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Alternatives to Maximizing Profit and The Fragility of Power (tags)

We must look for the "signs of the times" that point to the coming of the Kingdom of God or, as John Holloway puts it, the signs "of the presence of the material power of the cry." The world of struggle against the instrumental power that oppresses and exploits often seems invisible.

‘Tama Na! Sobra Na!’ as a cry for peace (tags)

CALIFORNIA, United States—Twenty five years ago, Corazon Aquino rallied Filipinos against a despised dictatorship with the slogan, “Tama na! Sobra na! Palitan na!”—“We’ve had enough! Things have gone too far! It’s time for a change!”

Bataan Day Protest in LA (tags)

“Remember Bataan!” This was the battle cry of American soldiers during the Second World War. The battle cry was a call to avenge the American defeat and the Death March that the Japanese Imperial Army perpetrated against American and Filipino Forces that surrendered in Bataan on April 9, 1942. Today, after 66 years, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of Filipino veterans, student, youth and community advocates announced that they will commemorate the 65th Bataan Day with a protest rally at the Westwood Federal building 11000 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles on April 10, 2008 at 5:00 P.M.. “Money for the Filipino Veterans, Not for the War” will be the slogan of JFAV, AJLPP and Samahang Pilipino at UCLA who were spearheading the rally.

The Cry of the Subject: Franz Hinkelammert (tags)

The Sabbath exists for people. The "fatal law" is a synonym for "the world." According to Hinkelammert, obedience to the law is "sin." Those who wanted to stone the woman-the law abiding-committed sin. Abraham was commanded to decide for the life of his child.

No one cares, No world cares (tags)

Prose written by: Nezam Al Mehdawy The first cry: oh, Mother…Don’t die... You said you would prepare dinner….You were worried that I may get killed .Don’t die, Mother… Take my heart, my head, my blood, my life….. It is too soon to die ... from...

Commemorate August 23, 1896, the Cry of Pugad Lawin: The Start of the 1896 Revolution (tags)

There are limits to what the cedula and terrorist killings can accomplish in keeping the restive Filipino people cowed into submission. Aspiring Mini-Me Dictator Arroyo must realize that Dictator Marcos’ brazen terrorism and iron-fist rule did not last indefinitely. And like the Cry of August 23, 1896, the Filipino people will once again rise up and fight their oppressors. The Filipino people will finish the unfinished Philippine Revolution against US imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism until they become truly sovereign and free.

L.A. Child Protection: Children Who Are Forbidden To Cry (tags)

Beating kids stops crying. What a statement, eh? You would think beating children would make them cry. But if the beatings are severe enough, they make children NOT cry. We see this in concentration camps, in war, in child protection institutions and foster care...

Rebellion of the Spirit against Disorder (tags)

Liberation theology as a protest against suffering is not limited to one region.. Solidarity is really a basic quality of a person but is gradually lost in a culture of material values. We must hear the cry of our earth and the cry of the poor.

Cry For Your Children Oh America! (tags)

A poem.

Rebellion of the Spirit (tags)

"For me, this triad (justice, peace and preser-vation of creation) is a little summary of the good news of the gospel. Even if the nature of utopia is never to be completely fulfilled, it shows us the way like a compass."


A poem commemerating the 1,000th dead soldier in the invasion of Iraq.


The thieves that stood before the cross, the betrayal as the foundation of parents who don't have a clue. The cries of spirituality that youth seeks within the circles of hell. who just don’t give a dam children who cry out for help, leaders who don't know how to lead, and social workers, who don't know how to be social, teachers who don't know how to teach.

Angry Black Man Through The Pen Of A Black Woman (tags)

Death is life and life is death, tour moils of the beginning, Knowledge the metaphorical, suggestions of inner peace. Within the walls of spirits, the tongue shall confess,

To Ronald Reagan the Death of a Son Of a Bitch (tags)

To Ronald Reagan the Death of a Son Of a Bitch poem by Mario Benedetti

The Tragedy of Maria (tags)

Tongue-in-cheek, of course...

new song: gaza don't lose hope (audio/slideshow) (tags)

new audio composition by ofek (switch your browser's encoding to unicode if non-roman letters do not display)

Amina Lawal (tags)

Never before has the objectification of women in beauty pageants brought to home the glaring contradictions and startling similarities as to how women are treated in patriarchic societies, than the eruption of riots in Kaduna, Nigeria.

911 Commemoration Statement Not In Our Name (tags)


our grief is not a cry for war (tags)

a collective of NYC artists promotes the theme "our grief is not a cry for war"

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