestle's permit to siphon off the people's water in California expired

Le capital où l'épouvante permanente (tags)

Capital de l'épouvante, épouvante du capital...

The Allies at Gallipoli: Defeat in 1915, Disgrace in 2015 (tags)

Turkey enjoys the spectacle of defeated foreigners trudging to Gallipoli.

Pot-pourri des carcans culturels (tags)

Tout effet papillon est reliant...

Schutzstaffel le monde nazifié (tags)

Le capitalisme et ses ruines...

Le capitalisme est le crime organisé (tags)

Le capital, chaque pays en est une carte...

Xyloglossie attitudinale (tags)

Partout la langue de bois...

Biodiversité ou la nature privatisée (tags)

Changer ou disparaître...

Kiev's Junta: Talking Peace, Waging War (tags)


March Against Air France (tags)

Join The Bunny Alliance and Empty Cages LA for a protest against Air France – KLM. Air France-KLM is the number one transporter of animals to laboratories, and the number one Airline deporting asylum seekers and migrants out of France. Take a stand against the import of animals to labs, and the deportation of migrants!

"Je Suis CIA"; Another False Flag Event to Boost Military-Industrial Complex Profit$ (tags)

Article copied from Global Research outlines the Charlie Hebdo incident as a CIA concocted false flag designed to provoke conflict between the West and Islam. The beneficiaries of this designed attack would be the military-industrial complex that thrives under the constant threat of war and terrorism. The Kouachi brothers were well known to intelligence officials and were being guided by their handlers for several years leading up to the timed strike in France.

Escalated War on Islam (tags)


Defiant Charlie Hebdo (tags)

police state

Habeas corpus du spectaculaire intégré (tags)

Terrorisme du capital, capital du terrorisme...

Netanyahu in Paris (tags)


Police State France (tags)

Waging War on Islam (tags)


Twelve dead in attack on French Newspaper, Charlie Hebdo (tags)

An assault on Freedom of expression in Europe

Torture in Israeli Prisons (tags)


Irénisme d'antinomie (tags)

Ce n'est rien du tout, commençons le combat...

Paraphysique du fait divers (tags)

Vols, crimes, délits, comme la propriété, nourrissent le capital...

Nestle's Robbing Nests (tags)

The world's largest food corporation is privatizing the world's waters, draining wetlands, clogging landfills, making plastic trash islands in the seas, causing cancer, animal agony and environmental desecration

Infobésité ou faux évergétisme (tags)

Il faut être un franc-tireur à toutes les traditions, à toutes les conventions...

Entropie ou l'anarchie inversée (tags)

L'entropie de l'anarchie, l'anarchie de l'entropie...

Paraphysique de l'interactivité (tags)

Tout se tient, tout fait lien...

Panthers in the Hole: French Angola 3 Book Illustrates US Prison Crisis (tags)

Amnesty International France and La Boîte à Bulles have published a 128-page French language graphic novel entitled Panthers in the Hole. The book's co-authors David Cénou and Bruno Cénou present with visual art what Amnesty France describes as "la tragique histoire des Trois d'Angola" (the tragic story of the Angola 3). We interview Nicolas Krameyer, who is head of the Individuals at Risk / Human Rights Defenders Program for Amnesty International France.

Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO) Struggles for Peace (tags)

IPSO is a non-political, not-for-profit organization based in the city of Jerusalem. IPSO’s mission is to foster and sustain cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians and to promote dialogue and interaction among scholars and scientists in the two communities. IPSO seeks out and supports high quality research in science and learning, involving cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian scientists and scholars.

Paraphysique du capital (tags)

La médecine est fasciste libérale et la pauvreté se soigne mal...

Exuvie psychologique (tags)

Conditionnement de la différence, différence du conditionnement...

Stéréotypie paraphysique (tags)

Propriété du monde, monde de la propriété...

Disgraceful Security Council Resolution on Syria (tags)


Dadaïsme, lettrisme, paraphysique (tags)

Provoquer la réflexion, car TOUT est prison...

Paraphysique de l'esclavage (tags)

L'intérêt de n'avoir aucun intérêt...

Israeli Responsibility for Hacking Millions of French Phones? (tags)


NATO Chief Urges War on Syria (tags)


Spying? Who cares? Profits are at stake! (tags)

Despite the displays of anger and assertions of sovereignty, European government showed themselves not only subordinate to the U.S. but to their own industrialists and financiers. The U.S. government is similarly a captive of its own big business interests.

Quelle Surprise: NSA Spies on Europe (tags)

police state

Air France's Monkey Business (tags)

Please watch and share LCA's PSA: Air France's Monkey Business. Air France transports tens of thousands of primates each year for cruel and invasive animal experimentation.

Air France Ships Monkeys for Animal Testing! (tags)

Please watch and share LCA's PSA: Air France's Monkey Business. Air France transports tens of thousands of primates each year for cruel and invasive animal experimentation.

UNESCO Peace Prize to a War Criminal (tags)


Economic Straight Talk (tags)

class war

"Liberating Mali": The President of France hails the beginning of a long-term occupation (tags)

"Alongside the Malians and the Africans, we have liberated this town. Today Timbuktu. Tomorrow Kidal. And others are still to come. You have accomplished an exceptional mission." [France's President Francois Hollande, speech delivered to French troops in Timbuktu, 2 February 2013]

Targeting Mali (tags)


“France under jihadist threat”: French media promotes the war on Mali (tags)

“Military intervention by France and the other Western powers in Mali - under the guise of “defeating terrorism” - is a bridgehead for Western capital and corporations, not only into a resource-rich country, but into a large chunk of the entire African continent.”

Paraphysique du gauchisme (tags)

L'idéologie du gauchisme est le gauchisme de l'idéologie...

Paraphysique du viol (tags)

Le viol du corps est le viol de l'esprit...

Debt Forgiveness Or Death! (tags)

These are the only two choices for the global elite as history does not lie.

La censure des censures (tags)

La censure de l'individu à tout gouvernement, est un même mouvement...

Economic Policy, the Schwabian Housewife and Francois Hollande (tags)

"What is rational for individuals leads collectively into a cul-de-sac.. The fundamental error is that economic policy believes the crisis can be fought with the logic of a family budget. For that reason, the collapse of the euro zone threatens." France goes a different way than Italy and Spain.

Choice Not on Ballot in French Election (tags)


NATO Intervening in Syria (tags)


The Armenian Genocide (tags)


The New Normal: Economic Weakness and Decline (tags)

class war

Deepening Debt Contagion (tags)


Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)


Making Sense of Syria (tags)


Libya is free. And Guyane Fran?aise? (tags)

Pepper in the buttocks of others is refreshment.

Professor Hassan Diab: Unjustly Victimized (tags)


What Next in Libya? (tags)


Remember Saddam Hussain? (tags)

"The capture of numerous British military and intelligence operatives—six SAS men and an MI5 agent—by rebel forces in Benghazi made clear that the powers that be are already hard at work to this end. It has since been revealed by the Daily Mail that ministers have approved “a presence on the ground” of the SAS and MI6, who “will link up with Special Forces already in Libya to provide protection and give informal military advice to the Libyan opposition.”

Does "Indignez-vous!" in The Nation mag deny Hessel a bestseller in the USA? (tags)

Now Stephane Hessel has another reason for outrage, though at 94 he may be exempt from personal ambition and he always has been selfless, and that is the chance to also have a bestseller in the US.

Baby Doc Duvalier in Haiti (tags)

despot returns

Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (tags)

The Commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress has been created at the beginning of 2008 on French government's initiative.

France: More strikes, opposition to social austerity (tags)

"At Université Lyon-2, students gathered to vote on future action and protest the detention of demonstrators at Corbas prison, according to an account in Lyon-Capitale. They criticized the unions and also bourgeois “left” parties such as the Socialist Party (PS) and its presumed 2012 presidential candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Strauss-Kahn is currently the head of the International Monetary Fund, where he pressed for massive austerity policies and wage cuts to be imposed on Greek workers in exchange for an IMF bailout, during this spring’s Greek debt crisis. One Lyon student said: “We’re in the street because we have had enough of Sarkozy. We had had enough of [ex- President Jacques] Chirac before and we will have had enough of Strauss-Kahn.... What we do not want anymore is Sarkozy, capitalism, and globalization.”

French Worker Struggles for Justice (tags)

struggling without union support

French Lessons for U.S. Workers (tags)

The world watches as France once again erupts in protests, demonstrations, and strikes. So much is at stake. If France's corporate-dominated government is able to increase the retirement age, other governments will be empowered to follow through with their plans to do the same. If labor, student, and community groups succeed in stopping the pension reform -- or toppling the government -- workers in other countries will likewise be inspired to fight back and organize in the French fashion.

The Shortwave Report 10/22 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Germany, Cuba, and Russia. 

Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France (tags)

Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France from the exploited masses of the United States

Manifesto of French Economists: Why We Are Shocked (tags)

On October 11 three million French workers were on strike against President Sarkozy's authoritarian attacks on social security and pensions. "Despite its obvious debacle, the neoliberal dogma is still regarded as the only correct economic system."

The Shortwave Report 09/10 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Germany, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia. 

US Tells Lebanon: Israel Can Destroy Your Entire Army in 4 hrs. (tags)

"I imagine that when S300 surface to air missiles start tagging those F16’s new thoughts will alight in long calcified minds. France has every right to supply Lebanon with those weapons. Given Israel’s proven imperialist nature the “real international community” will demand it."

Albert Camus: A Stranger No More (Book Review) (tags)

Two authors, Robert Zaretsky and Elizabeth Hawes, have resurrected Albert Camus, the late French Algerian novelist and philosopher, in their just released books. I’m recommending both of their tomes. I think their efforts contribute, in different ways, to enhancing Camus’ literary legacy. Camus’ courageous moralizing against the excesses of the ideologues of his days is timely. Let’s face it, we too live in an era where crazed warmongers are running amuck.

Israel's Open Secret: Nuclear Armed and Dangerous (tags)

Israel's nuclear arsenal threatens humanity




Wonder where the US got its strategic thinking towards Haiti from? Read on...

Protest sweeps Europe (tags)

France Jan 29, 2009. Public and private workers mount a one-day strike with mass support. Schools, courts and transportation shut down in several cities. This article is from: Freedom Socialist Vol30 No2 April-May 2009.

Pandemic of anti-Semitism (tags)

Israel's recent war in Gaza has unleashed the worst outbreaks of anti-Semitism in decades, the U.S. head of the Anti-Defamation League said on Friday.

Munich Agreement papers declassified (tags)

The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR in Russian abbreviation) has declassified archive materials related to the 1938 Munich Agreement, which triggered the most dramatic events of the 20th century.

London to Geneva Peace Walk, May 2008 (tags)

We have been in France for 28 days, and over a month since the walk began. We have had huge support from not just local people but globally the walk has been joined by people from Japan, Canada, German, France, Italy, Australia, Sweden, Scotland, England, Niger & the United States of America.

London to Geneva Peace Walk, May 2008 (tags)

We have been in France for 28 days, and over a month since the walk began. We have had huge support from not just local people but globally the walk has been joined by people from Japan, Canada, German, France, Italy, Australia, Sweden, Scotland, England, Niger & the United States of America.

Help break the cycle of mass destruction (tags)

Footprints for Peace (Australia), with the active support of the French network for nuclear phase-out, will walk from London to Geneva (April 26 - July 18) via France for a nuclear-free world.

Workers Pay for Their own Impoverishment (tags)

A whole series of factors are combining to undermine the financial position of banks. None of this happened by chance. It is only to be expected that brokers should seize every opportunity to line their pockets. They use innovations to kid themselves they can abolish risk.


After last week in Burkina Faso, it is Cameroon this week that has witnessed demonstrations and strikes against inflation and the high cost of living; and the bestial repression of these movements of protest.

International peace walk - London to Geneva through France (tags)

The nuclear industry threatens us all. Today there is an urgent call for global action to break the cycle of mass destruction.

The French Connection: Libya Seeking Arms Deals (tags)

"...there have been widespread reports in recent days that France and Libya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding covering arms deals worth up to EUR 4.5 billion, including the first foreign sale of the Rafale fighter. Has France learned the lessons of Morocco and Saudi Arabia? Can the Rafale find an export home at last? Will the deals come to fruition? DID reports."

Riot violence is escalating in France, police groups say (tags)

Revolts are the inevitable product of the current social system. When a revolt breaks out you can’t ask yourself ‘how could it happen?’ but rather ‘how is it possible that it doesn’t happen everywhere, all the time?’. - Nights of Rage

Analysis: EU force may reach Chad in Jan. (tags)

Gen. Henri Bentegeat, chairman of the EU Military Committee, said Thursday the forces will be fully operational by the end of the year..."If we aren't welcome, we'll make ourselves welcome. If necessary by force," Bentegeat said, reiterating the EU forces will have a mandate allowing them to use violence if they see it fit.

La mirada de Jokin. Carta de las visitadoras de Vargas Llosa a Charo, la prostituta de Mon (tags)

Las visitadoras de Vargas Llosa indican a Charo el papel que pueden jugar todas ellas, en su condición de “enfangadas”, en la activación de alternativas pragmáticas al método de la señora Maigret para confrontar la conspiración de los medios representantes de la opinión convencional para desconstruir los conceptos de Estado, de Nación, de ciudadano y de organización multilateral.

Ecosocialist Meeting Report (tags)

More than 60 activists from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States belonging to various political parties and ecological movements took part in this meeting.

Palestinian Propaganda Coup (tags)

France urges RP to back disappearances treaty (tags)

France appealed to the Philippine government to sign and ratify an international treaty on forced disappearances in view of the pending assistance of local authorities by human rights experts from Europe in solving the unabated political killings in the country. French Ambassador to the Philippines Gerard Chesnel yesterday stressed the need for all democratic governments to support the treaty on disappearances, which will criminalize and put an end to rampant state-sanctioned abductions.

The delegates at Bilderberg 2007 (tags)

These people need to be tried for crimes against the commons. And their toys taken away to enjoy a life in one of their ruined poisoned lands. Some need to be hanged.

France : "Let these kids grow up here!" (tags)

"Laissez-les grandir ici!" (Let these kids grow up here!) Here is a short film that has been seen over 80,000 times on the internet and thousands more in cinemas in France, where, through the eyes and voices of children, it questions again the politics of deportation of so-called "illegal" immigrants – this is the midst of the election campaigns. A national petition is gaining momentum and may well gather more signatures than last year's civil disobedience campaign "Nous les prenons sous notre protection" (We will protect them)

GUINEA: the army requisitions all the workers! (tags)

Friday evening, Kerfalla Camara, the chief of staff of the Guinean army, announced in a radio broadcast that he has ordered the end of the general strike and the resumption of work on Monday, by requisitioning all the workers in the administration, in commercial establishments and in private enterprises!

Nuke everyone (tags)

Olmert wants to nuke Iran

Viva La Chance! (tags)

The solution to the problem cannot be curfews and terar gas.. Profit and power are set above social peace. Who is really responsible when the villa surrounded by barbed wire is charred one morning?

The fake compassion of Europe's right-wing (tags)

It’s interesting to see what issues can infiltrate and corrupt the Left. Usually the offenses are blatant— supporting the ‘war on terror’, electing ‘progressive Democrats’, calling for military intervention into a troubled region (Yugoslavia— and now Sudan). Sometimes though, more subtle topics can confuse and disorientate the Left, the most recent example being the sudden reemergence of the WWI Armenian genocide as a hot-button issue.

Earth may be at warmest point in million years (tags)

Earth may be at warmest point in million years

In the Spirit of Jaures and Luxemburg (tags)

Only a new type of conflict management can put a stop to the violence in the Middle East.. In 1914 there existed an inherited hostility between Germany and France.. The only question is how the never ending spiral of violence can be broken.

The Troop Question (tags)

As the shaky ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel lumbers on, the European governments expected to ‘enforce the peace’ have been stuttering and stalling in the face of actual commitment. It was France who took the initiative originally, who as head of UNISFL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), promised 3000 troops. After analyzing the situation further, an about-face occurred, and the troop level was reduced to 400 non-combatant personal. Italy saw opportunity and declared itself the replacement, promising 2000 troops; France, not to be outdone, reasserted leadership responsibilities, but with 2000 troops this time; Italy was then, thanks to its charitableness, awarded France’s old job as head of UNISFL. After all this, the seesawing attitude of the rest of Europe continues. These governments are demanding more definitive ‘rules of engagement’; they’re curious about the prospects of actual fighting, and are rightfully scared of being viewed as a foreign occupier in Hezbollahland. Bush is intent on seeing that his backfired war-effort is partially salvaged, and has insisted that Europe “hurry up” with military aide, since the U.S. has none to spare. It may be prudent to examine why Europe— who views Israel and the U.S. with apt distrust— is both eager and terrified to help them pursue their interests. Note: a working assumption will be that ‘humanitarian reasons’ is a sophistic answer, meant to lure citizens into obedience.

Problems with Europe's nuclear plants raise worries just as the energy was gaining support (tags)

By Susan Sachs | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

LA Welcomes Haitian Women Activists (tags)

Haitian activists Ginette Apollon and Rea Dol, in LA as part of their first visit to California, discuss the situation on the ground following the election of René Preval as President of Haiti and what are the demands of the grassroots.

Spain to Negotiate With Basque Separatists (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted the story about Spain's peace talks with ETA. Meanwhile in the Philippines, the US-Arroyo regime sabotaged the peace negotiaitons and conducted large scale counter -insurgency operations against the NPA. While in Spain, In a politically risky move aimed at ending Europe's last armed conflict, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero announced Thursday that he would open peace talks with ETA, the outlawed Basque guerrilla organization. The talks follow ETA's declaration in March of a "permanent" cease-fire in the group's four-decade fight for independence. Together, the developments represent what many here believe to be the best chance in years for a lasting peace.

Riot France 2005 (tags)

about the riot in the french banlieue

France : over 52,00 sign "We will protect them" (tags)

The pause given (by Prime Minister Sarkozy) to immigrant parents and students will end on June 30. Thousands of children, adolescents and their families risk mass deportation. Their lives and their future will end. We will not allow these infamies to be done in our name. Every one of us is ready to help, guide and protect in whatever way is possible. When they seek refuge, we will not close our doors but will give shelter and food ; we will not denounce them to the police. original in French : Pétition nationale : NOUS LES PRENONS SOUS NOTRE PROTECTION !

The Petrodollar: America’s Achilles Heel (tags)

Virtual Chicano is webmaster and political commentator for Chicano Forums

France: Government launches assault on immigrants (tags)

A demonstration called by a broad alliance of anti-racist organisations has been called in Paris today, assembling at the Place de la République at 2 p.m. The French government has launched a major racist offensive against immigrants. Despite the tenacity and extent of the protest movement against the First Job Contract (CPE—giving employers the right to fire young workers at will), which continued throughout February, March and much of April and witnessed days of action bringing up to 3 million university and high school students and workers onto the streets, the government is continuing its programme of reactionary legislation with the Immigration Bill. This bill, which will greatly increase the social and job insecurity of immigrants, is to be put before parliament May 2, without any disruption in its parliamentary schedule.

French government withdraws “First Job Contract,” enlists unions in assault on job securit (tags)

President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin announced yesterday that new legislation will be drawn up to replace the “First Job Contract” (CPE), which sparked a massive wave of protests and strikes in recent weeks. Leaders of the trade unions, some student unions and “left” political parties immediately declared the shift marked a decisive victory for the anti-CPE movement and signalled their intention to halt further mass mobilisations against the government.

American Workers Should Take a Lesson from the "Sissy" French (tags)

While young French workers express outrage at a proposed law making them endure three years of probation on a new job, U.S. workers wonder what the term "job security" means.

France: As millions protest government attacks, unions signal retreat on “First Job Contra (tags)

An estimated 2 to 3 million striking workers and students demonstrated throughout France yesterday against the Gaullist government’s “First Job Contract” (CPE) legislation, matching the turnout at a similar day of action on March 28. Tuesday’s strikes and protests followed President Jacques Chirac’s announcement last Friday that he had officially ratified the CPE, which permits employers to dismiss young workers without cause during their first two years of employment.

A socialist strategy for workers’ power: the only answer to France’s “First Job Contract” (tags)

The month-long struggle against the Gaullist government’s “First Job Contract” has brought to the fore the fundamental class and political issues facing workers and young people not only in France, but across Europe and internationally. The needs of youth and workers—decent-paying and secure jobs, education, health care, a future without war or repression—are in irreconcilable conflict with the interests of a financial elite who represent a failed political and economic system. This oligarchy of wealth and power is determined to make the working class pay for the crisis of the capitalist system.

Building Bridges Radio: France Strikes; Triangle Fire Poem (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Carta de la señora Maigret a John Lennon (tags)

Cuando John Lennon creó “Imagine”, éste, probablemente no imaginaba su propia muerte. La Señora Maigret ofrece, en esta carta, testimonios de la pervivencia de Imagine y de los excelentes resultados que puede tener este discurso, el que mantuvo el mismo cantaautor en su época de los Beattles y los de otros, como Saint Exupéry o Dylan en la puesta en práctica de otros mundos posibles

"THE FORGOTTEN RESISTANCE: THE MOSQUE OF PARIS" – See/Get this documentary! (tags)

The Father Bill O’Donnell Social Justice Committee is honored to host Dr. Annette Herskovits who will present this half-hour documentary by Derri Berkani and talk about her own harrowing experience as a child, barely escaping the Nazis because she was protected by _MUSLIMS_ in Occupied France during WWII. ARABS/MUSLIMS also protected European Jews in North Africa, most notably in Morocco.

BTL:France's Street Violence Ascribed to Decades of State Inattention to... (tags)

...High Unemployment and Poverty Among Immigrants ~ Interview with Paul Silverstein, associate professor of anthropology at Reed College, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

CRFI Declaration on the youth uprisings in France (tags)

November 7 Declaration of the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International

Solidarity with the Rebels of France (tags)

The o.r.g.a.n.i.c. collective wishes to extend our feelings of solidarity to the rebels of the migrant communities of France. It is clear to us that the recent uprising which has spread across the country is a reaction against years of bitter racism that has ruined countless lives as well as a reaction against racist immigration policies based on that racism.

'Mort pour Rien' (tags)

Had French society allowed for nonviolent social movements to form and flourish, violence would have seemed politically inefficient. Because immigrants and the working-class are so effectively shut out of French society, they have no other way to effect change than to violently demand it.

The causes of the recent rebellion by the French born youth of African and Muslim parents (tags)

The racism is a common place in European society. Nothing has been done to create a friendly society where immigrants can enjoy peace of mind and the benefits of growing European economy.

Neocon Goldberg Mocks Victims of Katrina (tags)

While New Orleans was reeling from the first deadly effects of “Hurricane Katrina,” Neocon Jonah Goldberg mocked the idea of placing some of the city’s refugees in the Superdome. This is the same warmonger who once wrote that the U.S. should “bomb Canada!” When France refused to go along with the Bush-Cheney Gang’s scheme to invade Iraq, he smeared the French people as a nation of “liars,” who were only interested in a “desire for oil.”

EUROPE: Communist Political Prisoners - Tortured and Isolated! (tags)

Please read and pass on all text in support & in show of solidarity for communist political prisoners being brutalized in Spanish and French prisons. 2 Translated texts from tortured political prisoners:

The Barbara Coe Story (tags)

I saw this account of an email encounter with Barbara Coe which you all should read.


A co-founder of France's Green Party in 1984, Ginette Skandrani, has been expelled after a trial by the party's regional administrative committee in the Ile de France region, which includes Paris and its suburbs, after formal complaints were filed against her, the center-left Parisian daily Liberation reported today -- under the headline, "A Green Too Brown for Her Party".

Cyber action today (tags)

From the 10th to 16th of April, 2005, the Biovision/Biosquare forum will take place in the city of Lyon, France. This summit can be compared with the Davos WEF, but is solely concerned with biotech issues.

Importance of French Workers’ Struggle to Keep 35 Hour Week Shouldn't be Underestimated (tags)

The real reason for U.S. capitalism's attempt to create anti-French sentiment is the French workers' stand for the 35 hour week at a time when U.S. and global capitalism is trying to normalize going backwards

Tug of War (tags)

Some view the election of George W. Bush as providing him with a mandate to pursue his reactionary policies at home and abroad.

GRANDPA JEANMARRY: Granpa, I am 7 years old, and I die (tags)

FOR the CHILDREN OF the WORLD, the Unicef helps

Amazing No Coverage of Jewish Community Center Attack Here (tags)

When Jew Haters burn down a Jewish Community Center It Is Not News to Indy Media, They Sweep It Under the Rug like the Fascists and Fascist Appeasers they are



- Art of War : France (tags)


Deportations Are an international Problem (tags)

Deportations happen in Europe too! In France, people decided to organise themselves into groups to fight for the right to live in the country of one's choice. Here translated is a discussion between 2 of these groups.

DDay News Report (tags)

Here's how the landings at Normandy would have been covered by today's media. On the coast of France, June 6, 1944

Poster protesting against Bush attending D-Day celebrations in France (tags)

Let it be known that George Bush is unwelcome at the ceremony commemorating the 60th anniversary of D-Day

IF (tags)

If AIDS is sexually transmitted how can one explain these figures:

N. African and Chechen rebels threaten France with terrorism (tags)

The letter raises the possibility that France could be the site of the next March 11- style bombing. Moreover, it raises the troubling prospect for Paris that the interests of North African and Chechen militants might be converging in France -- possibly under some kind of al Qaeda banner.

Celebrating Black History All Year Long African style (tags)

Discover Africa will play host to African civic leaders and businessmen and women

In 48 hours California will execute the wrong man! (tags)

Please take action now!

Celebrating Black History Month African style (tags)

African NGO will launch its 4th annual training symposium in celebration of Black History.

Mad at W (tags)

Why didn't he just outbid Saddam so we could invade with UN approval. You know ol' Bubba would have just taken Chirac out for a night of whoring and it all would have been cool!

Intelligence - Case of Mistaken Identity (tags)

"The people with Arab-sounding names turned out to be, for example, a diplomat and a sports player. There were no terrorists," one police officer told the French newspaper Thursday.

Bahrain Protests France's Ban on Muslim Scarves (tags)

Women gathered in protest outside of the French embassy in the Gulf Arab state of Bahrain Thursday, urging an end to Chirac's plans to remove the Hijab from France's state schools.

We're glad Saddam is captured but.... (tags)

However, there is no but.

Jew Hatred (tags)

This is a war against each and every individual, Israeli or not, religious or not, Zionist or not, right, left or center, who identifies himself or herself as Jewish.

If USA vote BUSH, return to France the Statue of Liberty ! (tags)

This international petition, provocative, wants by a startling new idea "you would not deserve more to preserve the Statue of Freedom on the American ground, if you vote Bush in 2004" to make speak about the attacks to civic freedoms in the USA

The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening (tags)

"The silence in America concerning Jews is simply deafening, isn't it?


This native painter of ASPE (Spain) it made a long stay in MADRID: the richnesses contained with the Museum of Prado were for him an illumination and the memory of the large Masters continues it during its displacements in the Iberian peninsula.

Wiesenthal Center: Germany Sold Poison Gas Iraq (tags)

The following report, commissioned by the Los Angeles, California based Simon Wiesenthal Center, was completed by Paris, France based Middle East Defense News. It clearly shows how Germany, particularly under Chancellor Helmut Kohl supplied Iraq with its poison gas, knowing full well that Iraq's aim was to use the gas on Israel.

Basque petition for justice and peace (tags)

Petition is to highlight the Basque conflict to the media and the public. It is to show that Basques want peace and justice. Please read, sign, and pass on this petition!

Oil, Bush, Saudi Arabia, France, Russia, North Korea, Indonesia, the UN, Terror. (tags)

Oil, Bush, Saudi Arabia, France, Russia, North Korea, Indonesia, the UN, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and corruption... A review of how they all interconnect.




French Anti-Globalization leader, Jose Bove, was arrested at his farmhouse by nearly 100 Policemen. Militants from the Peasant Confederation demonstrate in the courtyard of Rodez's police headquarters to protest the arrest of anti-globalization hero Jose Bove(AFP/Eric Cabanis)

Social War in France (tags)

"The radicalisation of the strikes, the images of violence like those seen on Tuesday evening in Paris could disturb consumers' peace of mind"



Nothing Sweeter To Bush Than Revenge (tags)

"Even more sinister, Secretary of State Colin Powell -- in an uncharacteristic role as the godfather-enforcer for the administration -- has been lecturing straying nations that they will be punished for their stand against the war. As he puts it, they will suffer the "consequences." The exact penalties are never spelled out but the ominous threat is left hanging. "

Anti-American traitors must die!!!! (tags)

Yes, YOU, you are anti-american, traitor!


The funny thing about the anti-French fever that has swept through the U.S. over the last month is that it has produced an unusual buying opportunity in nice French wines. The 2000 Bordeaux is much admired as the best year in two decades.

Letter from France (tags)

a letter from a friend in France

How Americans are feeling about thiis war (tags)

Here's what the man in the street is thinking.

Jews trapped by Arabs in Paris (tags)

Jews trapped by Arabs in Paris

Bush administration readying for 2004 invasion of Iran (tags)


Arms/oil biz/ PNAC (tags)

The clash between Great Powers ("Old Europe" versus and the Anglo-American military axis) broadly pertains to: 1 Defense and the military-industrial complex, 2. Control over Oil and Gas Reserves, 3. Money and currency systems: clash between the Euro and the Dollar.

The 911 and why Bill Clinton tells americans to Support Bush (tags)



Angry at the French for not supporting our war. Sign this petition to SEND THE STATUE OF LIBERTY BACK TO FRANCE.

Our weakness is all encompasing (tags)

Rachel Corey and the legacy she left.

War soon please. (tags)

Wake up from the ditto storm. Think for yourself and do not follow the heard in the streets of LA.


THANK FRANCE.....SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Taking or sending flowers to the French Consulate is a nice way to thank FRANCE, our oldest ally. .

Blair doesn't care (tags)

Quite rightly


THANK FRANCE.....SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Taking or sending flowers to the French Consulate is a nice way to thank our oldest ally.


THANK FRANCE.....SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Taking or sending flowers to the French Consulate is a nice way to thank our oldest ally.


THANK FRANCE.....SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Taking flowers to the French Consulat is a nice way to thank our oldest ally.

Top of the Fold (tags)

"National defense is one of the cardinal duties of a statesman." --John Adams


"You are not going to decide whether there is war in Iraq or not," the diplomat said U.S. officials told him. "That decision is ours, and we have already made it. It is already final. The only question now is whether the council will go along with it or not."

PLEASE Contact UN Security Council Members (tags)

PLEASE take the time to contact UN Security Council members NOW. It's VERY important that they hear from us NOW!

Contact UN Security Members Now! (tags)

take time to contact UN Security Council Members now: tell them to vote NO for any second resolution that calls for war. Thank Germany and France. Tell France, Russia, and China to use their UN veto. SECURITY COUNCIL CONTACT INFO at:

Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys eh? (tags)

I agree with Molly Ivins about once in a Blue Moon. It must be a Blue Moon.

PLEASE Take a minute To Thank FRANCE and GERMANY ! (tags)

The very same country that gave us the STATUE OF LIBERTY is now trying to stop bush's war. Please THANK them (MERCI !) and Germany too ( DANKE !). And while you're at it, contact the other members of the Security council; encourage France, Russia, and China to use their UN VETO against any resolution that calls for war. COMPLETE SECURITY COUNCIL CONTACT INFO at: . .

It's the CHEESE!!!! (tags)

From the fine "journalists" at the FAUX News Network. So-called "patriotic" Americans are boycotting French Cheese and Wine!


I just spoke with France's UN office. They are BEGGING us to flood their offices and the other UN offices with emails to STOP the WAR. France needs to know that Americans are with them on this. PLEASE forward this to everyone you can. The UN email addresses are below for the Security Council.

PLEASE Take a minute to THANK France and Germany ! (tags)

Take a minute to thank France and Germany (and Belgium, Russia, and China) for their stance against Bush's war. It's very important that they realize that many, many Americans are appreciative of their position. DO IT TODAY, BEFORE TOMORROW'S UN MEETING

Old Europe Gives the New World Colonists a Geo Political Lesson. (tags)

On Friday the 7th of February February 2003 it was reported in the New York Times that the U.S. in negotiations with Turkey was essentially offering the Turkish government a military foothold in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.


Events have come to a head. The timing for this Protest is perfect. But it's CRUCIAL that there is a large turnout.

UN will sink into irrelevance -- Good! (tags)

The United Nations is on the verge of demonstrating finally and fatally its moral bankruptcy and its strategic irrelevance: moral bankruptcy, because it will have made a mockery of the very resolution on whose sanctity it insists; strategic irrelevance, because the United States is going to disarm Iraq anyway.

Thw war aims of the Graet Powers and the consequences of the coming invasion of Irag (tags)


The Split in the Western Alliance-Can Europe's opposition prevent war ? (tags)


Problems! (tags)

So the Iraq is an problem, France is a problem, Germany is a problem.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 1/24/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Germany, Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia, and Cuba.

CNN POLL: Go ahead without France and Germany? (tags)

CNN POLL: Do you support a war without France and Germany?

Arabs Voting With Their Money (tags)

It is packaged in the lurid red and white of the Stars and Stripes and the logo mimics that famous swirl, but there is something different about this brand of cola.... The makers of Mecca-Cola are taking advantage of this by promising that 10% of the profits will go to a Palestinian children's charity. "Don't drink stupid," reads Mecca-Cola's label, "drink committed."

'Gang rape' victim faces jail on adultery charges (tags)

Latest News from the enlightened Middle East. From the UK Telegraph.

Ed Koch's New Years Resolutions (tags)

The former NYC mayor's resolutions for the coming year

French workers mobilize against privatisation (tags)

Workers against privatisation

WATER IN COURT : Suez sues a french teacher for libel (tags)

On October 15th & 17th, the 17th Chamber of the Paris County Court will hear a libel suit brought by Lyonnaise des Eaux, against Jean-Philippe Joseph, a schoolteacher in economics and against Radio France, French public radio. Lyonnaise des Eaux is the French subsidiary of SUEZ, the largest private water company in the world.

Give It Away (tags)

Beware! The Maussians Are Coming! This article by David Graeber discusses the concept of the gift economy, an idea first explored by Marcel Mauss in his descriptions of the Kwakiutl of British Columbia. He describes how the historical reality of such economies refutes many of the assumptions made by neo-liberal economists about the historical development of economic systems. Also discussed are contemporary groups (such as the MAUSS group in France) who take their inspiration from such findings to attack and dismantle the philosophic basis of capitalist economic theory.

Bush in Paris (4) (tags)

This Parisian carries a sign in English that refers to Bush's foreknowledge of 9-11. Many Americans living in Paris joined the anti-Bush march... some even forming a contingent that marched behind a banner reading "Americans Against Bush." Photo by JJ Méric.

Bush in Paris (3) (tags)

One French demonstrator carries a mock U.S. Flag made up of the countries invaded or bombed by Washington over the years. Photo by JJ Méric.

Bush in Paris (2) (tags)

It seems that everywhere Bush goes these days, he's confronted by people who mockingly use an image of a pretzel as a protest statement. A giant pretzel banner was carried in the streets of Paris, with the slogan "Watch out Bush!" Giant pretzels were also carried in the streets of Berlin, and many demonstrators could be seen with magic marker drawings of pretzels on their bodies or cloths. Photo by JJ Méric.

Bush in Paris (1) (tags)

These Women are part of a large demonstration against the Death Penalty as it's practiced in the United States. Note that one of the Women carries a Poster of Native American Political Prisoner, Leonard Peltier. Another Women wears a button of Mumia Abu Jamal, the African American Activist/Journalist who sits on Death Row. Photo by Photo by JJ Méric.


I was surprised not to find many postings on Indymedia about what's going on in France. Having lived with a Front National family for six months, I am so disgusted by Le Pen's apparent success. That's not what surprised me though-- the millions refusing to accept him is what has.

Germany: nuclear waste train faces mass protests (tags)

Anti-nuclear protesters have staged blockades along the route a shipment of radioactive waste will take today to a long-disputed dump in Gorleben (northern Germany). The nuclear waste carried in ‘CASTOR’ containers (cask for storage and transportation of radioactive waste) left the French nuclear plant at La Hague at 7.30PM Central European Time on Sunday.

Interactive Video of Peace March in Paris, France (tags)

5,000 people marched from Place de la Republique to Place de Nation in the capital of France to protest the use of military attacks as a solution for ending terrorism.

bridge occupied in protest at nuclear shipment (tags)

Some 45 Greenpeace activists from 15 countries were arrested today after occupying a 13 metre high bridge over the river Jeetzel near Hitzacker, in front of the path of the shipment of nuclear waste travelling from France to Gorleben in Germany.

Germany: nuclear protest as shipment leaves France (tags)

Protesters have massed in northern Germany to try to block a controversial shipment of nuclear waste on its way from a reprocessing plant in France.

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