fix articles 14058, lehman brothers Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : lehman brothers

lehman brothers

The end of the "Golden Age" of cqapitalism and the rise of neoliberalism (tags)

The rise of the neoliberal world economic system marked by the dominance of financial markets – whose financial superstructure collapses over us – resulted from the radical economic crises of the early 1970s that seized nearly all western industrial countries.

At universities, the reality of the financial casino is taboo (tags)

When buying or selling, high-speed trading can bring profits a few milliseconds or microseconds ahead of other high-speed trading bidders. These speculative trades have nothing to do with the good functioning of the financial markets. On the contrary, prices can be manipulated.

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness! (tags)

Almost no one asks what an economic policy looks like that no longer subordinates everything to economic growth: How to reduce the debt mountain to a reasonable level without GDP growth? How can pensions be secured without GDP growth and employment be guaranteed?

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness (tags)

History teaches that major course corrections usually emerge from crises. However, far-sighted economists and politicians should start thinking today about how to shape a future without debt crises, without ecological and social exploitation, and without compulsive growth.

Stases psychiques et stases sexuelles (tags)

La vie séparée n'est jamais belle...

End of a Career. Obituary The "Swabian housewife" (tags)

The "Swabian housewife" dominated politics. Now she was buried by her inventor. The state is not a business or a housewife but can borrow and become indebted to help present and future generations. System change, not climate change! Fight ignorance, not immigrants!

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.

On the Power of Money: Three by Eugen Drewermann (tags)

Only faith (as in a religion), the "invisible hand," the "law" of the "free" market can judge everything. State interventions can only be annoying. The market itself is allegedly "social". Everyone acts according to his advantage. The system is not social but criminal and unjust.

Is Capitalism Out of Order? (tags)

Growing debt is actually not a big problem in a growing economy as long as it does not grow faster than the gross domestic product (GDP). The debt mountain of the capitalist world system is growing much faster than the world economic output.

Ten Years After the Financial Crash (tags)

US economic statistics are dubious since financial markets are based on financial products and money out of nothing. Tax havens, micro-second betting, stock buybacks and corruption through lobbying are market-distorting and cause revenue shortfalls.

The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)

The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.

Stases psychiques et stases sexuelles (tags)

L'inhibition de l'action qui asphyxie...

The Criminality of the Elites (tags)

The offenses of the upper classes are hardly publicized. People wait in vain for strong interventions in the economic realm. Financial criminality harms the state, the community and economic growth (e.g. high-frequency trading, shadow banking, financial products)

After Lehman Brothers, Experts Say Global Financial Crisis Can Happen Again (tags)

September 15th marks the ten-year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers investment firm collapse, symbolizing the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis.

Is the Financial Crash 2.0 Coming? (tags)

Market ideology has been on the advance since the 1980s. Only a few voices warned of the risks and instability of the liberalized financial markets. After they profited from the generous bailout packages, the banks began to speculate against the most indebted countries.

How the World Heads for the Next Crash (tags)

Governments secure the money of the rich. State debts have grown in nearly all countries of the world since 2010. Ten years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, the economy is again in a standstill or mired in crisis. Trump wants to cancel the recent bank regulations and cut corp taxes.

The President as Businessman (tags)

Trump's gigantic tax cuts will only benefit the rich. Revenue losses of six trillion dollars are expected for the first decade after the Trumpian tax cuts start. Trump sells the illusion that the old order can be restored.

Neoliberal Austerity Leads to Deeper Crisis (tags)

A high state share in the economy, developed social states and readiness to intervene actively and anti-cyclically prevent falling into a depression. Trump's demonizing regulation, Medicaid, public schools, Head Start, Meals on Wheels, taxation and democracy must be resisted

61 Reasons To Vote Against Hillary Clinton (tags)

California's primary can change the world.

The 12 Wars And Bombed Countries of Clinton and Obama (tags)

The California primary can change the destiny of the planet. Please vote against Clinton and Trump.

A Case Against Hillary Clinton, Candidate Of Endless War (tags)

More hawkish than Obama, more willing to murder prisoners than her husband, a tyrant who woudl force parents to submit their chidlren to toxic vaccines, Clinton is tied to the military industrial complex

Hillary Clinton Flunks Animal Rights And Environmental Issues (tags)

More hawkish even than Obama, Clinton has approved the bombing of animals as well as people in the 7 illegal and immoral wars he is waging now, bombs which kill soldiers, civilian adults and children, mammals, birds, reptiles, bees, trees etc.

44 Reasons To Say No To Hillary Clinton (tags)

The Huffington Post has reported that 33% of Sanders voters will not vote for Clinton. Some will vote third party. Some will vote for Trump. Some will not vote. Bernie Sanders has won 19 states. In May he won West Virginia by 15%. Please help elect him president

Hillary's Guns, Hillary's Consequences (tags)

Should someone you love die in Hillary's illegal immoral bankrupting wars Hillary Clinton has spread poverty in the US by promoting the diversion of money from schools, hospitals, bridges, firefighting planes, etc. to endless war in 7 illegal war zones

18 Reasons To Vote Against Henhawk Hillary (tags)

Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War fiasco which has created incredible suffering for soldiers and civilians, a war which has cost trillions Its only consequence has been to multiply hatred of Americans around the world and to spawn ISIL

Politics in the Age of Acceleration and Sharing (tags)

Why do international crises always come over us so suddenly, seemingly without any signal? This happens because we consistently ignore all the signs. We want to know everything in real time-and miss the big connections. Whoever sows weapons reaps refugees.

Hillary Clinton Has Helped Kill A Lot Of Animals (tags)

Hillary Clinton is aligned to the world's biggest animal killers

Ted Cruz 5 Times Went Before The US Supreme Court To Argue For Texecutions (tags)

Ted Cruz, aggressive supporter of Texecutions, war, concealed carry. Friend of Goldman Sachs, the 2nd amendment

Foil The Republican Plan To Steal Ohio And The Election (tags)

myriad kinds of fraud eumployed by the Ohio Republican Party to steal the national election

The GOP Plan To Steal The Ohio And National Elections (tags)

This writer has left the duopoly of the Republican and Democratic 2 headed monster because there is not a single antiwar candidate among the remaining 11, and will vote for a third party candidate.. most probably a Libertarian, Green or Socialist candidate.

The end of capitalism (tags) gives us 700 free movies, 700 free E-books and 450 free audio books. The information economy is an economy of abundance that challenges the past economy of scarcity.

IMF: Greek Debt Untenable (tags)


Grand Theft Netanyahu? (tags)


Rebirth of the One-Thousandth Society (tags)

The richest thousandth (0.1%) could increase their share in the total wealth very intensely since the 1980s. Their share is as much as the bottom 90%..While the millionaires increased their wealth enormously, the mass of the population is exposed to the continuing economic crisis.

Jeb Bush Exploring White House Bid (tags)

police state

Economics is Onesided and Reactionary (tags)

The homo oeconomicus cannot be our hope and is not desirable or future-friendly. The economic benefits to the capitalist entrepreneur are in contradiction to nature and to the person..We face completely oversized financial markets that have uncoupled from the real economy creating value.

For a Different Economics (tags)

Economists are criticized everywhere for their onesidedness, their focus on markets and their inability to deal with the burning problems... From neoclassical assumptions "more is better" or markets lead to efficient distribution, a perspective on the world results that sets efficiency over justice

Capitalism and Its Crisis Proclivity (tags)

The liberal economists of the 19th century claimed no crises could occur in capitalism since every supply creates its demand. On the other hand, Marx and Engels recognized early on the causes for crises in capitalism. The contradictions of the accumulation process lead to crises.

In Ohio Governor Race, Disturbing Facts About John Kasich Emerge (tags)

Kasich's role in fleecing Ohio pension funds, his signing of a bill that rape counselors lose state funding for listing abortion as an option, his campaign prevarication about Fitzgerald license, etc etc.

New Economy and New Prosperity (tags)

Economic structures that form the basis for social prosperity have become dysfunctional. The financial markets have expanded their original function and are now self-financed markets in which protection from risks has become a highly speculative business.

Why Millions Will Vote Against Gov Kasich of Ohio (tags)

execution, promotion of war, killer vaccines, killing mass transit plans, inaction on factory farms etc

TTIP: Threat to Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

The TTIP, the largest free trade zone comprising 800 million of the EU and the US is being secretly negotiated. Democracy and the constitutional state are threatened by 3-person arbitration courts where corporations can sue states and decisions are irreversible.

Mainstream Economics: Monocultures at the University (tags)

The "Plural Economics Network" challenges breaking through the monoculture and intellectual one-sidedness in economics...Instead of viewing our varied social problems from different perspectives, all the answers are derived from very similar models.

Time To Change Ohio Governors (tags)

Executioner, mass transit opponent, slasher of library funds, nonenforcer of Ohio environmental law, governor John Kasich should be dumped this fall. His opponent is former mayor, former county executive, former law enforcement official Ed Fitzgerald.

We can't go on like this by Sergi Halimi (tags)

"The game is not over. The neoliberal dream has lost its status as an absolute and an ideal, without which its social projects will wither and perish. All it is capable of producing now are privileges, and cold, dead beings. A change will occur. Each of us can help it happen..."

Ohio Republicans Promote Human Disease, Animal Agony, And Disinformation (tags)

State agency justifies a lust for blood sports and the stalking of innocent animals... while lying about the hazards of meat.

Bracing for An Eventual Day of Reckoning (tags)


Book Review: "The Victory of Capital" (tags)

A society can only provide for the future by investing today in the production of tomorrow...What may be sensible economically for a private individual or individual business could be harmful for the national economy, particularly when the economy staggers.

Bilderberg Conference Convenes (tags)


Financial War - How Banks and Bandits Endanger our Democracy (tags)

Political failure follows market failure. Participation in system criminality is without risk of prosecution. The financial crisis is not only a system failure. It was caused by human actions in the banking sector that are objectively punishable.

Lanza and Holmes Fathers Both Linked to LIBOR/FICO Scandal (tags)

The fathers of both Adam Lanza and James Holmes were both potential whistleblowers in the LIBOR/FICO scandal. Following the shootings committed by their sons, neither father will testify. This is the classic MK ULTRA scenario of mind controlled puppets distracting the public from real issues of upcoming economic collapse. The psychology of MK ULTRA is a low budget CIA tactic to disarm the people of the U.S. following controlled shootings by overmedicated individuals.

European Bank Socialism (tags)

The motto "Too big to fail" frees the financial sector from all chains. In the future, the banks will not have to assume any liability for taking irrational risks. Instead they can commit fraud without limit-in a system that already leads us to the brink and creates millions of unemployed.

The Extremist Society (tags)

"The barbaric core of capitalist socialization is on full display in the present system crisis. The propagandists of totalitarian economism come in the mask of democrats. Economic-profitability thinking is imposed on society. Our society has long been viewed as a business."

The New Walking Dead (tags)

They created the crisis and they offers now as the saviors. 2012 can not bring anything good having put wolves caring the hen house.

The new Walking Dead (tags)

El 2012 no puede traer nada bueno habiendo puesto a lobos cuidando del gallinero.

Beyond the Homo Economicus (tags)

The Homo economicus is a kind of calculating machine on two legs that incessantly calculates personal benefits and profit. His conduct follows the model of rational expectations. Incursions of the state will make possible more social equality.

Neoliberalism as Greatest Error in the History of Economic Thought (tags)

Efficiency and prosperity can only be realized on capitalist markets when the economic system is bound in a social order under the primacy of politics. Democratic legitimated politics and the provision of public goods is derived from the "anatomy of market failure."

Book Review: "The Great Crash or the Century Crisis" by Elmar Altvater (tags)

Capitalism is at an end and the whole world is drawn into the mess. Preventing this is an ethical imperative and a political duty. The multiple crisis has dragged on for years. The political class allows this to happen. Political answers to the debacle can only be found with clarity on causes.

Learning Nothing in 80 Years (tags)

The crisis began in the US where the government became heavily indebted after September 11, 2001 in the war against terror and where property owners, banks and hedge funds long lived openly on credit. The German government was laughed at when it prohibited short-selling in 2010

The Crisis of Financial Market Capitalism as a Challenge for the Left (tags)

The crisis of neoliberal financial market capitalism broke out in its center and has one central systemic cause. This crisis was triggered by the independence of the financial sphere... A solidarity mixed economy, democracy and peace are alternatives.

The End of the "Golden Age" of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism (tags)

"The central point is that the financial sphere has the potential of developing into an autonomous subsystem of the whole economy with an enormous capacity of self-expansion..Like cancer, it has no internal control mechanism. It can only be brought under control by external interventions"

The True Richard Holbrooke Legacy (tags)

another war criminal

The Fox News Election (tags)

The November 2 midterm elections were not only a decisive rejection not only of the Obama administration but a full-scale endorsement of free-market economic policies and lassiez-faire capitalism — albeit by a much smaller segment of the American electorate than voted Obama and the Democrats into power in 2008. Millions of Americans voted against the party under whose watch unemployment has risen from 6.2 to 9.5 percent, and bought into the Republicans' critique that the reason for Obama's failure is he's been too much of a progressive, unduly burdening the private sector with regulation and taxation. Thanks to talk radio and Fox News, millions of Americans profoundly believe that Obama and the Democrats are far more radical than they are — and as long as they remain on the air and have their current level of influence, U.S. politics will continue to move even further Right.

The Financial Crisis and the Failure of the Modern Economy (tags)

The US government debt shot up from 2.9% in 2007 to 5.9% in 2008 and 11.9% in 2009. At the summits of Washington, London and Pittsburg, the goat was made the gardener. Ineffective rules were resolved that hardly helped regulate the financial markets.

The Political Consequences of Stagnation (tags)

My apologies to T. S. Eliot, but September, not April, is the cruelest month. Before 9/11/2001, there was 9/11/1973, when Gen. Pinochet toppled the Allende government in Chile and ushered in a 17-year reign of terror. More recently, on 9/15/2008, Lehman Brothers went bust and torpedoed the global economy, turning what had been a Wall Street crisis into a near-death experience for the global financial system.




ADD THIS ARTICLE ALSO 2 YOUR BUSH JR ~ KARL ROVE PONZI TARP FILES...little ripped~off American taxpayers !!!

Deficit Hysteria: Wrongheaded in Times of Depression (tags)

proposed policies are wrecking economies

Lessons from the Crisis (tags)

Governments are extorted by multinational corporations. Those who made massive profits with bank business must now answer for the losses. The taxpayer may not pay for their crises. If control is not exercised by politics, banks will become absolute rulers with a state guarantee.

Will the Great Depression Be Repeated? (tags)

Global trade fell 30 percent three years after the crash. The US gross domestic product shriveled 40 percent. In 1932, every fourth American was without a job. In Germany, industry only produced half of what was produced three years before.

Negotiating Our Lives Away (tags)

At some point we have to step to the plate and put our foot down. It's not going to stop on its own.

GERMANY: What Lessons Do We Learn from the Financial Crisis? (tags)

Rating agencies were paid by the firms to be rated. Ultimately rational individual conduct led to an irrational collective result. The lesson is clear. On the way of regulation or taxation, banks must be given a massive incentive to remain small.

Democracy Alarm: Financial Management (tags)

After the stock market crash, financial management acts as though nothing happened. The state was obviously treated only as a useful idiot by parts of the moribund financial management. The little taxpayers pay for the repair.

Federal Government Closes down Liberty Dollar (tags)

Many believe that the Liberty Dollar is a much sounder currency than the U.S. Government's paper dollar

Dethrone the Dollar (tags)

Political countervailing power of the G-millions against the economism of the neoliberals can only be formed with a long breath.. The grass grows from below; words fall empty from the top.

Decommissioning a Superpower (tags)

"From July to September 2008, China reduced its investment in the US real estate banks Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The US tgovt needs $1.5 billion in foreign credits day after day..The greatest debtor of the world cannot force the law of trade on its creditors any more.."

Economic Crisis and the Crisis of Neoliberal Ideology (tags)

The crisis has his origins in the "real" economy. Inequality is the ideological motor of neoliberfalism. German president Kohler described the financial markets as a monster. The metaphor has changed from market as rational subject to monster.

Daniel Estulin's "True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Plann (tags)

Their goal is a world with rulers and serfs, no middle class

Disarm the Markets! New Attac Basis Text (tags)

The therapy depends on the diagnosis. Mechanisms, instruments and actors can be identified whose action and teamwork led to the crash. The age of a unipolar world was very short. An historical chance is opening against finance capitalism.

The Neoliberal Revolution Devours Its Children (tags)

"Where is the child who uncovers the nakedness of the money economy?..The financial geniuses pretend to be the new gods of globalization. The builders of the Tower of Babel were modest compared to the new financial rulers of the world.

Obama's Latest No Banker Left Behind Scheme (tags)

the looting of America

Dave Lindorff: Kiss the Banks Goodbye and Refocus on Rebuilding the American People (tags)

"The point here is that if people aren't willing to spend money, then what good is it to give more money to banks and their shareholders, in hopes that they will start lending it?.."

Systemic Failure: Capitalism "Lays an Egg" (tags)

deepening economic crisis

Ronald Reagan: Betrayer of Main Street America! (tags)

William Kleinknecht takes the gloves off in his new book,”The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America.” He shows that the so-called “great communicator,” was, in fact, the “great enabler of corporate greed.” The Vulture Capitalists were set loose on the people by “Reaganism.” I say: Take Reagan’s name off that airport in D.C. Let his Fat Cat cronies pay for his memorials, not the taxpayers.

An Umbrella for Workers (tags)

The economic crisis is a structural crisis where productivity has soured and wages have stagnated. The fraud in public regional banks must end. Unemployment benefits must increase. Michael Schlecht is a union spokesperson for the German Left party (Die Linke).

World and US Situation, 2008 (tags)

For more than two years, we revolutionaries had observed the impending total unravelling and complete discredit of the "free market" pretense of monopoly capitalism and the full bankruptcy of the policy of "neoliberal globalization." But the leaders of the US and other imperialist countries and the puppet states were always lying and boasting about the so-called strong fundamentals of their economies. Only recently have they been compelled by the circumstances to admit that the US and global capitalist system are beset by the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Conning Congress for Bad Intentions (tags)

Is was reported by the L.A. Times and many others, this actual Israeli plan, of linking bin with Hussein, was in place days before 911 went down, according to German Intel.

A Public Letter to America from King Johnny (tags)

Wow! This was one powerful showing of our present circumstances. Let us all speak for Obama to order US in to formally arrest those responsible for 911, including the war crimes of Afghanistan and Iraq, Georgia and Lebanon too will not be impossible with 24 hour cop-o-rate news coverage following our investigators around, to joyously receiving Justice to the culprits

Capitalism in Crisis (tags)

Some thoughts on the current economic crisis and capitalism

Jeremy Scahill: 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House (tags)

U.S. policy is not about one individual, and no matter how much faith people place in President-elect Barack Obama, the policies he enacts will be fruit of a tree with many roots. Among them: his personal politics and views, the disastrous realities his administration will inherit, and, of course, unpredictable future crises. But the best immediate indicator of what an Obama administration might look like can be found in the people he surrounds himself with and who he appoints to his Cabinet. And, frankly, when it comes to foreign policy, it is not looking good.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.18.08 (tags)

[I]t will be interesting to see how antiwar activists react to this. Are they antiwar or just anti-Republican?

Fannie Mae: Barnie Frank Goes Down On Moses,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts' (tags)

Of particular interest to me although not the biggest part of the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac money laundering fraud is the lie told by the SEC Chairman and social parasite and war criminal Chris Cox that Fannie Mae, were 'naked shorted' a term made up by penny stock manipulators meaning 'counterfeitted' when Cox can't point to a single example and those who have run penny stock scams and pump and dump money laundering ops are in fact protected by him and so continue to lie about their criminal enterprises or public companies being 'naked shorted' because they are never punished !

Financial Market Capitalism: Neoliberalis become State Socialists (tags)

Neoliberalism is neither new nor liberal. All freedom is demanded for capital, even though human dependence is intensified and human existences destroyed. The state becomes a functionary for neoliberal concepts. The debts of Fannie/Freddie are added to the nine trillion.

The Neediest Need Help Like the Banks (tags)

The same state haggles over every bowl of soup for welfare recipients. For banks, billions appeared overnight. There must also be money for higher wages and more social services.

The American Patient (tags)

Capitalism changed into "finance-driven" capitalism. The profit rates for industrial capital fell in the past decades. Washington could be paralyzed under the debt yoke like Japan in the early 1990s. After decades of market idolization, the US has rediscovered political power.

Lehman sought millions for execs while seeking bailout (tags)

Bush and the neocons caused it all (tags)

Al jazeera tells it all

Grand Theft America (tags)

The government-business looting of America.

Paulson go out. Truth about "unbelievable" big 2008 crash (tags)

Barack Obama: "No necesitamos sólo un plan para Wall Street. Hay que incorporar medidas de salvación para miles de ciudadanos" que están perdiendo sus casas y sus ahorros, declaró Obama. "Tampoco podemos cometer el error de que el dinero de los contribuyentes sea usado para corregir malas decisiones" ////////////////////// “Durante un par de años, el capital desafió a la ley del valor, inflando su valor más allá de su capacidad de reproducción real, pero la ley del valor se ha cobrado la afrenta a un precio enorme. Ha quedado de manifiesto que la ganancia capitalista es un objetivo muy estrecho para desenvolver productivamente la riqueza social acumulada. La crisis mundial plantea la reorganización social general sobre nuevas bases” ////////////////////////////////// La crisis no es culpa de las “subprime” o hipotecas ninha. La crisis tampoco es culpa de la codicia de unos banqueros. La crisis no se supera con una “regulación” sino con un cambio radical y con nuevos paradigmas que abandonen las trampas y falsedades neoliberales de la Escuela de Chicago por otras más acordes con la sociedad del conocimiento en que tenemos que avanzar. La actual crisis obliga a revisar el modelo entero y a decir la verdad: la globalización no ha producido nada de crecimiento ni bienestar para nadie ha sido un modelo fracasado y de muy corto alcance histórico pero a la vez ha permitido el robo y la concentración de poder y dinero como nunca antes en la historia de la humanidad en una casta dirigente parásita que no ha aportado nada a la sociedad. Crash 2008: la mayor estafa bancaria, bursátil y económica de la historia. Los datos más importantes. Paulson go out. All the truth about this "unbelievable" big 2008 crash

Dollar is over, says Carlos Lessa (tags)

To Lessa, "dollar is over" and it’s necessary that a new "Bretton Woods" establishes new parameters to global economy.

Forget Wall Street! (tags)

Foreign countries will not finance US wars and US consumption for ever. The US must accept the new reality that countries want to diversity, not accumulate dollars. What becomes of a country that refuses systemic criticism and sets missions and agendas above facts and realities?

Bail-Out, Economic Democracy and the Socialist Path (tags)

David Schweickart, political philosopher, discusses the financial crisis, what it exposes about capitalism, how it can set the stage for economic democracy, and open the socialist path.

Labors Militant Voice (tags)

Pulling the plug won't mean the end of the world; there is an alternative. Let's do a Kevorkian on this rotten system.

The biggest systematic looting of the US Treasury in history (tags)

The great depression is about to repeat itself. Investment banks and deposit banks are failing, money has frozen up. No loans business or personal. No money available for employers to make payroll. There will be millions of Americans with no jobs and therefore no money. Basics such as gas and food will be hard to come by and many American families will go to bed at night hungry

Our GLOBAL ENLIGHTENMENT is LoveRockefeller Rothschild "Life-Game Shift", From & (tags)

People think that a banking or stock market collapse must be bad for everybody, but it's not. If you know a stock collapse is coming (because you are going to cause it)

Karl Marx's Accurate Prediction (tags)

Karl Marx's accurate prediction about the continuing crises in capitalism and the resultant concentration of the world's wealth in fewer and fewer hands and the impoverishment of workers

The Fed, AIG, Congress, Third Party Candidates and the Debt (tags)

The Fed,” William Greider said, “decides who shall prosper and who shall fail.” American International Group (AIG), Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Bear Stearns, all private entities, will be bailed out by the taxpayers. Third Party candidates want an audit and investigation of “The Fed,” an unelected clique. “The Fed,” and the Treasury Dept., are currently submitting a Mother of All Bailout schemes to the Congress. It may cost the public $1 trillion!

Reviewing Danny Schechter's "Plunder" (tags)

A masterful account of the subcrime crisis.

Wall St's "Melt Down" is Ronald Reagan's "Legacy" on a Silver Platter! (tags)

The Scary Ghost of Ronnie Reagan: The Dow fell almost 450 points and the Nasdaq fell nearly 5 percent in its worst day since the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001 as rattled investors worried about who could be the next victim of the global credit crisis.

Who Would Lend an American Bank Money These Days? (tags)

The US government's refusal to bail out Lehman Brothers could herald the beginning of a painful but overdue flushing out of the financial sector. By letting Lehmans collapse German commentators argue, Washington is giving banks a choice: Clean up your own mess or go under.

Farewell to Neoliberalism (tags)

State interventions in the economy are unpopular and generally regarded as "against the system"-when the state interferes in profiteering. In the case of a crisis, the losses should be socialized.

Morgan Stanley Issues Full US Recession Alert (tags)

Morgan Stanley has issued a full recession alert for the US economy, warning of a sharp slowdown in business investments and a perfect storm for consumers as the housing slump spreads. Under the conservative definition, man is the servant of money. Long live alternative economics!

mercenaries without borders (tags)

privatisation of armies and security are a utter defeat of freedom and democracy. Read why.

The Coupon Clippers Get A History Lesson From One Of Their Own (tags)

Bourgeois theoreticians take measures to assure their class that the present crisis will pass. "Do not panic" is the message. Good times will return and the robbery can go on. Time for a history lesson.


Washington DC – August 12, 2007 – By deciding to ante up $38 billion for a hopeless bailout of predatory Wall Street hedge funds and the banks that stand behind them, Federal Reserve Chairman Helicopter Ben Bernanke has placed the bankrupt US dollar on a direct course towards the precipice of hyperinflation.-

Steve Miller, Bono and Angela Merkel—What An Act (tags)

As US capitalists intensify their offensive, the global club to which they belong meets in Davos with poster boy Bono offering them a cover.

American Greed (tags)

American Pigs , Wealth disparity

Anti Defamation League (ADL) (tags)

It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it. I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done.

Wesley Clark: Stalking-Horse for Bush Junior (tags)

It is this obviousness with Bush’s stalking-horse Clark that offends even the weakest minds. The obviousness that the vast majority of all the people, all the time, never even see at all. Lincoln was wrong!

Retired General Wesley Clark: Stalking-Horse for Bush Junior and The Grey Men (tags)

Should Wesley Clark win the primary nomination for president for the Democratic party, America loses and Bush wins; or Clark wins the general election and America loses. America loses and Empire the only winner.

Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve (tags)

Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence Published 1976

A Phone call to the Fed... (tags)

How many Americans know about the scam called the FED?? Not enough!

The Wall Street Gang (tags)

How many know the truth about the scam called wall street???

Profound Effect on U.S. Economy Seen in a War on Iraq (tags)

from the New York Times-online, monday July 29

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