fix articles 11406, its Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : its


Assad Honors Syria's Army (tags)


Declaring An Independent Palestinian State (tags)


Some California History (tags)


Cindy Sheehan Hammered Hard in UK Guardian Piece (tags)

Cindy Sheehan Hammered Hard in UK Guardian

Re: Cindy Sheehan too cowardly yet again to address war for Israel agenda with Chris Matth (tags)

Re: iAC Forum US and Sudan (tags)

Isma'il Kamal has been traveling widely, giving various versions of this talk. Its not what you'd expect, however


" TRACKS OF RESISTANCE " poem by Rodrigo Grion, Argentina.

Son of Nazi Becomes Governor (tags)

Its truly an incredible country where the son of a Nazi, admitted sexual harasser, and horrible actor becomes governor of the largest state in the United States, which also happens to be the fifth largest economy in the world. Like Don King says only in America.

The NORML governor (tags)

A candidate for Governor of California who has a vision for freedom and economic stability.

Its not anti-American to want the truth... (tags)

Bush across the board is making moves for his elite superwealthy businessmen. He ignores human rights. He ignores worker's rights. He ignores environmental and human survival and sustainability issues...

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