A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

 they, academic director, advisory board, all palestinians, apartheid wall, aqsa mosque, arab, arab affairs, arab israelis, arab league, ariel sharon, balfour declaration, blue helmets, british mandate, british mandatory palestine, by march, camp david, camp david accords, cleansing, david ben, deir yassin, east jerusalem, eastern europe, emil touma institute, eretz israel, eternal city, ethnic, ethnic cleansing, for palestinians, forces, fortress israel, general assembly resolution, givat haviva, golan heights, greater jerusalem, green line, haifa university, harry truman, human rights, i.  with, ilan pappe, in haifa, in september, interfax news, israel, israel defense forces, israeli, israeli arab, israeli jews, israeli knesset, israeli lobby, its arab, january, jerusalem forest, jewish, jewish agency, jewish israelis, jewish national fund, jewish people, jewish state, jews, jimmy carter, king abdullah, land, mahmoud abbas, mandatory palestine, menachem begin, middle east, moshe dayan, muslim brotherhood, nur masalha, nuremberg laws, occupied palestinian territories, on march, operation nachshon, oslo accords, palestine, palestinian, palestinian arab, palestinian arabs, palestinian authority, palestinian israeli, palestinian liberation organization, palestinian refugee problem, palestinian studies, palestinians, pappe, peace not apartheid, persian gulf, phony war, plan dalet, red cross, red house, research institute, russian black sea fleet, second intifada, separation wall, soviet union, special committee, state department, stern gang, t.  in, theodor herzl, united states, wadi ara, wayne white, west bank, western jerusalem, white house, work agency, yitzhak rabin, yitzhak shamir