The Great Ecumene of the Churches against Capitalism

by Franz Segbers Friday, Sep. 13, 2019 at 6:54 PM

"This economy kills!" The pope and the great ecumene of 350 churches reject the neoliberal economy of exclusion. Persons are reduced to consumers and then thrown away as trash.

The poor and marginalized are subjects in the process of their liberation, not objects of state care. Persons at the margins know their survival is in question and that abundant life for all requires different values and priorities. The pope and the great ecumene of 350 churches refuse to reduce the person to a consumer. "A globalization of indifference has developed to defend a lifestyle that excludes others and enthuses people for this egoistic ideal." (Evangelii Gaudium 2013).

Original: The Great Ecumene of the Churches against Capitalism