Syrian People Suffe after years of Russian Air Bombings and Attacks by the Syrian Army2018

by Frito's Saturday, Aug. 04, 2018 at 3:05 AM

The Syrian people over the past years have been enduring attacks by their government and the Russian air force with precision bombing of apartments and high rise buildings

There is a defensive guerrilla force that has done damage to the syrian government but millions of deaths and millions of needy refugees caused by Russian air bombardment of civilian areas and naked aggression by the larger syrian government are the major cause. This was on 60 minutes.A large part of the refugee move into Europe is Syrian and come from devastation by the Syrian army and its better armed ally the Russian air force.Iranian fundamentalists are a 3rd force armed with missiles made in Russian factories and sold to Iran for 8 billion dollars. These are offensive and can strike targets far away

Original: Syrian People Suffe after years of Russian Air Bombings and Attacks by the Syrian Army2018