fix articles 143560, h. con Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : h. con

h. con


On March 17, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee approved House Concurrent Resolution 13, a measure that would unnecessarily reaffirm the divisive phrase “In God We Trust” as our national motto and encourage its display in all public andgovernment buildings

Peace Mom v. Guardian of Power (tags)

Challenging entrenched power in Congress.

Republican Budget Cuts Veterans Benefits (tags)

Republicans Say, "Support The Troops - Cut $15 Billion From Veterans Programs"

Calls jam Capitol phones: Give peace a chance (tags)

Lawmakers are reporting their phones ringing off the hooks with calls overwhelmingly against George W. Bush’s plans for a war on Iraq. Bush’s war resolution, sent to Capitol Hill last week, is a sweeping measure that would permit him to “use all means he determines to be appropriate, including force” against Iraq.

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