Ronald L. Havner & The Sleazy Corporate Whores @PublicStorage RAPED ME!

by Zone Warrior Monday, Nov. 05, 2018 at 10:25 PM 1 (800) 567-0759 Los Angeles

Public Storage thoughtlessly and illegally devastated the life of a Los Angeles artist after they wrongfully auctioned off a life time of his photography and art work without blinking an eye, or giving the artist any kind of proper notification, something they legally have to do. What they returned to him was 4 boxes of old paperwork that was literally dumped into old disheveled cardboard boxes. That is what Public Storage considered his "Personal" belongings. The artist straightened them out. And I don't think he's close to being finished. A law suit against Public Storage is being now being prepared and will be filed in the near future.

Old paper work? That's what you putrid little maggots left me? Paper work is what you corporate whores consider personal? What a pack of sick twisted self serving fucks you all are! My father's Violin was personal! My family and childhood pictures were personal!! 40 years of my copyrighted photography and art is personal!!! Where is all that you sleazy scumbags? Where is my copyrighted art work! OLD PAPER WORK IS NOT PERSONAL YOU SLEAZY BRAIN DEAD ASSHOLES! You've flushed 40 years of my life down the toilet as if it was nothing, as if you had the right! YOU DIDN'T YOU SLEAZY FUCKS! And I'm going to prove that to you slithering corporate maggots in court! You are all scum of the earth! Conscienceless pigs who are going pay dearly for what you've done to me and others. That's a promise to all of you gutless crawling corporate larva! And I will do my best to make sure the world knows who and what you scumbags really are! You're all sleazy corporate whores that fuck people for money! No. I take that back.... You rape people for their money like you raped me! You will pay for that! And again, that's a promise! _____________________________________ He's right! Public Storage is a sleazy pack of corporate whores who regularly rape their customers of all they cherish. They rape them of everything they own as a part of their predatory policies. People come to Public Storage to protect their belongings. But corporate whores just want to fuck you! And that seems to be the way Ronald L. Havner runs his company. Openly acting like a sleazy corporate thief without an ounce of ethics, Ronald L. Havner shows why he's Public Storage's head corporate whore, making almost 10 million a year from the victims of company's dishonest and illegal policies. Public Storage is currently being sued all over America for: "False Advertising, Bait and Switch, Fraudulent Conversion, Unlawful Auctions and more!...." Just Google: Public Storage Law Suits If you been raped by the Ronald L. Havner's corporate whores at public storage, within the last 3 years, there is a class action suit you may be able to join right now.... Here is the current law suit just filed last month in Los Angeles. The law firms and the lawyers are all listed on the first page. Public Storage makes over 500 million a year.

Original: Ronald L. Havner & The Sleazy Corporate Whores @PublicStorage RAPED ME!