fix articles 114148, whittier narrows recreation area Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : whittier narrows recreation area

whittier narrows recreation area

Agency's 'edifice complex' siphoning millions of dollars from conservation in SG Valley (tags)

State's Rivers and Mountains Conservancy ignored its own grant guidelines in awarding itself and partners $3 million for construction of controversial $30 million San Gabriel River center. The agency plans two more interpretive centers in the same immediate area.

No community support for $30M Discovery Center at EIR meeting (tags)

The Friends of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area and neighboring lands as open space corridors. We promote and assist with restoration and educational uses of the Natural Area that are compatible with the conservation of plant and animal habitat and migration, historical resources, water quality, and public health and safety.

Running Down the Walls - Aug 23th (tags)

LA ABCF will be hosting a 5k run to raise money for political prisoners and local community groups on August 23rd. The event is also designed to honor and remember the anarchist martyrs, Sacco and Vanzetti.

Running Down the Walls (tags)

5k run for Political Prisoners this Sunday!

Running Down the Walls (tags)

5k Run/Walk for US Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War Run for their lives!

Running Down the Walls is Back (tags)

LA-ABCF will be hosting a 5k run to raise funds for Political Prisoners and the NPVM sponsored program, Growing Healthy. We ask for everyone to come out and celebrate our struggle for freedom!

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