Who's Behind the Minutemen?

aflcio, american independent party, and what, arnold schwarzenegger, bill richardson, border, border patrol, border security, bush, bush says, c. the, c. their, canadian prime minister paul martin, census bureau, customs enforcement, democratic senator, donna leinwand, fox news, george wallace, government, groups, harlan fisk stone, health policies, hillary clinton, hugo black, illegals going back, immigrant, immigrant workers, immigrants, improved workplace safety, jim gilchrist, jim lane, john fund, k. as, ku klux klan, latin@, lou dobbs, mexican president vicente fox, minutemen, new jersey, new mexico, new york, news oct, oppressed, orange county, president, president bush, racist, rio grande, sam marcy, save our state, scott stearns, south american, spend more, stop them, supreme court, they die, wall street journal opinion journal, washington state, weekly world, workers