fix articles 123333, achmed chalabi Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : achmed chalabi

achmed chalabi

Obama Preparing to Attack Iran (tags)

f"Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade say Obama might bomb Iran."

Blood Enemies with the Same Goal (tags)

Mnay of us disagree with the war for different reasons. I for one am particularly disenchanted with the way this war has drawn attention away from more pressing issues and made Midlle East situations worse.

Free Saddam Hussein (tags)


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